Euridice Zaituna Kala — En quelques gestes : as if two suns were setting
Past: August 31 → October 5
Galerie Anne Barrault is delighted to present Euridice Zaituna Kala‘s first solo exhibition in its space. En quelques gestes: as if two suns were setting develops and thinks about architecture in the city and questions the urban landscape, ultra-exploited by human in the face of surrounding nature.
Mixed media
Anne Barrault Gallery
Paris Gallery Weekend — Édition 2019
Past: May 17 → 19, 2019
Over the course of its 5 previous editions, Paris Gallery Weekend marked itself as the Springtime “rendez-vous” for Paris and its art scene. The 6th edition of Paris Gallery Weekend will take place from Friday 17 May to Sunday 19 May 2019 and 48 galleries have already confirmed their participation so far (see list below).
Architecture, ceramic, collage...
Multiple venues
3 days in paris
Past: November 28 → 30, 2014
The 3 days in Paris event was created by galleries from the Marais. They are inviting you to discover the universe of those artists that they support all year round. Whether you observe, debate, or discuss over a coffee, 3 days in Paris is a rare opportunity to meet with artists and gallery owners.
Multiple venues
3 days in paris — Les Filles du Calvaire
Past: November 28 → 30, 2014
For its first involvement in ‘3 days in Paris’, the Filles du Calvaire gallery presents two monographic exhibitions on Mike Brodie and Matt Wilson.
Multiple venues
3 days in paris — Galerie Maria Lund
Past: November 28 → 30, 2014
To celebrate 3 days in Paris, the Galerie Maria Lund has invited five artists to give their vision of the notion of interiority through a series of sculptures.
Interiority would be what we cannot see; what belongs to our interior, a subjective infinite that escapes observation. The five artists have tried to give a form to this reality.
Multiple venues
Jochen Gerner — Second plan
Past: October 19 → November 27, 2013
Jochen Gerner conceptualise tout ce qu’il touche. Cartes postales, « Comics », publications, notations, etc. C’est une sorte de Georges Perec des arts plastiques. Très littéraire, chaque œuvre part d’une idée, d’une contrainte, d’une ligne à suivre.
Anne Barrault Gallery
Sarah Tritz — L’Allée
Past: September 7 → October 12, 2013
Ici, la déclaration désormais canonique de Marcel Duchamp semble pleinement s’appliquer : « c’est le regardeur qui fait l’œuvre ». A force de le répéter et de jouer avec les conventions de l’art, cette expérience se limite bien trop souvent à un jeu académique où le spectateur ne fait plus qu’identifier la règle qui lui est proposée.
Anne Barrault Gallery
Restons Courtois
Past: September 8 → October 20, 2012
This combination of artists is meant to arouse the same sensation as the noise of chalk on a blackboard. But, contrary to this example, the embarrassment, the reject or the discomfort will come imperceptibly.
Ceramic, drawing, photography...
Anne Barrault Gallery
Jérôme Allavena, Sandra Aubry & Sébastien Bourg, Pierre-Laurent Cassière, Chloé Dugit-Gros — x, y, z, & t
Past: June 23 → July 28, 2012
Mathematics represent space and time as two inseparable notions influencing each other, space-time has four dimensions: three for space, x, y, z, and one for time, t. The artists play on this impalpable matter which draws toward mental and physical reflection.
Drawing, sculpture, video
Anne Barrault Gallery
Killoffer + Ruppert & Mulot — Houille !
Past: May 5 → June 16, 2012
Following his late exhibition in Abbaye Sainte Croix museum in Les Sables d’Olonne, and the publication of his new book, Killoffer shows, in gallery Anne Barrault, a series of drawings on paper and on canvas, made in 2011 and 2012. He has wished Ruppert and Mulot to be invited, who will show, for the first time, a film entitled The Rite of Spring.
Drawing, video
Anne Barrault Gallery
Odires Mlászho & Manuela Marques
Past: March 17 → April 28, 2012
Well known at international level, Gallery Vermelho in São Paulo is present at Art Basel, Frieze as well as art fairs in Latin America, such as those of Tijuana or Bogota. It proposed that Odires Mlászho, chose practice of photomontage pays tribute to his masters, Max Ernst and Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, should be shown in Paris: we agreed with enthusiasm.
Anne Barrault Gallery
Gabriele Basilico — De Rio à Shanghai
Past: January 14 → March 10, 2012
Going on with his radioscopy of the architecture and development of big cities, Gabriele Basilico examines the changes of these sites of living and civilization where now most people have their homes.
Anne Barrault Gallery
Alun Williams — Jules, Victorine, La Fornarina et Le Psychologue
Past: November 19, 2011 → January 7, 2012
For his second solo exhibition the British artist presents three groups of new paintings, under the titles of Jules and Victorine, the Three Graces, and Six Fornarinas. In these works Alun Williams links his appropriation of accidental paint-marks, found in the street, with representations of historical characters gathered from the history of painting.
