Sarah Jérôme — Tempus Fugit
Past: March 16 → April 27, 2019
Here, a horde of feet and legs wearing half-slips tread upon a wooden floor covered in red and pink flowers. The anonymous figures seem caught in a cheerful race, an audacious escape. Over there, men in costumes carry two women in the air. Of these faceless characters that populate the Fugue series, we will know nothing.
![Sarah Jérôme - Da-End Gallery](
Drawing, painting, sculpture
Da-End Gallery
Project room — Marion Catusse
Past: March 16 → April 27, 2019
Inspired by the reading of texts by French essayist Roger Caillois dedicated to the mineral reign, the recent works of Marion Catusse show mimetically the nature’s strata that usually remain invisible to the naked eye. Printed on 6 grams thick Japanese paper, her photographs of rocks taken with the microscope evoke th…
![Project room - Da-End Gallery](,%20lire%20les%20pierres%20de%20plus%20pre%CC%80s%20%281%29,%202019-1_thumbnail.jpg?1550245939)
Drawing, painting, sculpture
Da-End Gallery
Papiers dessinés II
Past: June 30 → July 26, 2018
La Galerie Da-End présente la seconde édition de son exposition « Papiers dessinés », une collective estivale réunissant les œuvres sur papier d’artistes français et internationaux.
À travers un ensemble de techniques variées incluant la mine de plomb, l’aquarelle, la perforation ou encore le pochoir, les multiples …
![Papiers dessinés II - Da-End Gallery](
Drawing, mixed media
Da-End Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 08
Past: March 10 → May 5, 2018
The Galerie Da-End pursues its cycle of exhibitions dedicated to cabinets of curiosities and invites thirty French or international artists to unveil their works in a scenography reminiscent of the original “ rooms of wonders ” on the occasion of this 8th edition.
![Cabinet Da-End 08 - Da-End Gallery](
Ceramic, drawing, installation...
Da-End Gallery
Collisions — Exposition collective proposée par Amélie Adamo
Past: September 19 → October 27, 2017
In the era of multimedia and the continuous flow of images, contemporary art has spontaneously become hybrid, blending, borrowing, and freely transforming the many facets of a pluralistic culture. The works in the Galerie Catherine Putman play on the collision of motifs from various sources and bring together diverse formal styles.
![Collisions - Catherine Putman Gallery](
Drawing, print
Catherine Putman Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 07
Past: March 11 → May 6, 2017
The Galerie Da-End introduces this spring its seventh contemporary cabinet of curiosities, a major rendez-vous of the gallery’s annual program and result of a dialogue between the work of thirty international artists and tribal objects.
![Cabinet Da-End 07 - Da-End Gallery](
Ceramic, drawing, lithography / engraving...
Da-End Gallery
Sarah Jérôme — Les éclats du crépuscule
Past: January 7 → February 18, 2017
Des fragments de corps épars peuplent les œuvres de Sarah Jérôme et traduisent une volonté plastique persistante d’ancrer l’expérience humaine dans la chair. Réaffirmant l’existence d’un continuum entre corps et esprit, elle imagine l’homme en prise d’un mouvement incessant d’oscillation entre ombre et lumière, souffrance et guérison.
![Sarah Jérôme - Da-End Gallery](
Ceramic, drawing, painting...
Da-End Gallery
Derrière Vénus
Past: November 4 → December 17, 2016
In Venus’ mirror, since time immemorial, the mater and the lover have reflected themselves inside a sole face, made of intertwined life and desires. But behind this ideal mask, the other face of a murkier reality hides. Behind what is seen, behind what we think we know, accumulate the stratums of what is kept secret, retained, invisible.
![Derrière Vénus - Da-End Gallery](
Ceramic, drawing, installation...
Da-End Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 06
Past: March 19 → April 30, 2016
This spring, the Galerie Da-End presents its sixth contemporary cabinet of curiosities and entrusts about thirty artists with the irresistible yet uneasy task to translate the natural inclination of Love in every possible way.
![Cabinet Da-End 06 - Da-End Gallery](
Ceramic, drawing, installation...
Da-End Gallery
Dédicaces et déclarations — Exposition Hors les Murs
Past: October 20 → November 26, 2015
The main idea driving this collective exhibition is to transform the Musée Cognacq-Jay and its collections into a source of contemporary inspiration. For most of the featured artists it was a question of producing specific pieces inspired by the discovery of a place and its history.
![Dédicaces et déclarations - Da-End Gallery](
Drawing, installation, painting...
Da-End Gallery
Papiers dessinés
Past: June 27 → July 25, 2015
The Galerie Da-End presents a summer group exhibition featuring works on paper by French and international artists. Though an ensemble of various techniques ranging from lead mine to oxidized bronze, the innumerable possibilities of expression of drawing freely affirm themselves.
![Papiers dessinés - Da-End Gallery](
Da-End Gallery
Sarah Jérôme — Sous la chair des roches
Past: May 14 → June 20, 2015
Sarah Jérôme distils in her art a dichotomous relationship, by creating friction between seduction and repulsion, astonishment and fear, dream and nightmare, delicacy and roughness.
![Sarah Jérôme - Da-End Gallery](
Ceramic, drawing, painting...
Da-End Gallery
Cabinet Da-End 05
Past: February 28 → May 2, 2015
The Galerie Da-End gathers an ensemble of recent and ancient artworks, fruit from the labours of 30 artists, in order to constitute a contemporary showcase of curiosities. The gallery space once more becomes the setting for our discoveries and immerses the visitor in a both poetic and troubling world ruled by the artists’ imagination.
![Cabinet Da-End 05 - Da-End Gallery](
Ceramic, collage, drawing...
Da-End Gallery
Sarah Jérôme
Ceramic, drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media
French artist born in 1979 in Rennes, France.
- Localisation
- Montreuil, France
- Website