La Fugitive


Ceramic, drawing, print, installation...

La Fugitive

Past: September 18 → December 18, 2022

Le credac ivry exposition art 14 1 grid La Fugitive — Le Crédac, Ivry-sur-Seine Le Crédac présente une exposition collective qui explore les potentielles figures d’Albertine, l’amante disparue d’A la recherche d... 2 - Bien Critique

Albertine appears for the first time on the beach at Balbec, in the middle of a group of athletic and impudent jeunes filles en fleur (young girls in flower). Starting with this second volume of Marcel Proust’s À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time, also translated as Remembrance of Things Past), Albertine becomes the novel’s most referenced character. An object of the narrator’s passion, covetousness and jealousy, Albertine is a strong and self- assured women, yet she remains elusive, her character always slipping out of our grasp.

She has few spoken lines in this narrative, yet remains the subject and master of her actions.

Throughout this and the subsequent volumes, she sows confusion about her motivations and personality rather than enlightening the narrator and readers. Ultimately, her character is as secret as it is complex.

As the novel unfolds, it becomes clear that Albertine loves women and this sensuality that she constantly reveals comes to obsess the narrator.

Many artists, in their practice, address the questions raised by the figure of Albertine in À la recherche du temps perdu and by her treatment at the hands of literary critics who refuse to see her as anything but the fictional embodiment of real-world male characters in Proust’s life. Challenging a visual culture inherited from the male gaze, rejecting the immutability of forms and foregrounding queer people, these artistic interrogations advance a perhaps more complex and polysemic way to see things and the world.

The exhibition La Fugitive seeks to reembody Albertine through twenty emblematic works by contemporary artists and pieces produced specially for this exhibition. They constitute a journey from the young girl’s domestic space to the both real and fantasized milieux that in this book slip away from the narrator’s inquisitorial and voyeuristic gaze.

Group show organized by Ana Mendoza Aldana in collaboration with Claire Le Restif.

Show coproduced with the Festival d’Automne à Paris.

  • Screening September 17 → December 27, 2022

    Jusqu’au 27 décembre, le cinéma d’Ivry — le Luxy propose une programmation de films classiques en version restaurée autour de
    La Fugitive.
    Le Luxy scrute à travers six regards de réalisatrices, les formes que peuvent prendre la violence et les injonctions morales, mais aussi le désir et l’amour, le besoin d’émancipation et celui de création.
    Ensemble des séances et tarifs ici

  • Opening Saturday, September 17, 2022 4 PM → 9 PM
  • La Fugitive — Rencontre avec Étienne Dobenesque Meeting Sunday, November 27, 2022

    Rencontre avec Étienne Dobenesque, éditeur des œuvres complètes de Djuna Barnes, sur la vie et l’œuvre de l’autrice américaine, et sur le Paris-Lesbos des années 1920 à 16h

    Entrée libre.

  • Event Sunday, December 4, 2022

    Élodie Petit, poète et artiste, Héléna de Laurens, Hantédemos, Naëlle Dariya, et Mélanie Martinez Llense, lisent des extraits de Fiévreuse plébéienne (Édition du Commun, 2022), dernier ouvrage d’Élodie Petit à 16h.

  • Event Sunday, December 11, 2022

    Dimanche 11 décembre, 15:30 et 17:30, visite de l’exposition La Fugitive avec la curatrice Ana Mendoza Aldana, suivie de la projection du film Sois-belle et tais-toi (1986) de Delphine Seyrig au cinéma d’Ivry — le Luxy à 17:30. La projection est accompagnée d’une rencontre. Visite de l’exposition gratuite et en entrée libre. Pass préférentiel pour la projection à 3,50 euros à retirer au Crédac.

  • Event Saturday, December 17, 2022

    Samedi 17 décembre, 16:00 — Marcel Devillers lit Je suis Jessica, dis-je, ensemble de poèmes écrits pour La Fugitive. Entrée libre.

94 Val-de-Marne Zoom in 94 Val-de-Marne Zoom out

La Manufacture des Œillets,
1 Place Pierre Gosnat

94200 Ivry s/ Seine

T. 01 49 60 25 06

Mairie d'Ivry

Opening hours

Wednesday – Friday, 2 PM – 6 PM
Saturday & Sunday, 2 PM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment Closed on public holidays

Admission fee

Free entrance

Venue schedule

The artists

  • Zoe Williams
  • Marc Camille Chaimowicz
  • Chantal Akerman
  • Melissa Boucher
  • Marie Laurencin
  • Marcel Devillers
  • Ana Jotta
  • Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz
  • Anne Bourse
  • Cécile Bouffard
And 5 others…

From the same artists