
Le Louvre

Mixed media
Le Louvre
Hommage à Boltanski
Past: October 12, 2021 → April 13, 2022
An itinerary between the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre Museum and the Centre Pompidou, with the Opéra Comique “The more we work, the more we disappear and the more we become our work. I believe that artists wish to become their work (…)” — Christian Boltanski To celebrate his work and commemorate Christian Boltan…

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Pierre Soulages — Soulages au Louvre
Past: December 11, 2019 → March 9, 2020
Pierre Soulages, painter of black and light, is a major figure of non-figurative painting, recognized as such since the start of his career after World War II.

Le Louvre
Léonard de Vinci
Past: October 24, 2019 → February 24, 2020
The year 2019 marks the 500-year anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci in France, of particular importance for the Louvre, which holds the largest collection in the world of da Vinci’s paintings, as well as 22 drawings.

Drawing, painting, sculpture
Le Louvre
La Nuit européenne des musées, 2019 — 15e édition
Past: Saturday, May 18, 2019
La 15e édition de la Nuit européenne des musées s’apprête à faire vibrer Paris. Une déambulation nocturne à travers les collections et expositions muséales, où de nombreuses animations se joignent à la fête : concerts, performances, projections, spectacles, visites thématiques… Tous les arts sont conviés, toutes les formes d’expression.

Urban art, dance, drawing...
Multiple venues
Delacroix — 1798 — 1863
Past: March 29 → July 28, 2018
In partnership with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, in spring 2018, the Musée du Louvre will be hosting an exhibition dedicated to the artistic career of Eugène Delacroix.

Le Louvre
Théâtre du pouvoir
Past: September 27, 2017 → July 2, 2018
The Petite Galerie exhibition for 2017–2018 focuses on the connection between art and political power. Governing entails selfpresentation as a way of affirming authority, legitimacy and prestige. Thus art in the hands of patrons becomes a propaganda tool; but it can also be a vehicle for protest and subverting the established order.

Jewellery, ceramic, painting...
Le Louvre
La France vue du Grand Siècle — Dessins d’Israël Silvestre (1621-1691)
Past: March 15 → June 25, 2018
While Silvestre’s engravings circulated widely, his drawings remain relatively unknown. The Musée du Louvre is home to a remarkable collection of them, to be shown to the public for the first time.

Le Louvre
François Ier et l’art des Pays-Bas
Past: October 18, 2017 → January 15, 2018
François I’ taste for Italian art may be well known and his patronage primarily recognized by the creation of an Italian school at Fontainebleau, but his reign was equally marked by a vigorous tradition of Dutch artists settling in France.

Drawing, lithography / engraving, painting...
Le Louvre
Dessiner le quotidien — La Hollande au Siècle d’or
Past: March 16 → June 12, 2017
Conçue en contrepoint de l’exposition « Vermeer et les maîtres de la peinture de genre », l’exposition explore le foisonnement des motifs tirés de la vie quotidienne dans la production graphique des artistes hollandais du Siècle d’or — qu’ils soient peintres de genre, paysagistes, portraitistes ou même peintres d’histoire.

Le Louvre
Vermeer et les maîtres de la peinture de genre
Past: February 22 → May 22, 2017
Réunissant pour la première fois à Paris depuis 1966 douze tableaux de Vermeer, l’exposition explore le réseau fascinant des relations qu’il a entretenues avec les autres grands peintres du Siècle d’or hollandais.

Le Louvre
Chefs-d’œuvre de la Collection Leiden — Le siècle de Rembrandt
Past: February 22 → May 22, 2017
As part of its season devoted to the Dutch Golden Age, the Musée du Louvre is presenting a selection of masterpieces by 17th-century Dutch painters from the collection of Thomas Kaplan and his wife, Daphne Recanati Kaplan.

Le Louvre
Valentin de Boulogne — Réinventer Caravage
Past: February 22 → May 22, 2017
Considéré comme le plus brillant des peintres à la suite de Caravage et comme l’un des plus grands artistes français à l’égal de Poussin, Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632) passa l’essentiel de sa carrière à Rome, où il reçut de prestigieuses commandes, notamment du pape Urbain VIII ; son œuvre fut aussi collectionnée …

Le Louvre
Eva Jospin — Panorama
Past: April 12 → August 28, 2016
The Panorama is displayed atop the central fountain of the Louvre’s Cour Carrée. Its external steel mirrored walls reflect the stony aspect of Paris and the façades of the Louvre. The public is invited to enter the structure to enjoy a 360° panorama that will plunge them into the plant realm, echoing the world of forests and caves.

Le Louvre
Un musée révolutionnaire — Le musée des Monuments français d’Alexandre Lenoir
Past: April 7 → July 4, 2016
Dating from 1795, the Museum of French Monuments was France’s second national museum, coming in the wake of the Louvre, founded in 1793. However, it was closed in 1816 and its contents are currently to be found in institutions in France and abroad.

Architecture, drawing, mixed media
Le Louvre
JR — Installation sur la pyramide du Louvre
Past: May 25 → June 27, 2016
JR has chosen the biggest gallery in the world to showcase his art: public spaces. For some ten years now, the artist’s monumental photographic collages have been popping up on the walls of cities in all four corners of the globe.

Urban art
Le Louvre
Hubert Robert, 1733-1808 — Un peintre visionnaire
Past: March 9 → May 30, 2016
Hubert Robert has come down in history as a painter of ruins and landscapes, but above all he was one of the 18th century’s greatest creators of poetic images. The exhibition presents an exceptional and varied selection of some 140 works including drawings, paintings, sketches, engravings, monumental paintings, large decorative works, and furniture.