Anne Barrault Gallery
Yona Friedman & Jean-Baptiste Decavèle — …&, iconostases 25 i.s.
Past: September 10 → November 12, 2011
Gallery Anne Barrault invites you to an exhibition of Yona Friedman, the architect, and
Jean-Baptiste Decavèle, the artist, who carry on their work on Balkis Island, a fictitious island born from their mutual friendship.
Installation, photography
Anne Barrault Gallery
Fayçal Baghriche & Catharina van Eetvelde & Aurélien Mole & Guillaume Pinard
Past: June 25 → July 30, 2011
A l’occasion de cette nouvelle exposition d’été, nous avons le plaisir de présenter les œuvres inédites de quatre artistes parisiens : Fayçal Baghriche & Catharina van Eetvelde & Aurélien Mole & Guillaume Pinard.
Drawing, painting, photography
Anne Barrault Gallery
Éric Nehr — Rose blessé
Past: May 7 → June 18, 2011
His fourth exhibition in gallery Anne Barrault, is political, anthropological, artistic, human. These photographs relate a journey, meetings with this minority in Cameroon and Panama. In certain African countries, this black man, born white, half-man, half-god can be chased to death.
Anne Barrault Gallery
Sarah Tritz — Du fauteuil de mon roi rose
Past: April 2 → 30, 2011
With this exhibition, Sarah Tritz’s polymorphous work reveals her interest in space and in the way of making it her own. The artist shows her recent works tinged with anachronistic lyricism, in which architectural shapes mix with hercollages and drawings.
Collage, drawing, installation
Anne Barrault Gallery
Ramuntcho Matta — La salle d’attente
Past: February 26 → March 26, 2011
Ramuntcho Matta puts the visitor into a waiting room. The furniture, the sounds, the drawings, the magazines are mixed in order to create the setting. The wobbly furniture makes you feel uncomfortable, popular songs are reworked, drawings allude to medicine, esoteric cults such as shamanism.
Drawing, installation, sound - music
Anne Barrault Gallery
Tere Recarens — Le fleuve suit son cours
Past: January 8 → February 19, 2011
Back from your second stay in Dersim (Turkey), you sent me the photograph of a man running up a hill. One of your first works is the painting of a “girl who runs or nothing” — Chica que corre a la nada. In 1996, you put your camera in the yard of a building and you managed to go down the stairs in fifteen seconds, the time for your camera with the self-timer on to take the photograph…
Drawing, video
Anne Barrault Gallery
Lars Fredrikson
Past: 2010-12-14 18:00:00 +0100 → 2010-12-18 19:00:00 +0100
This artist of the second half of the 20th century, who paints, draws, sculptures, influenced by the constructivists has worked with writers and poets such as Samuel Beckett. Wishing to overshawdow the voluminous and visual sides of things, he has very soon turned his artistic researches towards technical and immaterial aspects.
Drawing, painting, sound - music
Anne Barrault Gallery
Manuela Marques — Zone(s) de contact
Past: October 30 → December 11, 2010
Beyond a mirror, a reflection opens up a hypothetical elsewhere. On the side of a table, three withered lotus blooms tangle their stems in a sharp-necked nase. Through bird-cages, another net, this time architectural, shows. Bags, tied to a tree, hang. A gap appears in rock faces…
Anne Barrault Gallery
Guillaume Pinard — Tomate
Past: September 4 → October 23, 2010
Once more in gallery Anne Barrault, Guillaume Pinard takes the opportunity to go back to the primordial practice he had left for something else, and which finds its place again among the cycle of his inclinations : oil painting itself. For this new exhibition, he has given up the harsh black and white of his ghostl…
Anne Barrault Gallery
Killoffer — Mauvais plis
Past: June 5 → July 24, 2010
On connaît Killoffer pour ses publications en bandes dessinées, pour ses illustrations dans Libération et autres magazines puis, depuis quelques années, pour ses dessins exposés dans la galerie d’Anne Barrault. De toutes ces collaborations et pensées diverses, on peut constater que, cet artiste peut et sait développer plusieurs styles, tout en restant « du Killoffer ».
Anne Barrault Gallery
Hugo Hopping — A Sugar Diet for Mystics
Past: March 22 → May 8, 2010
La Galerie présente la première exposition personnelle en France de Hugo Hopping. A Sugar Diet for Mystics consiste en une série de dessins, deux vidéos et une installation, spécialement créés pour l’occasion et mettant en jeu les notions de désir, de résignation, et de combat communs à l’engagement intellectuel, politique et amoureux.
Drawing, installation
Anne Barrault Gallery