Le vent se lève — Dixième exposition de la collection
Past: June 17, 2020 → March 17, 2021
The exhibition follows a series of themes that connect and dialogue with each other, guiding visitors in their exploration. The works give a glimpse of the imbalance between the very long time-frame that preceded the appearance of Man and human and, recently, chemical time, in which experiments precipitate an impact that is all too often destructive.
Mixed media
MAC VAL Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
Prosopopées : quand les objets prennent vie — Exposition d’art contemporain numérique
Past: December 5, 2015 → January 31, 2016
Quand les objets prennent vie…
Quand les morts revivent…
Quand les concepts s’incarnent…
Prosopopées sera la grande thématique transversale de la Biennale Némo 2015 et de son exposition principale au Centquatre-Paris, la fiction d’un dérèglement savamment orchestré.
Le Centquatre-Paris
Thirty Shades of White — Curated by René-Julien Praz
Past: November 28, 2015 → January 23, 2016
When considering this exhibition designed to give the artists carte blanche, I thought point blank of a titled, but I won’t say that black is white: perhaps “Thirty Shades of White” was a rather predictable one.
Ceramic, collage, drawing...
Praz-Delavallade Gallery
Still Water
Past: June 27 → July 31, 2014
“Well, art is art, isn’t it? Still, on the other hand, water is water!” — Groucho Marx
Mixed media
22,48 m² Gallery
Là où naissent les fantasmes
Past: January 25 → February 25, 2014
La galerie Ouizeman présente les travaux des artistes Nicolas Delprat, Stéphane Crasneanscki, Rachel Labastie et Laurent Pernot, autour du cinéma.
Ceramic, painting, photography...
Ouizeman Gallery
The End
Past: November 28, 2013 → February 22, 2014
The exhibition “The End” is at the crossroads between different outlooks over the frailty and ephemeral nature of existence. It is the awareness of finitude as an existential experience linked to time and space; a feeling of absurdity connected to our becoming.
Design, installation, performance...
Escougnou-Cetraro Gallery
Néon — Who’s afraid of red yellow and blue?
Past: February 17 → May 20, 2012
Throughout winter 2012, la maison rouge will stage the first major international exhibition of neon art from the 1950s to the present day. Some one hundred works will be presented in all, many of historical significance, many being shown for the first time. They will include pieces by pioneers from the early 1950s and some of the many contemporary artists.
La Maison Rouge
Rupture mon amour
Past: April 6 → May 15, 2011
L’exposition réunit des œuvres essentiellement autour du médium vidéo. Le postulat de départ est la rupture amoureuse qui se décline sous trois angles : le juste avant (la tension entre deux), le direct (le rapport frontal de l’acte), l’après. C’est aussi un prétexte permettant d’aborder le comportement humain dans l’intimité.
Laurent Pernot
Installation, new media, photography, sculpture, sound - music, mixed media, video
French artist born in 1980 in Lons le Saunier, France.
- Localisation
- Paris, France
- Website