The Quiet Man — Nicolas Boulard
Past: November 9, 2017 → January 6, 2018
The son of wine-growers, Nicolas Boulard is attached to the living, to landscapes, gestures and the senses. Through his works, he assembles territories thought of as contradictory, starting with the exhibition itself, since it has the same name as the pub next door to the Eva Meyer gallery, The Quiet Man. Guy Debord and Robert Filliou accompany him.
Installation, photography, sculpture
Eva Meyer Gallery
Michel Aubry
Past: September 9 → October 22, 2017
At the occasion of his fourth exhibition at the gallery, Michel Aubry (Fr, 1959) deploys a set of new productions between sculptures and furniture, sound installation and costume, drawings and ornamental carpets.
Drawing, installation, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Un Dimanche à la Galerie #3 — Ouverture exceptionnelle de 100 galeries d’art
Past: Sunday, September 24, 2017
Proposant un large panorama de la création, de l’art ancien jusqu’à l’art contemporain, le grand public est invité à appréhender une centaine d’expositions libre d’accès reflétant les nombreux courants artistiques et esthétiques issus de la scène artistique française et internationale représentés par les galeries parisiennes.
Mixed media
Multiple venues
Alluring shapes, tempting spaces — Curated by Domenico de Chirico
Past: June 2 → July 22, 2017
Where the I-world relationship, understood as a nucleus of phenomenological thinking, takes on the character of intentionality, it becomes necessary to investigate pure consciousness that allows the realisation of the totality of subjective and world experience.
Collage, installation, painting...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Fragments from the Garden — Koka Ramishvili
Past: May 4 → June 17, 2017
Les pièces de Koka Ramishvili interrogent l’histoire de l’art, la perception. Sa pratique est protéiforme, passant de la vidéo à la peinture mais garde des compositions semblables quel que soit le support.
Painting, photography, video
Eva Meyer Gallery
Give violence a chance — Stéphane Bérard
Past: March 11 → April 22, 2017
Stéphane Bérard created works based on a material simplicity, assuming the failure or the futility. Using a critical distance regarding his profession and the contemporary art world, assuming an outsider’s position, the artist like to scramble the codes untill being blocked by a serie of inconsistencies and misunderstandings.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Raw Material — Group show
Past: January 7 → February 25, 2017
The group exhibition “Raw Material” is a sort of invitation. For the first time at the gallery Eva Meyer, several artists of different generations are exhorted to present together their plastic works. The visitors are then encouraged to discover various range of artistic universes.
Mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Séverine Hubard — Colloc
Past: October 20 → December 10, 2016
For this fifth collaboration, Séverine Hubard transforms the space of the gallery in order to combine sculptures, installations, collages and drawings. The exhibition introduces notions of collocation (“putting together”), duality/duplication and miror effects through place’s architectural transformation.
Collage, drawing, installation...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Un dimanche à la galerie — 2ème édition
Past: Sunday, November 27, 2016 12 PM → 7 PM
Pour sa deuxième édition, Un Dimanche à la Galerie vous invite à découvrir la diversité des expositions de 100 galeries d’art à Paris, exceptionnellement ouvertes un dimanche pour vous accueillir.
Mixed media
Multiple venues
Jan Kopp — Gespenster
Past: September 3 → October 13, 2016
Jan Kopp offers a multifaceted set including installation, video and drawing, allowing a interesting coexistence between recent and older works. The artist embrace across various ragane of media and forms a language full of balance, questioning alternately our peception and our experimentation of the world.
Ceramic, drawing, installation...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Lettre F — Livres d’artistes et éditions limitées
Past: July 7 → 30, 2016
As part of a cycle of exhibitions on art books and limited editions, which began in January 2014, the Eva Meyer gallery presents the sixth part focusing on the letter ‘F’. These editions cover artists from the beginning of the 20th century up until today.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Werner Büttner — Boucle d’attente dans le néant
Past: May 19 → July 2, 2016
Under the title of “Holding pattern in the void”, this Werner Büttner solo exhibition invites us to approach the artist’s pictoral universe by discovering ten of his latest productions.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Choices Paris — Collectors weekend
Past: May 21 → 22, 2016
Throughout 2 days, CHOICES presents a program encompassing almost 40 Parisian galleries and a collective exhibition which is this year being held at the Palais de Tokyo. In the program: openings, performances, meetings with the artists, gallery staff and curators.
