Le jour des peintres
Past: Thursday, September 19
Orchestrated by the artist Thomas Lévy-Lasne, the event will bring together eighty contemporary painters, each of them waiting alongside one of their works in the Museum’s galleries. This one-day gathering, a performance on an unprecedented scale, will bear witness to the vitality of the French art scene, which is sti…
Musée d’Orsay
Past: April 2 → 10, 2021
The Printtemps exhibition highlights contemporary practices of the printed medium. Initiated by Baptiste Caccia and Édouard Wolton, artists in charge of the Fiminco Foundation’s silkscreen and printmaking workshops, this event brings together the works of artists in residence.
Mixed media
Fondation d'entreprise Fiminco
En marge — Exposition collective
Past: January 15 → March 19, 2017
La galerie In Situ — Fabienne Leclerc inaugure son nouvel espace au 14 boulevard de la Chapelle, dans le 18e arrondissement de Paris avec une exposition collective des artistes de la galerie, « En marge ».
Drawing, installation, painting...
In Situ Gallery
Damien Deroubaix — Time goes on
Past: April 3 → May 17, 2014
In Situ Fabienne Leclerc is honoring Damien Deroubaix on the occasion of the opening of its first double programming and 10 years of collaboration with the artist. Damien Deroubaix is an artist who probes the themes of death, vanity and the invisible through a body of work that is based on the practice of hybridization.
Drawing, painting
In Situ Gallery
Past: February 7 → May 11, 2014
Astralis takes visitors on a journey into this strange reality by exploring unfathomable and inaccessible worlds. They are the great purveyors of visions. A contemporary art exhibition designed by a dozen international artists who have each created their own landscape and antechamber, acting as gateways to other realms.
Drawing, installation, painting...
Espace culturel Louis Vuitton
Damien Deroubaix — Furies
Past: April 3 → 26, 2014
The gallery will now also temporarily occupy other locations for special exhibitions. The first iteration of the program will take up the Atelier Rouart, Berthe Morisot’s old workshop. “Furies” is a project which has been especially conceived for the Atelier Rouart.
Drawing, painting
In situ — Hors les murs Gallery
Spheres 2011
Past: October 22, 2011 → May 6, 2012
Née du désir d’une exposition commune et fédératrice, Sphères est un projet porté par la complicité de plusieurs galeries d’art contemporain à dimension internationale, réunies au Moulin, ancienne friche industrielle s’élevant aux abords d’une rivière de la région parisienne.
Galleria Continua / Le Moulin
Damien Deroubaix
Painting, sculpture, mixed media
French artist born in 1972 in Lille, France.
- Localisation
- Berlin, Germany
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