Les Dérives de l’imaginaire — Exposition thématique


Mixed media

Les Dérives de l’imaginaire
Exposition thématique

Past: September 28, 2012 → January 7, 2013

Derives imaginaire palais tokyo 1 grid Les Dérives de l’imaginaire au Palais de Tokyo Comme Bachelard pouvait rêver sur les rêves, le Palais de Tokyo « imagine un imaginaire » dont les replis semblent, ici, des gouffr... 1 - Pas mal Critique

A themed exhibition in the new season of the Palais de Tokyo, Letting the Imagination Drift gives meaning to the entire autumn program schedule.

From ryan gander to Fabrice Hyber by way of Damir Očko or neïl Beloufa, each exhibition will explore the “implementation” processes. From intention to realization, from dream to reality, visitors will be in close proximity to the artist’s brain, and survey these uncharted territories of the imagination.

From idleness to producing a work, from daydreaming to the object, from displacements to misappropriations, from hesitations to implementations, Letting the Imagination Drift draws those visiting it into the very heart of the creative act. To shed light on these movements of the mind, a few individuals crop up during the circuit, mixing contemporary artists and masters from the past, working documents and artworks. Thus the drifting worked on by guy Debord or indeed the abstracts of the displacements of autistic children by Fernand Deligny are timeless to be sure, but not off the point. They will appear during the visit as digressions, inserts, corollaries enriching the message, and will provide the history of art with new figures and new heroes.

Curator: Julien Fronsacq

16 Trocadéro Zoom in 16 Trocadéro Zoom out

13, av. du Président Wilson

75016 Paris

T. 01 81 97 35 88


Alma – Marceau

Opening hours

Every day except Tuesday, noon – midnight
Closed on tuesday

Admission fee

Full rate €12.00 — Concessions €9.00

Free admission under 18 years-old, job seekers, those in receipt of income support…

The artists

And 9 others…

From the same artists