Mixed media
Multiple venues
Choices Paris — NextLevel Galerie
Past: May 21 → 22, 2016
San Francisco-based artist John Chiara (born in 1971) pushes the boundaries of the photographic medium through his choice of process and the mastery of its possibilities. His approach is distinguished by its incredible physicality and recalls the early days of the medium when artists dealt with heavy, awkward equipment and endured long exposure and development times. Chiara’s giant cameras, which he designed and built himself, are transported to locations on a flatbed trailer to produce one-of-a-kind large-scale prints. The design of the cameras, which is much like daguerreotype box cameras, allows the artist to simultaneously shoot and perform his darkroom work while images are recorded directly onto oversized photosensitive paper (not film). This process, which Chiara first discovered as a student in 1999, invites anomalies in his final prints and adds to the mystery and lyricism of his pictures.
Mixed media
Multiple venues
Unidentified Line
Past: March 31 → May 7, 2016
Stéphane Berard, Nicolas Boulard, Coraline De Chiara, Julien Discrit, Séverine Hubart and Jan Kopp. Complementing the Salon of contemporary drawing, the exhibition ’Unidentified line’ presents a group of artworks which fall outside the usual practice of putting pencil to paper.
Collage, drawing, video
Eva Meyer Gallery
Continuous Improvement
Past: February 13 → March 26, 2016
Juliette GOIFFON (1987) & Charles BEAUTE (1985) sont
diplômés des arts-décoratifs de Strasbourg et des beaux-arts
de Paris. Ils vivent et travaillent entre Paris et Lyon.
Prônant un art de la résistance aux systèmes qui
relèguent l’artiste à l’unique fonction de “concepteur
d’oeuvres”, ils mènent conjointement …
Installation, sculpture
Eva Meyer Gallery
Double Jeu
Past: January 9 → February 6, 2016
“La notion de double implique en elle-même un paradoxe : d’être à la fois elle-même et l’autre”
Clément Rosset, Le réel et son double, Gallimard, 1976.
Les œuvres présentées au sein de l’exposition ouvrent sur une multiplicité de strates issues de gestes répétés, dédoublés ou accumulés. Plusieurs techniques, plusi…
Drawing, photography, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
La dissipation sur le virage
Past: October 22 → December 11, 2015
The gallery is inaugurating its new space at rue des Haudriettes with an exhibition of québécois artist Michel de Broin whose last exhibition occupied the rooms of Montreal’s Musée d’Art Contemporain in 2013. The work which gives its name to exhibition is an organism in itself, tentacled, an almost coral-like concretion of metallic stools.
Installation, photography, sculpture
Eva Meyer Gallery
Koka Ramishvili — Lost Landscapes
Past: September 5 → October 10, 2015
Sous le titre de « Lost Landscapes », Koka Ramishvili, artiste géorgien travaillant à Genève depuis plusieurs années, présente à cette occasion ses dernières séries de peintures et de sculptures.
Drawing, painting, mixed media...
Eva Meyer Gallery
(Mes) Equivalence(S) Curative(S)
Past: June 6 → July 18, 2015
A proposal by Grégoire Monsaingeon with Michel Aubry, Stéphane Bérard, Werner Büttner, Olivier Dollinger, Juliette Goiffon & Charles Beauté, Séverine Hubard, Jan Kopp, Rainier Lericolais.
Installation, photography, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Lettre E — Livres d’artistes et éditions limitées
Past: May 2 → June 6, 2015
As part of a cycle of exhibitions on art books and limited editions, which began in January 2014, the Eva Meyer gallery is pleased to present the fifth part focusing on the letter ‘E’. These editions cover artists from the beginning of the 20th century up until today.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Stéphane Bérard — Intuitions en dur
Past: March 14 → April 25, 2015
"Since the other night I have essentially been working in a prospective fashion, focusing on premises (i.e. intuitions) as belonging to the body of un-identified figures (whose process of recognition I promote) yet subject to the caprices of the appearances that this nebulous subject engenders…”— Stéphane Bérard
Mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Intertidal — MBDTCurators
Past: February 7 → March 7, 2015
On an invitation from Galerie Eva Meyer, MBDTCurators, the curator duo, have created their first collective exhibition. Conceived in the same vein as the work exhibited by artists in preceding exhibitions, ‘Intertidal’ brings together five artists who all sustain a tangible relationship between the line and the surface which supports it.
Mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Specific Inventory — Véronique Bourgoin, Joël Leick, Matt Lipps
Past: November 8 → December 20, 2014
For Specific Inventory, Véronique Bourgoin questions the viewer about the evolution of communication space in our daily life, Joël Leick crisscrosses abandoned places listening to their history and delivers a series that is both modest and sensitive, for the “Library”, the American photographer Matt Lipps compiled thousands of black and white photos.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Specific Inventory — Véronique Bourgoin, Joël Leick, Matt Lipps
Past: Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 4 PM
Finissage cocktail
Séverine Hubard — Et que ça mousse !
Past: May 29 → July 26, 2014
For this exhibition, the artist has made a unique construction using unwanted materials from the Eva Meyer gallery’s reserves. Séverine Hubard has created a Jacuzzi in which the public are invited to sit and at the same time experience and be part of the work.
