Paris Gallery Weekend — Édition 2019
Past: May 17 → 19, 2019
Over the course of its 5 previous editions, Paris Gallery Weekend marked itself as the Springtime “rendez-vous” for Paris and its art scene. The 6th edition of Paris Gallery Weekend will take place from Friday 17 May to Sunday 19 May 2019 and 48 galleries have already confirmed their participation so far (see list below).

Architecture, ceramic, collage...
Multiple venues
Affinité(s) — Exposition collective
Past: September 8 → 25, 2018
Jousse Entreprise present a group exhibition with Ange Leccia, François Maurin, Ariane Michel, Jennifer Caubet, Seulgi Lee, Eva Nielsen, Clarisse Hahn, Tim Eitel, Elisabetta Benassi, Nathanaëlle Herbelin, Kishin Shinoyama, Tomory Dodge, Ivan Fayard.

Installation, painting, photography...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
A l’occasion d’Un Dimanche à la Galerie — La galerie Jousse Entreprise présente Affinité(s)
Past: Sunday, September 23, 2018 12 PM → 6 PM
Jousse Entreprise present a group exhibition with Ange Leccia, François Maurin, Ariane Michel, Jennifer Caubet, Seulgi Lee, Eva Nielsen, Clarisse Hahn, Tim Eitel, Elisabetta Benassi, Nathanaëlle Herbelin, Kishin Shinoyama, Tomory Dodge, Ivan Fayard.

The Sovereign Individual
Past: May 26 → July 21, 2018
Elisabetta Benassi has focused her exhibition project on this “sovereign individual’s” desire to escape from the chaos of the real world, its constraints and its inevitable conflicts, by coming up with an imaginary solution to the contradiction between individual salvation and collective catastrophe.

Installation, sculpture
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Anne-Charlotte Finel — Alors fous moi la paix avec tes paysages ! Parle-moi des sous-sols !
Past: March 24 → May 12, 2018
For her first solo show at the Galerie Jousse Entreprise, Anne-Charlotte Finel visits subterranean places. Whether urban, aquatic, or in forests, these out-of-sight spaces are examined by the artist which develops her look-out art, bringing forth a sculptural mushroom, whirlpools of water, or a tropical flower.

Screen-printing, video
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Matthew Darbyshire / Ange Leccia
Past: January 27 → February 24, 2018
For its first show of 2018, Galerie Jousse Entreprise is playing host to Ange Leccia and Matthew Darbyshire for a dialogue about fetishism.
A form of eroticism thus permeates the whole exhibition in a continual seesaw between the warmth of bodies and the cold expression of our digital worlds..

Film, sculpture, video
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Nathanaëlle Herbelin — Versions
Past: November 30, 2017 → January 6, 2018
Nathanaëlle Herbelin grew up in a small village in central Israel between a French father and an Israeli mother. It was in Tel Aviv that she learned painting, alongside Russian and Ukrainian artists who arrived there in the 1990s. Her work as a whole is underpinned by a contrast between a great tension and a certain sweetness.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Seulgi Lee — Damasese
Past: October 20 → November 25, 2017
It is now more than three years ago since Seulgi Lee undertook the production of “nubi”, or perhaps we should say “neo-nubi”, so new do they appear. Flamboyant, black on white or multi-coloured, these traditional Korean blankets are currently diverted from their original motifs to become a (pictorial) sequence of transcriptions of proverbs on the limit of figuration.

Mixed media
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
PhotoSaintGermain 2017
Past: November 3 → 19, 2017
Pour sa 6e édition, PhotoSaintGermain propose durant quinze jours un parcours dense, dans une sélection de musées, de centres culturels, de galeries et de librairies de la rive gauche.

Multiple venues
Point Oméga
Past: September 7 → October 14, 2017
The desert is not empty. This territory is an ecosystem traversed by geological forces and flows of energy, which can also be colonized by machines and invasive systems. This, at least, is the case with the Mojave desert in California, an area of military bases, nuclear waste storage, and gigantic solar power stations.

Installation, sculpture, screen-printing
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Un Dimanche à la Galerie #3 — Ouverture exceptionnelle de 100 galeries d’art
Past: Sunday, September 24, 2017
Proposant un large panorama de la création, de l’art ancien jusqu’à l’art contemporain, le grand public est invité à appréhender une centaine d’expositions libre d’accès reflétant les nombreux courants artistiques et esthétiques issus de la scène artistique française et internationale représentés par les galeries parisiennes.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Eva Nielsen — Les Fonds de l’œil
Past: May 18 → July 22, 2017
Eva Nielsen donne corps à l’illusion, à des mirages visuels agissant autant sur la rétine que sur l’intellect, à la surface de nos orbites comme aux fonds de nos yeux. Ces mirages prennent des apparences changeantes : parfois, architectures de béton, ailleurs, scènes de genre kaléidoscopiques, brisant la linéarité du réel.