Drawing, lithography / engraving, painting
Le Louvre
Claude Lévêque — Sous le plus grand chapiteau du monde (Partie 2)
Past: October 19, 2015 → January 25, 2016
The Louvre has invited Claude Lévêque, a major figure on the international contemporary art scene, to create a site-specific work in its enormous medieval space. With its roots in the avant-gardes of the late 1970s, Lévêque’s work metamorphoses the spaces it occupies.

Le Louvre
Claude Lévêque — Sous le plus grand chapiteau du monde
Past: April 2, 2014 → January 4, 2016
The Louvre’s pyramid will host an enormous work especially produced for the first part of Claude Lévèque’s project at the Louvre museum. This creation is the first chapter in an exhibition which in 2015 will occupy the Louvre’s medieval moats.

Le Louvre
Une brève histoire de l’avenir
Past: September 24, 2015 → January 4, 2016
This exhibition is based on the book by Jacques Attali of the same name “Une brève histoire de l’avenir” (2006). Multidisciplinary, it creates a dialogue between noteworthy works of the past and contemporary creations so as to retrace in the present an account of the past conducive to a clearer view of the future.

Film, painting, photography...
Le Louvre
Une brève histoire de l’avenir — Cycles de cinéma
Past: November 28 → 29, 2015
Archéologues de la mémoire : les cinéastes de l’archive — En présence de Bill Morrison et de Péter Forgács. Auditorium du Louvre, réservation par téléphone au 01 40 20 55 00.
Beyond Zero : 1914-1918
Past: Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 2:30 PM
Entré en cinéma par la peinture, Bill Morrison est l’auteur de plus d’une vingtaine de films. La projection de « Beyond Zero : 1914-1918 » est précédée de « A Movie » de Bruce Conner et suivie d’un entretien de Bill Morrison avec Pip Chodorov.

Past: Sunday, November 29, 2015 at 5:30 PM
« Utilisant des éléments de nitrate souffrant d’une détérioration avancée, Decasia est une réflexion sur la lutte de l’homme pour transcender sa finitude, cependant que le tissu de son monde se désintègre devant nos yeux »
— Bill Morrison.

Hunky Blues
Past: Saturday, November 28, 2015 at 5:30 PM
Le film met en lumière les difficultés liées à l’immigration — arrivée, intégration et assimilation —, difficultés qui, surmontées puis « oubliées », contribueront à faire émerger l’enthousiasme des générations suivantes et leur désir de poursuivre le rêve américain de leurs ancêtres.

The Maelström — A Family Chronicle
Past: Saturday, November 28, 2015 2:30 PM → 4:30 PM
Deux films « The Maelström. A Family Chronicle » de Peter Forgacs, dédié au 50ème anniversaire de la Révolution d’Octobre & « Au Début (Nacalo ou Skisb) » d’Artavazd Pelechian, journal intime en images. La projection est suivie d’un entretien de Péter Forgács avec Kristian Feigelson.

Une brève histoire de l’avenir — Cycle de trois conférences 3/3
Past: Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 6:30 PM
Une histoire du futur, 1945 à nos jours, par Jenny Andersson, SciencesPo, Centre de recherche Futurpol. Auditorium du Louvre, réservation par téléphone au 01 40 20 55 00.
Une brève histoire de l’avenir — Conférence performée de Jacques Attali
Past: Saturday, November 7, 2015 at 8 PM
Jacques Attali a conçu une conférence performée inédite autour de son essai « Une brève histoire de l’avenir ». Tirant des leçons du passé, il nous donne à voir ce à quoi pourrait ressembler le monde de demain.

Une brève histoire de l’avenir — Cycle de trois conférences 2/3
Past: Thursday, November 5, 2015 at 6:30 PM
Les artistes en pionniers de l’histoire, par Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, SciencesPo. Auditorium du Louvre, réservation par téléphone au 01 40 20 55 00.
Une brève histoire de l’avenir — Cycle de trois conférences 1/3
Past: Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 6:30 PM
Lévi-Strauss, notre contemporain, par Emmanuelle Loyer, SciencesPo.
Ouvertures / Openings — Cycle de performances présenté par le musée du Louvre et la FIAC
Past: October 23 → 25, 2015
« Ouvertures /Openings » consacre cette année trois rendez-vous exceptionnels, tout d’abord, à la chorégraphe et cinéaste américaine Yvonne Rainer qui mit en conversation danse, esthétique de l’assemblage et Art minimal, ainsi que 3 artistes chorégraphes parmi les plus innovants de la scène actuelle et l’œuvre filmique de La Ribot.

Concert — Auditorium
Past: Monday, October 19, 2015 at 6:30 PM
Music lover as well as artist, Claude Lévêque is opening his exhibition at the Louvre with a special concert by Berlin musician Blixa Bargeld, one of his favorites. Bargeld, the charismatic singer with ro…
Wael Shawky, Cabaret Crusades — Projections et rencontre
Past: Friday, October 2, 2015 at 5 PM
Trilogie filmique inspirée du récit de l’écrivain Amin Maalouf, Les croisades vues par les Arabes, Cabaret Crusades tisse une structure épique, Wael Shawky réinterprète le théâtre de marionnettes et donne à méditer sur l’histoire en tant que spectacle.

Une brève histoire de l’avenir
Past: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 12:30 PM → 6:30 PM
Présentation de l’exposition par Dominique de Font-Réaulx et Jean de Loisy
Cycles de cinéma — Autour de Metropolis
Past: September 26 → 27, 2015
Certaines visions de la ville à l’œuvre dans le cinéma des années Vingt ont tracé les lignes dont le chef d’œuvre de Fritz Lang constitue le magistral point de fuite.