Collage, drawing, installation...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Fabienne Audéoud — Maman, la peinture appelle sa mère
Past: May 23 → 25, 2014
For mother’s day and the Choices weekend, the Eva Meyer gallery is announcing the first solo exhibition of artist Fabienne Audéoud in Paris. The ‘quasi universal’ is interwoven with the “very personal” in this strangely audacious series, as conceptual as it is funny and touching, full of references yet at the same time accessible to all.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Fabienne Audéoud — Maman, la peinture appelle sa mère
Past: Sunday, May 25, 2014 at 1 PM
A vocal performance by Fabienne Audéoud at 1pm and 3pm.
Lettre B — Livres d’artistes et éditions limitées
Past: May 2 → 22, 2014
As part of a cycle of exhibitions on art books and limited editions, which began in January 2014, the Eva Meyer gallery presents a second event focusing on artists whose second names began with the letter ‘B’, from the beginning of the 20th century up until today.
Mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Jan Kopp — Constellations Ordinaires #3
Past: March 8 → April 26, 2014
Always in order to create links between art, territory and society as well as hybrid creations mixing dance, theatre, architecture and cinema — artist Jan Kopp uses different forms of artistic expression without favouring any in particular: installations, performances, films, videos, sculpture, painting and photography.
Drawing, mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Lettre A — Livres d’artistes et éditions limitées
Past: January 25 → February 22, 2014
Eva Meyer Gallery reports a new series of exhibitions on artist’s books and limited editions. The first presentation is focusing on artist’s books and limited editions whose name begins with the letter “A”, from the early twentieth century to the present day.
Mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Michel Aubry
Past: October 25, 2013 → January 11, 2014
Minutieux, chasseur de savoir-faire en quête de perfection, Michel Aubry réalise depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’années une œuvre programmatique, avant tout centrée autour de processus de fabrication. Fasciné par les launeddas, instruments de musique sardes fabriqués à partir de roseaux, l’artiste s’intéresse très tôt à leur sonorité et leur musique de tradition orale.
Installation, sculpture, sound - music...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Juliette Goiffon & Charles Beauté — Indices de réfraction
Past: June 22 → September 7, 2013
Dans le cadre de Nouvelles Vagues, Juliette Goiffon observe les transformations sensibles de la société et Charles Beauté explore les marges de la communication et de l’information. Tous deux collaborent depuis plusieurs années à la confrontation du papier et des données virtuelles, de la matière physique et du numérique.
Installation, sculpture, video
Eva Meyer Gallery
Brutal Warburg 2013
Past: February 7 → March 16, 2013
Voici venu le temps d’un second battant de volet, théorique bien sûr, plutôt que d’un deuxième ; je préfère dire second que deuxième. S’agissant d’une exposition personnelle, il convient d’observer le tombé de rideau des convenances dans les règles, dussions-nous nous assoupir en pleine conférence, là est le propos — Stéphane Bérard.
Mixed media
Eva Meyer Gallery
Olivier Dollinger — Circle stories
Past: September 14 → November 9, 2012
When an artist thought of probing the circle’s narrative potential by bringing together rhythmic gymnastics and Marcel Duchamp’s rotorelief, the result is naturally an exhibition that plays out in a loop, creates dizziness and through detours taken opens breaches.
Installation, new media, performance...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Jan Kopp — Constellations ordinaires
Past: May 12 → July 7, 2012
Marion Meyer Contemporain presents for the first time the works of Jan Kopp : the exhibition project will explore the concept of rhythm and measurement of time. By the use of simple and fragile technics, Jan Kopp brings perfectly that paradox between imperceptible fragility and inexorable movement.
Drawing, sculpture, video
Eva Meyer Gallery
Michel Aubry / Alexandre Joly
Past: March 17 → April 28, 2012
Marion Meyer Contemporain Paris welcomes two artists, Michel Aubry and Alexandre Joly. Both their art practice are deeply related to music, sounds and their aesthetical translation. Seeing sounds and hearing images confront each other here and propose an apprehension of an aesthetic and sensorial experience to the public with a host of reading keys.
Installation, sculpture
Eva Meyer Gallery
Die Avantgarde von Hinten — Werner Büttner
Past: January 14 → March 10, 2012
Born in the 1950s, this German artist, like his contemporaries Albert Oehlen and Martin Kippenberger, was part of the “Neue Wilde” or “Junge Wilde”, movement in which its adherents turned away from conceptual art and advocated a “return to painting”.