Architecture, painting, photography...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
XEROX — Matthew Darbyshire
Past: April 13 → May 13, 2017
The Darbyshire’s sculptures explore the complexities of replication, and the rich possibilities therein, they are also studies of repetition — reversion, inversion, perversion.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
MAKE TRUTH GREAT AGAIN — Une proposition de Martin Le Chevallier
Past: March 11 → April 8, 2017
Complementing his video installation _Münster_, presented for the first time in Paris, describing the saga of a mediaeval communist utopia, Martin Le Chevallier has brought together works and documents questioning historical truth and contemporary appearances. Including hoaxes, disguised images and actions interfering…

Installation, photography, mixed media...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Past: January 28 → February 25, 2017
Like an anthology, the exhibition shows three of the gallery’s artists, arround works focusing on the idea of projection, in particular the relation to film, space and time. They are all also interetsed, in differing ways, in grasping the movements of the body.

Architecture, installation, painting...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Bellegarde — Farbenlehre
Past: November 9 → December 20, 2016
In 1953, Claude Bellegarde got involved with achromia in a quest of light. A light both diffuse and refracting, obtained by successions of overlays of lead white paint, titanium white, and zinc oxide. The year 1957 would be essentially devoted to crumpled, chewed and kneaded paper, covered with white paint.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Rometti Costales — Cup or cat — adjust alliteration over cosmic t. a. z.
Past: September 17 → October 29, 2016
"Most certainly everything started with an unacknowledged misspelling of a word skimmed off the late afternoon fog, a bit recklessly. Maybe the listener was tired and didn’t put much attention to it. — Calvo, C. (1981).

Mixed media
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Ange Leccia — Je t’aime, jour et nuit
Past: May 19 → July 23, 2016
For his first show with Jousse Entreprise, Ange Leccia is offering a declaration of love veering towards obsession. Between night and day, there is no choice to be uttered, because a simple alternation takes place. The fact is that the reality of fantasy is made up of the stuff of dreams.

Choices Paris — Collectors weekend
Past: May 21 → 22, 2016
Throughout 2 days, CHOICES presents a program encompassing almost 40 Parisian galleries and a collective exhibition which is this year being held at the Palais de Tokyo. In the program: openings, performances, meetings with the artists, gallery staff and curators.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Choices Paris — NextLevel Galerie
Past: May 21 → 22, 2016
San Francisco-based artist John Chiara (born in 1971) pushes the boundaries of the photographic medium through his choice of process and the mastery of its possibilities. His approach is distinguished by its incredible physicality and recalls the early days of the medium when artists dealt with heavy, awkward equipment and endured long exposure and development times. Chiara’s giant cameras, which he designed and built himself, are transported to locations on a flatbed trailer to produce one-of-a-kind large-scale prints. The design of the cameras, which is much like daguerreotype box cameras, allows the artist to simultaneously shoot and perform his darkroom work while images are recorded directly onto oversized photosensitive paper (not film). This process, which Chiara first discovered as a student in 1999, invites anomalies in his final prints and adds to the mystery and lyricism of his pictures.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Joep van Lieshout
Past: March 9 → May 7, 2016
Joep van Lieshout: sculptor, visionary, “enfant terrible”, entrepreneur, rose to fame quickly, with projects that travelled between the world of easy-clean designs and the non-functional area of art: sculpture and installations, buildings and furniture, utopias and dystopias.

Architecture, design, installation...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Atelier Van Lieshout / Matthew Darbyshire / Florence Doleac / Clarisse Hahn…
Past: November 21 → December 19, 2015
Pièces choisies, montrant un ensemble d’œuvres d’artistes de la galerie : une mise en scène d’ objets domestiques du quotidien vus d’une manière détournée et magnifiée, des œuvres issues de deux ateliers de dessins organisés par Julien Prévieux avec des policiers de la BAC, et des portraits issus de la presse locale mexicaine.

Architecture, design, drawing...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Tomorrow, 2 seconds later
Past: September 12 → October 31, 2015
The Jousse Entreprise Gallery presents a solo show of Tim Eitel’s work, a first in France. The unusual nature of his painting has led to him being awarded prestigious prizes, and taking part in many exhibitions all over the world.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Un dimanche à la galerie
Past: Sunday, September 27, 2015 12 PM → 6 PM
Rendez-vous immanquable, l’événement « Un dimanche à la galerie » est une belle occasion de découvrir la diversité des expositions proposées par plus de 100 galeries d’art à Paris, exceptionnellement ouvertes un dimanche pour accueillir le public. Retrouvez notre sélection d’expositions à ne pas manquer.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Julien Prévieux, Francisco Sobrino, Raphaël Zarka
Past: May 28 → July 28, 2015
La galerie Jousse Entreprise présente l’exposition collective Julien Prévieux / Francisco Sobrino / Raphaël Zarka ayant pour thème principal, le geste.