Toiles et réseaux de Tomás Saraceno — Tomás Saraceno en conversation avec Bruno Latour
Past: Friday, September 25, 2015 at 6:30 PM
C’est un dialogue de longue date qui unit le philosophe des sciences Bruno Latour et l’artiste Tomás Saraceno. Depuis une dizaine d’années, ce dernier développe une recherche pointue, repoussant toujours plus loin les frontières d’une exploration spatiale et comportementale.

Mark Lewis — Invention au Louvre
Past: October 9, 2014 → August 31, 2015
By referring to the Lumière brothers, the Canadian artist places optical exploration at the heart of the artistic experience. A new temporal space is created, where both eye and memory play their part, and where time blends with moving images and perception’s internal duration.

Film, installation, sound - music...
Le Louvre
L’épopée des rois thraces — Découvertes archéologiques en Bulgarie
Past: April 16 → July 20, 2015
Home to Orpheus and various legendary kings featured in Homer, Thrace is still a little known region whose splendors are now being slowly revealed thanks to recent archaeological research in Bulgaria. The exhibition focuses on the rise and establishment of a major political power, namely the Odrysian kingdom.

Jewellery, ceramic, painting...
Le Louvre
Poussin et Dieu
Past: April 2 → June 29, 2015
To mark the 350th anniversary of the artist’s death in 1665, this exhibition at the Musée du Louvre sets out to review possible Christian readings of Poussin’s painting and one of his signature features: his merging of the antique and Christian notions of the sacred.

Le Louvre
La fabrique des saintes images — Rome-Paris, 1580-1660
Past: April 2 → June 29, 2015
Le grand mouvement de réforme qui secoua l’Église tout au long du XVIe siècle apporta avec lui une profonde réflexion sur ce que devaient être les images sacrées. La fabrique des saintes images se propose d’évoquer la complexité des enjeux qui furent au cœur du processus créateur des plus grands peintres, sculpteurs et architectes du XVIIe siècle.

Le Louvre
La Nuit européenne des musées, 2015
Past: Saturday, May 16, 2015 1 PM → 12 AM
For its 11th edition, the European night of the museums is offering the public an alternative approach to the museum environment, at night and through several events: spectacles, artistic installations, illuminated tours…

Film, new media, performance...
Multiple venues
New Frontier IV. Fastes et fragments — Aux origines de la nature morte américaine
Past: February 5 → April 27, 2015
Le Louvre poursuit son exploration de l’histoire de la peinture aux États-Unis. Cette quatrième et dernière édition illustre l’essor progressif de la nature morte au cours du XIXe siècle. Alors que les peintres américains ont trouvé aisément des commanditaires pour les portraits ou les paysages, la nature morte a connu des débuts relativement confidentiels.

Le Louvre
Mark Lewis — Post mortem film et surnaturel
Past: Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 3 PM
Screenings and debate based on a selection of Mark Lewis’ works, with Laura Mulvey, from the Birkbeck University of London, Philippe-Alain Michaud, art and film historian at the National Museum of Modern Art and Elie During, philosopher at the Paris-Ouest-Nanterre University as well as artist. Two Screenings at 3 and 5 PM.

Mark Lewis — Villes cinématiques
Past: Saturday, November 22, 2014 at 3 PM
Two screenings at 3 and 5 PM of ‘La maison de la place Troubnaïa’, introduced by Mark Lewis and Laura Mulvey, a comedy bursting with ambiguity which draws from the narratives and visuals of popular satire in response to the request for a propaganda film for the Soviet elections of Moscow.

Mark Lewis — Images, cinéma, animation
Past: Friday, November 21, 2014 at 6:30 PM
If the large metropolises heavily inspired the cinema of the 20s, the museum space has broadly become the space where the image’s materiality is reconsidered: it is also the domain for a construction of perspective (in a time saturated with images) which forms the exhibition, interacting with each visitor’s experience.

Ouvertures / Openings
Past: October 23 → 26, 2014
Since 2008, the Louvre museum and FIAC have collaborated in order to design and produce ‘Ouvertures/Openings’, a program dedicated to performance. The cycle has developed a unique approach, exploring artistic experimentation occurring at the frontiers between different disciplines.

Le Louvre
Ouvertures / Openings — Joan Jonas, Reanimation, 2012/2014
Past: Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 7 PM
Establishing in the 70s innovative links between performance and video, Joan Jonas’ art develops unique temporal structures, which contrast time’s subjectivity and the different aspects of collective cultural conscience. Her strongly ritualistic actions are performed with her own body.

Ouvertures / Openings — Illlummminnnatttionnnssss !!!! 1971/2014
Past: Saturday, October 25, 2014 at 9 PM
‘Illuminations’ explores a dialogue unique in its genre, between the pioneer research led by Simone Forti in the domain of ‘untaught’ movement and Charlemagne Palestine’s highly immersive musical investigations.

Ouvertures / Openings — Jérôme Bel, Jérôme Bel (1995)
Past: Friday, October 24, 2014 at 9 PM
Jérôme Bel has created a work whose self-referential title declares the pre-determined relativity of all artistic gestures. The work undertakes an extreme reduction, based on the complete nudity of the performers and the stage and an absence of standard theatrical practice.

Ouvertures / Openings — A state of dance
Past: Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 7 PM
The study of animal movement, an interest of choreographer and artist Simone Forti since the 60s, constitutes a pioneer avenue of research, finding in today’s choreographic creation important resonances and implications.

