Miloslav Moucha — Corrections de Formats (1972-1984)
Past: October 10 → November 23, 2019
D’après Fabrice Hergott, Miloslav Moucha s’est avancé sur son chemin dominé par l’obsession d’une chose unique : dégager l’essentiel, faire en sorte qu’une chose représentée existe, qu’elle ne soit pas seulement image, composition ou forme, ou contenu, mais qu’elle existe à part entière.
Drawing, painting
Laure Roynette Gallery
Miloslav Moucha — Synthèse
Past: May 3 → June 15, 2018
Les œuvres de l’artiste d’origine tchèque Miloslav Moucha font preuve des nombreuses expérimentations de l’artiste. Toutes portent en elles une dimension de découverte, de surprise et d’une connaissance universelle retrouvée.
Laure Roynette Gallery
Summer show#1 Matière Première — Curator Soriana Stagnitta
Past: July 6 → September 24, 2017
Curated by Soriana Stagnitta, the exhibition shows the recent works of Julia Gault, Luc Lapraye, Miloslav Moucha, Zhuo Qi, François Réau, Fabio Romano and Keen Souhlal, speaking through a variety of media — painting, sculpture, drawing, photography and installation.
Ceramic, drawing, installation...
Laure Roynette Gallery
Miloslav Moucha — A partir d’un point
Past: May 12 → June 19, 2016
The beginnings of his artistic creation situate in the Czechoslovakia of the 1960s, a country that he leaves to settle in France after 1968 at the time of the soviet occupation. His efforts are successful and gained an international recognition. His works are present in the most prestigious collections, in particular those of the MNAM — Centre Pompidou.
Drawing, painting
Laure Roynette Gallery
Miloslav Moucha
Drawing, painting
French artist born in 1942 in Dolní Litvínov, Czech Republic.
- Localisation
- Paris, Prague, France
- Website
- Themes
- Abstraction