Installation, sculpture, video
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Choices Paris — Collectors weekend
Past: May 29 → 31, 2015
For three days, 40 art galleries join forces to offer an itinerary across the capital through their respective exhibitions, but also a major group exhibition at the École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts. This artistic itinerary goes from Belleville to Saint-Germain by way of the Marais, the Rue Louise Weiss, the Palais-Royal and Pantin.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Choices Paris — Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Past: May 29 → 31, 2015
The Galerie Jousse Entreprise presents the video by Julien Prévieux, What Shall We Do Next ? Séquence n°2, Prix Marcel Duchamp 2014 laureate, and works by Francisco Sobrino and Raphaël Zarka, relating to the question of movement and gesture.

Jousse Entreprise — PAD Londres
Past: October 15 → 19, 2014
Design du 20eme siècle, France
Stand Number A11

Julia Rometti & Victor Costales — El perspectivista Part I
Past: April 6 → May 18, 2013
Adopting the role of self-taught archaeologists and eccentric tourists in wanderlust, Rometti & Costales engage in wide-ranging research activities that takes them into archives, libraries, and used bookstores to venture through broad fields of knowledge, from literature through history, and certain areas of scientific thought.

Installation, photography, mixed media...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Atelier Van Lieshout — Dessins historiques et pièces récentes
Past: March 9 → 28, 2013
Fondé en 1995 par le Hollandais Joep van Lieshout, l’atelier Van Lieshout fonctionnne comme une PME, mais de manière collégiale. Il regroupe une vingtaine de personnes aux compétences complémentaires : architectes, artistes, ouvriers. Leurs productions débordent les frontières entre architecture, design et art contemporain.

Architecture, design, drawing...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Matthew Darbyshire, Florence Doléac, Martin Le Chevallier, Julien Prévieux
Past: January 12 → February 23, 2013
Matthew Darbyshires works turn shop-bought domestic comfort into fertile seeds of doubt and discontent, Florence Doléac tributes to Mathieu Matégot, Julien Prévieux thinks out the territorial planning of thought and Martin Le Chevallier examines how people feels their normality.

Architecture, installation, painting...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Set — Up — Curated by Stephen Hepworth
Past: November 3 → December 23, 2012
The six artists brought together in Set-Up all revisit the studio as the place of creation for their photography. Each employs different approaches and strategies, drawing on areas such as performances, anthropology, and art history to generate images that are visually arresting while tantalizingly evasive.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Etat de Veille
Past: September 8 → October 27, 2012
The French term “état de veille” has many meanings. First off, it means being awake, in a waking state, as opposed to being asleep; but it also means being on stand-by, ready to start up again, like a machine set on stand-by, with a little red light glowing in the half-light of an apartment…

Installation, painting, photography...
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Philippe Meste — Œuvres Choisies
Past: July 7 → 25, 2012
Philippe Meste is one of those artists better known for their actions than for their works of art. His “Attaque du port de guerre de Toulon”, his Poste militaire at Marseilles’ flee market have, in the art world, this aura of legends and tales that often acts take when first put together for a public of sailors and antiquity addicts.

Sculpture, mixed media, video
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Matthew Darbyshire — Solo show
Past: May 12 → June 30, 2012
Likened to a more devilish Pierre Bourdieu, in Daryshires works taste is the bait and class the snare. By adding no more material to the world other than a call for observation, Darbyshires works turn shop-bought domestic comfort into fertile seeds of doubt and discontent, suggesting dissensus might in fact be a more productive register than consensus.

Installation, sculpture
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Richard Kern — Vintage & recent works + Guest Martynka Wawrzyniak
Past: March 17 → April 28, 2012
Richard Kern has lived and worked in New York City since 1979. In the eighties, he produced a series of short films that now are recognized as the central works of the movement now known as the Cinema of Transgression. In the 90’s he switched to photography full time and occasionally directed music videos for bands like Sonic Youth and Marilyn Manson.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Julien Prévieux — Dimensions in Modern Management
Past: May 28 → July 30, 2011
Pour sa prochaine exposition personnelle à la galerie Jousse Entreprise, Julien Prévieux poursuivra ses recherches sur les notions de travail, de propriété et de production de savoir qu’il avait débuté avec ses fameuses lettres de non-motivation et sa bibliothèque du savoir obsolète.

Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Martin Le Chevallier
Past: February 26 → March 26, 2011
Le film L’an 2008 se déploie sur quatre écrans disposés autour du spectateur : des personnages venus des quatre coins du globe échangent leurs vues sur la mondialisation. Consommateur occidental, défricheur amazonien, ouvrière chinoise… Ils s’interpellent, s’accusent des maux qu’ils subissent et s’excusent pour les dommages qu’ils provoquent…

Film, installation, video
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
Atelier Van Lieshout — Alpha et Oméga
Past: October 16 → November 20, 2010
Au début des années 90, Jœp van Lieshout s’est fait connaitre pour ses extraordinaires Mobile Home et ses sculptures ready-made en fibre de verre. Il est considéré comme l’artiste néerlandais le plus exposé et le plus provocateur. Son travail oscille entre art et design avec la volonté d’inscrire son œuvre dans la vie de tous les jours.

Installation, sculpture
Jousse Entreprise — Art contemporain
03 Le Marais
03 Le Marais
Saint-Sébastien – Froissart
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM