Sebastião Salgado — Genesis

Sebastião Salgado
Past: September 25, 2013 → January 5, 2014

Presented from 25 September 2013 to 5 January 2014 at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Genesis is Sebastião Salgado’s greatest exhibition and an unprecedented photographic tribute to our planet. The 245 photographs on show, the result of eight years’ work and some thirty journeys across the world, are divided into five geographical sections — the Far South, Natural Sanctuaries, africa, Northern lands, The amazon and Pantanal — representing the regions explored by our planet. Sebastião Salgado, revealing the natural splendours of a quest for the origins of the world, a world that over thousands of years before being confronted with modern life, before forgetting what makes us human.
“Genesis is has changed the pace of This exhibition presents landscapes, animals and peoples that have escaped the modern world. It honours the vast, remote regions where nature, intact and silent, still reigns in all her majesty.
Genesis offers us the splendour of the Polar regions, of tropical forests, of savannas, burning deserts, glacier-capped mountains and lonely islands. While some climates are too cold or too arid for most life forms, other regions are home to animals and people who could not survive without such isolation. Together they form an incredible mosaic where nature’s grandeur can express itself to the full.
The photographs in genesis are intended to reflect this beauty. The show is a tribute to the fragility of a planet we all have a duty to protect.”
— Lélia Wanick Salgado.
In 2004, Sebastião Salgado began work on genesis: series of photographs of landscapes, animals, plants and human communities still living according to ancestral tradition and culture. This work is designed as a quest for nature in its original state. It is presented in two books published by Taschen, and a travelling exhibition starting in the spring of 2013. Since 1990, Sebastião and lélia have been working to reclaim the environment of a small part of the atlantic Forest in Brazil by giving a plot of land they owned back to nature. In 1998 they made the area into a natural reserve and created the Instituto Terra, whose aims are reforestation and environmental education.
Opening hours
Wednesday – Sunday, 11 AM – 8 PM
Jeudi 11h — 22h — Le samedi 10h — 20h — Fermeture les 25 décembre et 1er janvier (fermeture des expositions à 17h les 24 et 31 décembre)
Admission fee
Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €7.00
Gratuit aux moins de 8 ans, personne handicapée, personnel de la Ville, carte presse et les mercredis entre 17 et 20h
The artist
Sebastião Salgado