Yia Art Fair #05 — Salon International d’Art Contemporain


Urban art, drawing, graphic design, installation...

Yia Art Fair #05
Salon International d’Art Contemporain

Past: October 23 → 25, 2015

Fiac 2015 grid Les foires de l’automne à Paris Comme chaque année, Paris devient, fin octobre, le centre d’attention de tous les amateurs d’art. Une effervescence qui ne cesse de croître depuis le renouveau de la Fiac. Face à cette multiplication de foires et salons, on observe une tendance à la spécialisation, qui fait de chaque événement une promesse cohérente en phase avec l'évolution des pratiques artistiques. Fiac grand palais 2015 grid Fiac et off-s : une semaine d’automne à Paris À l’automne, Paris devient le centre de gravité du monde de l’art moderne et contemporain. Foires, salons, performances, vernissages et lancements, tous se donnent rendez-vous en cette « rentrée » artistique qui talonne la grand-messe londonienne du Frieze.

Oriented since its establishment towards the discovery of emergent contemporary talents, YIA ART FAIR’s salon imposes itself once again this year as the satellite salon of the Parisian Art Scene.

65 galleries and 200 artists

During four days, the international salon will introduce the work of more than 200 artists carefully hand-picked among sixty-five French and International Art Galleries (sixteen individual nationalities are invited to exhibit: France, Germany, Romania, United States, Japan, China, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, United Kingdom, Georgia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Israel, Netherlands).

The Marais at the heart of contemporary création

With this fifth edition, YIA ART FAIR established a link with the Marais Culture +’s network once again, in order to offer its public an exceptional ‘outside-the-walls’ experience among the principal Institutions and Museums of the 3rd and 4th Parisians districts, such as the Archives Nationales (National Archives), the Musée National Picasso (Picasso National Museum) along with the Maison Européenne de Photographie ( European House of Photography) and many others. Fourteen locations will be involved in total, which will allow selected artists to exhibit a single artwork or a full body of work in some of the most exquisite historical venues.

Carreau du Temple Temporary
Map Map
03 Le Marais Zoom in 03 Le Marais Zoom out

4, rue Eugène Spuller

75003 Paris



Opening hours

Friday & Saturday November 10 & 11, 11am-8pm —Sunday November 12, 11am-8pm

Admission fee

€ 15, concessions € 8