
Past: October 20, 2014 → January 11, 2015
Inside offers visitors a passage to the interior of the self, for which the exhibition space serves as a metaphor. This immense odyssey, both physical and psychological, invites us to walk through two floors of the Palais de Tokyo that have been transformed by artists in such a way that, from one installation to the next, we remain constantly immersed in the works, which lead us within ourselves — from our skin to our most intimate thoughts.
Made up only of transparent Scotch tape, this monumental installation by Numen/For Use (Sven Jonke, born in 1973, lives and works in Berlin; Christophe Katzler, born in 1968, lives and works in Vienna and Nikola Radeljkovic, born in 1971, lives and works in Zagreb) sprawls throughout the Palais de Tokyo’s entrance hall like a stretched canvas. The arms of this mass hanging off the building reveals glimpses of its organic innards. The structure invites visitors to walk towards the starting point of the exhibition, Inside. The bravest have the possibility of penetrating into this protective matrix and the journey through it constitutes the first stage in the exploration of an inner space that is physical as much as it is mental. Numen/ For Use is a collective that, since the 2000s, has also worked in the areas of scenography and the visual arts. Their experimental creations — not destined for any preconceived use — are usually immersive and always activated by the viewer.
Curators: Jean de Loisy, Daria de Beauvais, Katell Jaffrès
David Maljkovic — In Low Resolution Exhibition October 20, 2014 → January 11, 2015
Palais de Tokyo invites one of the most important Croatian artists, David Maljković, who has chosen to confront us with a present that cannot be defined. He explores the effects of time — be it historical time, technical time, or the time of the work itself — and puts them into action.
Inside China — L’Intérieur du Géant Exhibition October 20, 2014 → January 11, 2015
In the context of its international mission, the Palais de Tokyo chose curator Jo-ey Tang to travel to China and Southeast Asia. After a year of prospection, Inside China presents a selection of five Chinese artists in dialogue with three French artists including the renowned Nadar.
Shahryar Nashat — Lauréat du Prix Lafayette 2013 Exhibition October 20 → November 23, 2014
The work of Shahryar Nashat is made up of fragments in which elements of baroque, humor, sensuality and insolence are interwoven.His installations, which give prominence to video, incorporatephotography, sculpture and furniture while often questioning the magnetism of the art object, bringing into play equivalences between objects and bodies.
Jean-Marie Appriou — Les Modules — Fondation Pierre Bergé — Yves Saint Laurent Exhibition October 20 → November 23, 2014
The experiments of Jean-Marie Appriou in ceramics and iron casting are the result of a unique technical relationship to the materials, enhanced by a network of cultural references (Pre-Raphaelites, pop music, artisanal craftsmanship, figure-skating, medieval mythologies, comic strips, etc.).
Enrique Ramirez — Les Modules — Fondation Pierre Bergé — Yves Saint Laurent Exhibition October 20 → November 23, 2014
The films of Enrique Ramírez are often set against the backdrop of the sea. They explore travelling, exchanges between peoples of different countries and deal with political and social questions such as emigration (Horizon, Cruzar un muro) or the development of maritime trade in a globalized economy (Ocean).
Canal + Xavier Veilhan — L’expo des 30 ans Exhibition November 5 → 28, 2014
Because he was part of the generation for whom the emergence of CANAL+ was a major cultural event, the television channel has asked Xavier Veilhan to turn his artistic vision to the celebration of its 30th anniversary. For this occasion, the artist has imagined a work composed of an immense mural and a stage space at the Palais de Tokyo.
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday
Admission fee
Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00
Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…
The artists
- Jesper Just
- Christian Boltanski
- Abraham Poincheval
- Jean-Michel Alberola
- Andra Ursuta
Stéphane Thidet
Andro Wekua
Dove Allouche
Bruce Nauman
Mark Manders