Monique Frydman — Polyptyque Sassetta
Past: September 26, 2013 → September 6, 2014
En écho à l’exposition Le printemps de la Renaissance. La sculpture et les arts à Florence, 1400-1460, l’artiste Monique Frydman présente une œuvre monumentale dans le salon Carré.

Le Louvre
Naissance d’un musée : le Louvre Abu Dhabi
Past: May 2 → July 28, 2014
The exhibition Birth of a Museum presents exceptional works from the collection of Louvre Abu Dhabi. Showcasing the art of the greatest world civilizations, from early history to the contemporary scene, the selected works highlight the universal scope of the new museum, scheduled to open in December 2015.

Jewellery, ceramic, collage...
Le Louvre
Le Trésor de l’abbaye de Saint-Maurice d’Agaune
Past: March 14 → June 16, 2014
The Louvre museum is exhibiting major works from the treasures of the Saint Maurice d’Agaune abbey located in Switzerland. The oldest Western monastery, which is still active today, houses objects which are exceptional by their remarkable quality, their provenance and the longevity of their history.

Mixed media
Le Louvre
Peupler les cieux — Dessins pour les plafonds parisiens au XVIIème siècle
Past: February 20 → May 19, 2014
Major ceiling decoration projects were the ideal canvas for the renewal of forms in the Grand Siècle. The Louvre is home to about one hundred works on paper which, from Simon Vouet to the disciples of Charles Le Brun, give the full measure of this outpouring of creativity.

Architecture, drawing, painting
Le Louvre
New Frontier III — Portraits anglo‐américains à l’heure de la Révolution
Past: February 1 → April 28, 2014
The Louvre continues its exploration of the history of painting in America with a third special exhibition that compares and contrasts five Anglo-American portraits from 1780 to 1800 and slightly later, produced in the midst of a revolution that would lead to the independence and creation of the United States of America.

Le Louvre
Robert Wilson — Living Rooms
Past: November 11, 2013 → February 17, 2014
The theme of Wilson’s residency at the Louvre, Living Rooms, reflects his wish to infuse the museum with the spirit of the Watermill Center on Long Island, the artists’ community where he lives, works, shares his personal collection of art and artifacts with the public, and nurtures the creativity of young and emerging artists.

Mixed media
Le Louvre
7èmes Journées Internationales du Film sur l’Art — Transmettre : correspondances, formation, filiation
Past: January 29 → February 2, 2014
Pendant 5 jours et en 12 films inédits, 4 avant-premières dont 2 avant-premières mondiales, 1 table ronde et des rencontres avec réalisateurs et artistes, le festival offrira aux amateurs d’art, de musique, de danse et aux cinéphiles, l’opportunité de découvrir une sélection des meilleures réalisations de l’année.

Loris Gréaud — [I]
Past: June 19, 2013 → January 20, 2014
Voilée-dévoilée, enchaînée-déchaînée, la sculpture monumentale que propose Loris Gréaud, pour la pyramide de Pei a toutes les caractéristiques du fantôme ou du revenant. Son œuvre est en effet depuis les origines hantée par l’effet spectral, tant des silhouettes, des sons, des lumières, que celui d’autres œuvres qu’il réactive à sa manière.

Le Louvre
Jean Cousin père et fils — Une famille de peintres au XVIe siècle
Past: October 17, 2013 → January 13, 2014
A travers un choix de 60 œuvres, l’exposition est l’occasion de rendre justice à cet artiste protéiforme, figure centrale du maniérisme français. Elle met en lumière l’originalité et l’importance du style de Jean Cousin et cherche à distinguer l’œuvre de Jean Cousin Père de celle de son fils, qui porte le même nom.

Le Louvre
Les origines de l’estampe en Europe du Nord — 1400-1470
Past: October 17, 2013 → January 13, 2014
Les premières estampes naquirent dans un contexte de bouillonnement expérimental incroyable, dont l’exposition souhaite rendre compte en montrant ensemble des œuvres fort différentes par leur esthétique. Si les estampes circulèrent très vite partout en Europe, les régions germaniques furent le foyer principal du phénomène.

Le Louvre
Le printemps de la Renaissance — La sculpture et les arts à Florence 1400-1460
Past: September 26, 2013 → January 6, 2014
This exhibition, which carries the representative title Spring of the Renaissance, sheds light on the origins of what is still today considered the “miracle” which occurred in Florence at the time and does so through the major chefs-d’oeuvre of sculpture, the art form which more than any other has enjoyed an extraordinary season.

Le Louvre
Un allemand à la cour de Louis XIV — De Dürer à Van Dyck, la collection d’Everhard Jabach
Past: June 20 → September 16, 2013
Everhard Jabach was one of the greatest collectors of his time. The masterpieces brought together here illustrate the importance of a man who, not content simply to plead the cause of Northern Art to the king of France and his painters, helped shape the French taste for the Northern schools until the eighteenth century.

Le Louvre
Les dessins bolonais du XVIIe siècle
Past: June 20 → September 9, 2013
To mark the publication of the catalogue of its Bolognese drawings, the Musée du Louvre is presenting a selection of works by artists active in Bologna and the Emilia region during the Seicento.

Le Louvre
Michelangelo Pistoletto — Année 1, le paradis sur terre
Past: April 25 → September 2, 2013
Spirituality, figuration, the breaking down of boundaries between the arts, social solidarity, and the merging of life and art: these are the themes permeating the thinking of Michelangelo Pistoletto. The exhibition Year 1: Earthly Paradise marks the transition into the new era of human, social, and cultural metamorphosis, celebrated the world over.