Collage, painting, sculpture
Eva Meyer Gallery
Hit & Run — carte blanche à Stéphane Bérard
Past: November 5, 2011 → January 7, 2012
“Hit-and-Run”, this expression can mean either a blitz or a traffic accident in which the driver leaves the scene. The two definitions are therefore distinctly different: the first involves conscious, offensive preparation whose aim is to conquer or destroy, the second an (immediate) defense reaction that is more like a frantic flight.
Drawing, installation, performance...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Fabienne Audéoud — Playing the piano — Dernière performance
Past: Saturday, December 10, 2011 6 PM → 7 PM
The gallery invite you to attend Fabienne Audéoud last performance before Christmas.
Philippe Bazin, Antichambres
Past: September 9 → October 22, 2011
Philippe Bazin presents two series of his photographic work here, bearing witness to that powerful relationship between the aesthetic and the political that constitutes its core: Antechambers and The Presidents.
Photography, video
Eva Meyer Gallery
Philippe Bazin, Antichambres — Brunch et rencontre avec l’artiste
Past: Saturday, October 22, 2011 11 AM → 1 PM
A l’occasion de la prolongation d’Antichambres, un brunch est organisé en présence de l’artiste ; c’est également l’occasion pour lui de présenter son catalogue paru en édition limitée
Michel Herreria — Seul ensemble
Past: June 24 → July 30, 2011
“The end of humanity is not for tomorrow: it has its head well framed in a lunchroom tray. What is its activity? It is in an aquarium. What is the aquarium’s activity? It is flat, but gives a feeling of volume (…) A local elected official gave me the following catch phrase: ‘It’s breathing’ (art is breathing, etc.)”
Drawing, installation, painting
Eva Meyer Gallery
Michel Aubry / Rainier Lericolais / Richard Monnier
Past: May 1 → June 18, 2011
He has this way of going outside conventions, of recognizing the crucial role of observation and indicating what was perhaps one of art’s great ambitions, finding a gesture and a viewpoint as close as possible to childhood, as far as possible from compromises. These three moments are also points of complicity with Michel Aubry and Rainier Lericolais.
Drawing, installation, sculpture
Eva Meyer Gallery
Stéphane Bérard — Brutal Warburg
Past: March 11 → April 23, 2011
Augmentation de la superficie : a work in-situ, created by moving the gallery’s offices and storerooms to another space to free up a new space for this exhibition and the ones that follow, in a permanent manner. A bit of rubble collected and placed on the floor will symbolize this gesture.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Stéphane Bérard — Signature de Charles de Gaulle. Mémoires d’espoir
Past: Saturday, April 23, 2011 5 PM → 7 PM
Comme il existe des « traductions en français moderne » destinées à rendre Montaigne lisible par un public plus vaste, plus jeune, moins spécialiste du XVIe siècle, Stéphane Bérard propose, à l’heure où u…
Patrick Neu
Past: January 14 → February 26, 2011
Patrick Neu is part of this constellation of artists who do have knowledge in the important decision that should lead to the realization of a work. His work is rooted in art history, history of science and technology. His knowledge is lined by a deep understanding of artistic gestures closest and most distant in time.
Drawing, installation, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Pierre-Lin Renié — Long Term Observation
Past: November 2 → December 18, 2010
Pierre-Lin Renié was born in 1966 and lives and works in Bordeaux. After studying photography at the École Nationale Supérieure of Arles, he was awarded a research stipend at the Clark Art Institute in 2002 and another at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2004.
Eva Meyer Gallery
Georg Ettl et Séverine Hubard
Past: September 17 → October 23, 2010
The two artists define themselves as sculptors. They are both interested in architecture, either to improve space as George Ettl does in the Neuss church, or to jubilantly demolish the pretence of prefabricated interiors as Sévérine Hubard’s short film, Trompe l’œil shows. Both artists are interested in public space…
Architecture, installation, sculpture...
Eva Meyer Gallery
Frédéric Platéus — Phantom Works
Past: June 22 → July 31, 2010
Platéus Generation
Part of the originality of Frédéric Platéus’ work comes from his fascination with certain objects and figures connected to sports, technology and science fiction. The other comes from his going back and forth with the movements that come from popular and urban culture.
Urban art, installation, sculpture
Eva Meyer Gallery
Michel Aubry — La Loge Fantôme
Past: April 27 → June 12, 2010
On April 23, 1925, Alexandre Rodtchenko wrote to his wife: “… This evening, I went to a circus, there are four of them in all in Paris. I saw the famous Fratellinis, nothing special, but of course, they are artists. It was something else that struck me: the public’s love for them and especially, their dressing rooms, which had an open door on one side through which everyone could look inside and a window through which you could see; there are five rooms, and it’s a whole museum of objects, photos, drawings, etc.”
Eva Meyer Gallery
03 Le Marais
03 Le Marais
Arts et Métiers
Hôtel de Ville
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment