Inside China — L’Intérieur du Géant

Li Gang, Beads, 2012
Sphères de bois formées à partir des branches d’un arbre mort de la province de Yunnan — 397 pièces, ø 0.5 — ø 51 cm
Courtesy de l’artiste & Galerie Urs Meile (Beijing-Lucerne)
Inside China
L’Intérieur du Géant
Past: October 20, 2014 → January 11, 2015
In the context of its international mission, the Palais de Tokyo chose curator Jo-ey Tang to travel to China and Southeast Asia. After a year of prospection, Inside China presents a selection of five Chinese artists in dialogue with three French artists including the renowned Nadar.
16 Trocadéro
16 Trocadéro
Alma – Marceau
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday
Admission fee
Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00
Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…
The artists
Renaud Jerez
Aude Pariset
Wu Hao
Li Gang
Edwin Lo
Yu Ji
Zhao Yao
Cheng Ran