Mixed media
Le Louvre
L’art du contour — Le dessin dans l’Egypte ancienne
Past: April 19 → July 22, 2013
Le dessin est une composante essentielle de l’art dans l’Égypte ancienne. Point de départ dans l’élaboration des autres techniques artistiques comme la peinture, le relief, la ronde-bosse, les arts décoratifs et l’architecture, le dessin est l’art du contour : dessinateurs et peintres sont usuellement désignés comme « ceux qui tracent les formes ».

Le Louvre
Giotto e compagni
Past: April 18 → July 15, 2013
Loué par ses contemporains, admiré et copié, Giotto di Bondone est l’auteur d’une révolution picturale sans précédent. Cette mutation radicale n’est pas seulement d’ordre stylistique, elle s’explique aussi par une attitude différente vis-à-vis du monde sensible que l’artiste entend restituer dans sa diversité et sa réalité tridimensionnelle.

Le Louvre
De l’Allemagne, 1800 à 1939 — De Friedrich à Beckmann
Past: March 28 → June 24, 2013
This exhibition, comprising over two hundred works, offers a reflection on the main themes that structured German thinking from 1800 to 1939. It places artworks and their artists in the intellectual context of their time, and confronts them with the writings of great thinkers, chief among whom is Goethe.

Le Louvre
Le Mexique au Louvre — Chefs-d’œuvre de la Nouvelle Espagne XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles
Past: March 7 → June 3, 2013
Among others, the monumental Zurbaranesque work of José Juárez, the Baroque dynamism of Cristóbal Villalpando and the softness and delicacy of Rodríguez Juárez introduce visitors to the many facets of New World art during this period and give them an understanding of its close yet independent relationship with Spanish art.

Le Louvre
David d’Angers — Dessins des musées d’Angers
Past: February 28 → May 20, 2013
The sculptor David d’Angers, a major figure of French Romanticism, left a great many drawings which afford insight into the evolution of his art and his connections with the literary and artistic circles of his day. The drawings of David d’Angers reflect the intensity of the preparatory work he did to create a bas-relief that could convey a life story.

Le Louvre
New Frontier II — Aux Sources de la peinture de genre américaine
Past: January 19 → April 22, 2013
The Louvre is continuing to showcase American art. This year’s theme is the development of genre painting in the United States from the first half of the 19th century to the Civil War, a period of economic and territorial expansion for the young nation. Interest in art was not yet widespread, and European academic canons struggled to find an audience.

Le Louvre
Walid Raad — Préface à la première édition
Past: January 19 → April 8, 2013
The Louvre has invited the artist Walid Raad to take part in a collaborative project over three consecutive years. The first part of this project is an exhibition called “Preface to the First Edition”, with an accompanying publication.

Installation, mixed media
Le Louvre
Johan Georg Pinsel : Un sculpteur baroque en Ukraine du XVIIIe siècle
Past: November 22, 2012 → February 25, 2013
For the first time in France, the Louvre presents an exhibition dedicated to the art of Johann Georg Pinsel, who was active in the mid-eighteenth century in Galicia. The exhibition provides a rare opportunity to view thirty of the artist’s sculptures, most of them in wood, a number of which include polychrome or gilt decoration.

Le Louvre
Vues d’artistes — Majida Khattari et Shirin Neshat
Past: February 2 → 3, 2013
Au mois de février, l’auditorium invite deux femmes artistes qui proposent leur propre vision de la place des cultures de l’Islam dans l’art contemporain : Majida Khattari, plasticienne, peintre et photographe marocaine vivant à Paris, et Shirin Neshat, photographe et vidéaste iranienne.

Photography, video
Le Louvre
Chypre entre Byzance et l’Occident, IVe — XVIe siècles
Past: October 28, 2012 → January 28, 2013
Icons, illuminations, sculptures—the more than 180 objects in this exhibition retrace the artistic history of the island in all its richness and complexity. From the fourth century, until the conquest of the island by the Ottoman Turks in 1570, Cypriot artists produced works bearing witness to its important role as a bridge between East and West.

Ceramic, painting, sculpture
Le Louvre
Journées internationales du film sur l’art
Past: January 24 → 27, 2013
Shedding light on cultural heritage and holding a mirror to contemporary creation, art film invites reflection on the role of art and the place of artists in our society. This sixth ’Journées’ includes, with the help of screenings, round tables and meetings, a selection of the best productions from the year and a look back on the genre.

Film, video
Le Louvre
Gustav Mahler — Autopsie d’un génie d’Andy Sommer
Past: Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 2:30 PM
Chef d’orchestre féru de Wagner, ce juif autrichien s’impose dans une Vienne intrigante et parfois antisémite en prenant la direction de son Opéra en 1897. Passionné et intransigeant, il se battra pour ne…
Kathleen Ferrier de Diane Perelsztejn — Première, en France, de la version longue
Past: Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 4:30 PM
En huit ans de carrière internationale, sa voix et un charisme étonnants offrirent à Kathleen Ferrier une ascension musicale fulgurante. Pianiste accomplie, elle devint l’une des plus grandes contraltos d…
Fluxus et l’image en mouvement
Past: Friday, January 25, 2013 at 4 PM
La table ronde et les projections évoquent l’un des aspects constitutifs de Fluxus, celui de l’image en mouvement, tour à tour témoin des happenings, concerts et performances du groupe, source de l’art vidéo, avec Nam June Paik et Wolf Vostell, ou espace d’expérimentation pour Yoko Ono, Robert Watts ou Paul Sharits.

Nam June Paik : Open your Eyes de Maria Anna Tappeiner
Past: Friday, January 25, 2013 at 7 PM
D’origine coréenne, Nam June Paik est considéré comme le fondateur de l’art vidéo. Le film propose une vue d’ensemble de l’œuvre de Paik à partir de ses premières expériences sonores et happenings avec Fluxus jusqu’à ses dernières sculptures, installations vidéo monumentales et réalisations télévisuelles.

Breathing Earth: Susumu Shingu’s Dream — De Thomas Riedelsheimer
Past: Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 8 PM
Susumu Shingu conçoit des sculptures animées dont les mouvements sont générés par les forces de la nature. Thomas Riedelsheimer a suivi l’artiste dans la poursuite de son rêve, une quête pour la création d’une planète plus consciente, révélatrice de nos valeurs humaines.

Raphaël, les dernières années
Past: October 11, 2012 → January 14, 2013
This unprecedented exhibition, organized by the Louvre in partnership with the Prado Museum, brings together the works produced by Raphael in Rome during the last years of his short life. This was the period in which his style attained its full maturity, marking without a doubt the apogee of the Italian Renaissance.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Luca Penni, un disciple de Raphaël à Fontainebleau
Past: October 11, 2012 → January 14, 2013
Luca Penni, frère d’un des élèves favoris de Raphaël (Gianfrancesco Penni), beau-frère et ancien collaborateur de Perino del Vaga, joua en France un rôle exceptionnel comme promoteur du style de Raphaël et du classicisme romain.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Giulio Romano, élève de Raphaël et peintre des Gonzague
Past: October 11, 2012 → January 14, 2013
Parmi les élèves de Raphaël, Giulio Pippi, peintre, architecte et audacieux dessinateur, nous surprend par la vigueur de ses inventions. Ainsi que l’écrit Giorgio Vasari en 1568, c’est vraiment dans le dessin que ses idées atteignent la perfection absolue.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Jean-Baptiste Huynh — Rémanence
Past: October 4 → December 31, 2012
For this exhibition, responding to an invitation from the Louvre in keeping with its mission to promote the work of contemporary photographic artists, Jean-Baptiste Huynh presents a series of images inspired by the museum’s collections, thus following in the footsteps of Patrick Faigenbaum, Jean-Luc Moulène, Candida Höfer, Christian Milovanoff and Mimmo Jodice.

Le Louvre
Le département des Arts de l’Islam — Ouverture des nouveaux espaces
Past: Friday, September 21, 2012
In 2001, Henri Loyrette, the Louvre’s director, launched an ambitious project motivated by the strong belief that the museum’s collections of Islamic art merited a space befitting their prominence. Two years later, in response to a decision announced by French President Jacques Chirac, an eighth department dedicated to Islamic art was created at the Louvre.

Ceramic, drawing, painting...
Le Louvre
Wim Delvoye — Au Louvre
Past: May 31 → September 17, 2012
The Louvre invites Wim Delvoye to intervene at various locations within the museum and nearby: under the Pyramid, in the Napoleon III apartments, in the Gothic galleries of the Department of Decorative Arts, and in the Tuileries gardens. Wim Delvoye is the second artist, after Tony Cragg in 2011, to create a new, monumental sculpture.

Le Louvre
Eugène Isabey — Par les ruelles et par les grèves
Past: July 5 → September 17, 2012
Le musée du Louvre consacre pour la première fois une exposition aux aquarelles et gouaches saisissantes de virtuosité d’Eugène Isabey, artiste prolifique mais finalement rarement montré. L’exposition s’attarde notamment sur l’exploration inédite des rivages normands et bretons.

Le Louvre
La Triennale
Past: April 20 → August 26, 2012
As a large contemporary art event whose goal is to highlight current creation in the visual arts in France, La Triennale has become an incontrovertibly essential gathering, actively contributing to reinforce Paris’ position on the international art stage. In 2012, La Triennale constitutes the first major exhibition of the renovated Palais de Tokyo.

Installation, new media, painting...
Multiple venues
Arles : les fouilles du Rhône — Un fleuve pour mémoire.
Past: March 9 → June 25, 2012
After 25 years of underwater excavations, spectacular pieces recovered from the river reveal the glory of ancient Arles : architectural fragments, everyday objects, as well as magnificent examples of Roman statuary and metalwork, offer a fresh perspective on the first city on the Rhône and make it possible to experience its ancient splendor.

Ceramic, sculpture
Le Louvre
La Sainte Anne, l’ultime chef-d’œuvre de Léonard de Vinci
Past: March 29 → June 25, 2012
The exhibition retraces the slow, deliberate and complex genesis of Leonardo’s Saint Anne, left unfinished at the artist’s death in 1519, by bringing together for the first time archival documents, composition sketches, landscape studies and studio versions showing the various formal and iconographic solutions successively imagined by the master.

Le Louvre
Les Belles Heures du duc de Berry
Past: April 5 → June 25, 2012
One of the most celebrated manuscripts, the Belles Heures of Jean de France, duc de Berry, illuminated in the 15th century by the Limbourg brothers, is the focus of an exhibition featuring 47 individual leaves. This will be the last chance to admire them before they return to The Cloisters collection, the medieval branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Le Louvre
Table-ronde — Débat — Rendre à César... : les éléments du débat
Past: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 2:30 PM → 6 PM
Jean-Philippe Toussaint — Livre/Louvre
Past: March 8 → June 11, 2012
As part of the series of events dedicated to the arts of the book, the Louvre has extended an invitation to the Belgian writer and filmmaker Jean-Philippe Toussaint, who has devised an exhibition entitled “Livre/Louvre” bringing together photographs, videos, installations and performance pieces to “explore the theme of the book without focusing on writing.”

Installation, new media
Le Louvre
Trois Fragments de Fuir — Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Past: March 3 → June 11, 2012
A three-part cinematographic voyage, featuring Dolores Chaplin and filmed specifically for the exhibition “Livre/Louvre” by Jean- Philippe Toussaint, adapted from his novel Fuir, published by Editions de Minuit, winner of the 2005 Prix Médicis.

Les Belles Heures du duc de Berry
Past: Thursday, May 24, 2012 12:30 PM → 9 PM
Présentation de l’exposition par Hélène Grollemund, chargée d’exposition au département des Arts graphiques, musée du Louvre.
Actualité de la recherche archéologique — Pour une vision renouvelée des ports antiques d’Arles.
Past: Monday, May 21, 2012 at 12:30 PM
For a Renewed vision of the ancient harbours of Arles. Report of archeological underwater research in the Rhône and the region of Camargues by Luc Long, DRASSM (French state agency for subaquatic and deep…
Providence d’Alain Resnais
Past: Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 3 PM
With John Gielgud, Dirk Bogarde, Ellen Burstyn and David Warner.
La Notte de Michelangelo Antonioni
Past: Sunday, May 13, 2012 at 5:30 PM
Films presented by Jean-Philippe Toussaint.
Le Permis de conduire Sketch de Jean Yanne et Lawrence Riesner & La Sévillane de Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Past: Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 2:30 PM
Films presented by Jean-Philippe Toussaint.
Film De Samuel Beckett et Alan Schneider & Monsieur de Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Past: Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 5 PM
Films presented by Jean-Philippe Toussaint.
La Jetée de Chris Marker & Berlin de Jean-Philippe Toussaint et Torsten C. Fischer
Past: Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 3 PM
Films presented by Jean-Philippe Toussaint.
The Love Nest (Frigo et la baleine) de Buster Keaton & La Salle de bain de John Lvoff
Past: Sunday, May 6, 2012 at 5:30 PM
The Love Nest is the only one of Buster Keaton’s silent short films for which he took sole writing and directing credit and La Salle de bain : Written by Jean-Philippe Toussaint and John Lvoff With Tom No…
Trois Fragments de Fuir de Jean-Philippe Toussaint & La Déraison du Louvre d’Ange Leccia
Past: Saturday, May 5, 2012 at 5:30 PM
Films presented by Jean-Philippe Toussaint and Ange Leccia.
La Ricotta de Pier Paolo Pasolini & La Patinoire de Jean-Philippe Toussaint
Past: Friday, May 4, 2012 at 8:30 PM
La Ricotta : Second segment of the omnibus film RoGoPaG by Roberto Rossellini, Jean-Luc Godard, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Ugo Gregoretti. With Orson Welles and Mario Cipriani and La Patinoire : with Tom Nov…
New Frontier — L’art américain rentre au Louvre
Past: January 14 → April 16, 2012
Inspired by the sentiments expressed in contemporary American literature by writers such as James Fenimore Cooper and William Cullen Bryant, the works of Cole initiated the representation of a certain type of American landscape, both untouched and grandiose, that became a particularly new and fertile genre in the young school of American painting.

Le Louvre
La Sainte Anne, l’ultime chef-d’œuvre de Léonard de Vinci. — Présentation de l’exposition
Past: Friday, April 13, 2012 at 12:30 PM
By Robert Williams, University of California, Santa Barbara.
Arles : les fouilles du Rhône — Un fleuve pour mémoire.
Past: Monday, March 26, 2012 at 12:30 PM
Presentation of the exhibition by its curator Jean-Luc Martinez.
Le sens de l’œuvre — De l’interprétation dans les arts visuels — Images de dévotion dans l’œuvre de Léonard et de Raphaël
Past: Monday, March 26, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Les reliques de Saint Césaire d’Arles.
Past: November 16, 2011 → February 16, 2012
Dans le cadre du partenariat entre le musée Arles Antique et le Louvre, le département des Objets d’art expose les reliques de saint Césaire, évêque d’Arles au VIe siècle. Autour du sarcophage de marbre s…
Dessins français de la collection Mariette
Past: November 10, 2011 → February 6, 2012
Pierre Jean Mariette brought together one of the most fascinating collections in the whole of the eighteenth century, with drawings taking pride of place (around ten thousand sheets). Masterpieces by great artists stood alongside pieces of bravura by minor masters, in line with the encyclopedic commitment of this “genius jack-of-all-trades.”

Le Louvre
Giorgio Vasari — Dessins du Louvre
Past: November 10, 2011 → February 6, 2012
To mark the fifth centenary of his birth, the Louvre pays tribute to Giorgio Vasari, Italian painter, architect, and writer, with an exhibition of the finest of his drawings in the museum’s collection. Vasari was one of the purest representatives of what he himself helped to define as the bella maniera, the modern “beautiful manner”.

Le Louvre
Au royaume d’Alexandre le Grand — La Macédoine antique
Past: October 13, 2011 → January 16, 2012
This exhibition curated by a Greek and French team of specialists brings together five hundred works tracing the history of ancient Macedonia from the fifteenth century B.C. up to the Roman Empire. Visitors are invited to explore the rich artistic heritage of northern Greece, many of whose treasures are still little known to the general public.

Architecture, ceramic, sculpture
Le Louvre
La Cité interdite au Louvre
Past: September 29, 2011 → January 9, 2012
This exhibition invites visitors to explore objects from the collections of Chinese emperors, through a selection of 130 works, on exceptional loan from the Palace Museum at the Forbidden City in Beijing. In all, 800 years of history are covered, from the Yuan dynasty to the dawn of the modern era.

Ceramic, drawing, lithography / engraving...
Le Louvre
Rumeurs du Louvre / Rumeurs du Monde — Performance de Nick Cave
Past: Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 8 PM
Nick Cave Performance by the African‐American artist with his Soundsuits. The American visual artist and choreographer Nick Cave makes sculpted, full-body costumes from everyday and found objects using techniques worthy of the fashion world’s leading designers. Worn by dancers, his extravagant costumes rattle and resonate with the movement of the wearers, producing a sensory experience.

De Finiguerra à Botticelli, les premiers ateliers italiens de la Renaissance
Past: July 6 → October 3, 2011
This exhibition brings together early Renaissance drawings and incunabula from the collection of Baron Edmond de Rothschild. It provides an introduction to the history of the art of engraving in Italy, from its beginnings to the workshops of the late 15th century.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
La peinture mise en page — Enluminures du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance
Past: July 6 → October 3, 2011
Seventy Italian, French, Flemish, and Germanic illuminations from historical, literary, or liturgical manuscripts, dominated by the masterpieces of Lorenzo Monaco, Jean Fouquet, Guillaume Vrelant, Simon Bening, and Giulio Clovio.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Tony Cragg
Past: January 28 → October 1, 2011
As a counterpoint to the presentation of the retrospective Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, the museum plays host to a group of sculptures by the leading British contemporary artist Tony Cragg, to be shown in the Cour Marly and the Cour Puget. In addition, the Louvre is pleased to feature a monumental sculpture displayed under the pyramid.

Le Louvre
Le papier à l’œuvre
Past: June 9 → September 5, 2011
This exhibition brings together some sixty works dating from the 15th century to the present day. Organized in five sections, it illustrates the essential role of paper in the art of drawing, and demonstrates the range of its aesthetic potential, be it white, colored, transparent, oiled, ribbed, watermarked, cut, torn, or distressed.

Collage, drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Michal Rovner
Past: May 19 → August 15, 2011
Israeli multimedia artist Michal Rovner, who came to public attention in 2005 with her exhibition entitled “Fields of Fire” at the Jeu de Paume, explores the themes of archaeology, memory, and territory with an oeuvre that is deeply influenced by the socio-political conflicts in the Middle East.

Installation, video
Le Louvre
Mimmo Jodice — Les yeux du Louvre
Past: May 19 → August 15, 2011
The Neapolitan photographer is on familiar ground in museums: in recent projects he has explored the ravages of time on ancient sculptures in the Archaeological Museum of Naples and on baroque paintings in the Museum of Capodimonte, confronting the museum exhibits with photographic portraits. This new project is focused on the gaze.

Le Louvre
Le dessinateur face à la nature — Claude le Lorrain
Past: April 21 → July 18, 2011
Sketches from life, preparatory drawings, large-scale landscape compositions depicting religious or mythological scenes are all central to the oeuvre of this painter, draughtsman and engraver, known as one of the greatest masters of landscape art.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Rembrandt et la figure du Christ
Past: April 24 → July 18, 2011
This exhibition will showcase one of the masterpieces of the Louvre, The Pilgrims at Emmaus, surrounded by different representations of Christ by Rembrandt and his students. The innovative character and inventiveness of the master from Amsterdam will be brought to full light.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Louis de Boullogne — Premier Peintre du Roi
Past: March 10 → June 6, 2011
With almost two hundred sheets, the Louvre’s Department of Prints and Drawings is proud to hold by far the world’s largest public collection of drawings by Louis de Boullogne — an important ensemble representing the full range of his exceptional graphic output.

Drawing, painting
Le Louvre
Pietro da Cortona et Ciro Ferri — L’invention baroque
Past: March 10 → June 6, 2011
Cortona wrought a profound transformation of the art of painting in Rome, developing and enriching the lessons of Annibale Carracci through his explorations of illusionism, the unification of pictorial space, and Venetian light. A multi-talented artist, he was also a highly original architect.

Le Louvre
Franz Xaver Messerschmidt — (1736-1783)
Past: January 28 → April 25, 2011
The Louvre presents a monographic exhibition devoted to Franz Xaver Messerschmidt. As a court sculptor, Messerschmidt executed portraits of members of the imperial family, but is most celebrated for his series of violently expressive, “character heads”, whose originality and verve still captivate viewers today.

Le Louvre
Franz Xaver Messerschmidt — (1736-1783)
Past: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 12:30 PM
Conference presented by Guilhem Scherf.
Tony Cragg
Past: Friday, February 4, 2011 at 8 PM
Special evening event devoted to contemporary art in the “Face to Face” series
FIAC 2010
Past: October 21 → 24, 2010
The 37th edition of FIAC will be at the Grand Palais, the Cour Carrée du Louvre and the Jardin des Tuileries, outstanding sites that are emblematic of Paris. Because of the high standards it sets and the synergies it has developed with the major Parisian institutions, FIAC occupies a position as one of the not-to-be-missed international events relating to artistic creativity.

Drawing, installation, lithography / engraving...
Multiple venues
01 Paris 1
01 Paris 1
Palais Royal – Musée du Louvre
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, 9 AM – 6 PM
Late night on Wednesday, Friday until 9:30 PM
Lundi, jeudi, samedi, dimanche : fermeture des salles à partir de 17h30
Admission fee
Full rate €22.00
D’octobre à mars : le premier dimanche de chaque mois, l’accès aux collections permanentes est gratuit pour tous.