Art Basel — Paris 2024
Past: October 18 → 20
La foire Art Basel Paris fait son retour au Grand Palais du 18 au 20 octobre 2024 et comprend trois secteurs distincts. Le premier, nommé Galeries constitue le secteur principal de la foire et regroupe des galeries d’art moderne et contemporain présentant des œuvres de tous médias et de tout horizon. Emergence, lu…

Mixed media
Grand Palais – La nef
Art Paris — 2020
Past: September 10 → 13, 2020
With 150 galleries from around twenty different countries and some 1 000 represented artists, Art Paris is a leading spring art event, one that combines a regional exploration of European art from the post-war period to the present day with a cosmopolitan approach that encompasses art from other horizons.

Mixed media
Grand Palais – La nef
Paris Photo — 23e édition
Past: November 7 → 10, 2019
For the 23rd edition 213 exhibitors from 31 countries are reunited at the Grand Palais across 5 sectors offering visitors the largest panorama of premium photographic artworks available on the market today.

Art Paris — 21 eme édition
Past: April 4 → 7, 2019
Art Paris has an identity all of its own: an international art fair, it focuses on new discoveries, as well as placing special emphasis on the European scene from the post-war years to the present day, whilst exploring the new horizons of international creation, whether in Asia, Africa, the Middle East or Latin America.

Paris Photo — 22e édition
Past: November 8 → 11, 2018
This year, the photographic offer at the Fair is both rich and diverse with 167 galleries and 31 international publishers in the nave, 14 series, large format and installation projects showcased, the Film sector at mk2 Grand Palais, and Curiosa, a new curated sector that will present an in-depth look at a specific topic or theme in photography.

FIAC 2018 — 45e édition
Past: October 18 → 21, 2018
This 45th edition will host 195 galleries in the nave and exhibition rooms of the Grand Palais. The 2018 selection will present the finest examples of artistic creation since the turn of the twentieth century; modern masters through to the latest trends.

Paris Photo — 21e édition
Past: November 9 → 12, 2017
For its 21st edition, Paris Photo will present at the Grand Palais 190 exhibitors from 29 countries. For this edition Karl Lagerfeld will create a journey throughout the fair and the thousands of artworks on view, as well as a special edition book published by Steidl.

Paris Photo — KARL LAGERFELD, invité d’honneur
Past: November 9 → 12, 2017
This year, PARIS PHOTO proposes to visit the fair through the eyes of a personality of exception, Karl Lagerfeld. Visionary and cultural icon, Karl Lagerfeld has always been fascinated by the power of images and the evocative effect they produce.

Paris Photo — Secteur film/ vidéo
Past: November 9 → 12, 2017
Paris Photo launches a film and video sector that will be held at MK2 Grand Palais (located within the Grand Palais). The question of different practices and uses of images will be the focus of theses screenings.

FIAC 2017 — 44e édition
Past: October 19 → 22, 2017
For its 44th edition from 19 to 22 October 2017 in Paris, FIAC will host a carefully balanced selection of leading international galleries in the iconic Grand Palais.

Gagnez un séjour exceptionnel à la découverte des foires d’octobre ! — Jeu concours
Past: October 18 → 22, 2017
Gagnez un séjour de deux nuits dans l’Hôtel Elysées Mermoz**** et des pass VIP pour découvrir les plus belles foires d’automne.

FIAC 2017
Past: October 19 → 22, 2017
The 44th edition of FIAC (International Art Fair) will take place in Paris from 19 to 22 October. The Grand Palais will host 192 modern and contemporary art galleries that are among the most important on the international scene. FIAC continues its support of emerging galleries, with a 2017 Lafayette Sector of unprecedented diversity.

Art Paris 2017 — L’Afrique à l’honneur
Past: March 30 → April 2, 2017
Open to all forms of artistic expression including design, Art Paris Art Fair provides an overview of art from the post-war years to the current day with a theme-based approach that emphasises discovery. This edition puts African art under the spotlight and features monographic exhibitions in the Solo Show section and up-and-coming artists in Promesses.

Galerie A2Z — Art Paris 2017
Past: March 30 → April 2, 2017
Pour sa septième participation à Art Paris, A2Z Art Gallery a choisi une programmation mêlant le travail de cinq artistes. Chacun d’entre eux à leur manière nous proposent d’effectuer une introspection psychologique, historique et émotionnelle, une remise en question invitant à un retour aux sources.

Galerie Baudoin Lebon — Art Paris 2017
Past: March 30 → April 2, 2017
La galerie Baudoin Lebon présente Patrick Willocq. Né à Strasbourg il a vécu la majeure partie de sa vie à l’étranger et notamment 23 ans en Asie et 7 ans en République Démocratique du Congo.

Art Paris 2017 — Galerie La Forest Divonne
Past: March 30 → April 2, 2017
La Galerie La Forest Divonne Paris-Brussels sera présente à la foire Art Paris Art Fair STAND D5.
Paris Photo — 20e édition
Past: November 10 → 13, 2016
Paris Photo’s mission, since its creation in 1997, is to reunite an exceptional selection of artworks in an exploration of photography in all its forms, from vintage works to contemporary creations, from the world’s premier galleries and book dealers.

Paris Photo — The pencil of culture
Past: November 10 → 13, 2016
À l’occasion de la 20ème édition de Paris Photo, le Centre Pompidou présente pour la première fois une sélection d’une centaine d’œuvres choisies pour illustrer les temps forts de dix années d’acquisitions récentes au musée.

Paris Photo — La Plateforme
Past: November 10 → 13, 2016
La photographie est reconnue comme un art à part entière, constituant les bases de collections établies. Clément Chéroux, conservateur en chef, Karolina Ziebinska-Lewandowska, conservatrice du Cabinet de la Photographie au MNAM Centre Pompidou et leurs invités, s’interrogeront sur les orientations à donner à une collection de photographie.

FIAC — 43e édition
Past: October 20 → 23, 2016
For its 43rd edition, the International Contemporary Art Fair (FIAC), one of the world’s leading art fairs, run from 20 to 23 October this year, bringing together 189 of the most prestigious galleries in the historical Parisian venue, the Grand Palais. Directed by Jennifer Flay since 2010, the fair is broadening the scope of its programme this year.

ON SITE au Petit Palais — Un secteur FIAC
Past: October 19 → 23, 2016
FIAC announces the opening of the new “On Site” sector, which present sculptures and installations in the prestigious context of the Petit Palais, opposite the Grand Palais.

Films d’artistes — Cinéphémère & Platform
Past: October 19 → 23, 2016
FIAC and the Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard present the seventh edition of “Cinéphémère”. And “Platform”, the grouping of 23 regional funds for contemporary art, presents a new selection of films from their collection, on the theme of Art and Science.

Parades — Festival de performances
Past: October 19 → 22, 2016
This year, FIAC strenghtens its support of performative practices and exchanges between contemporary art disciplines by inaugurating a new festival, Parades for FIAC, which will be held in various emblematic Parisian locations near the Grand Palais.

Monumenta 2016 — Huang Yong Ping — Empires
Past: May 8 → June 18, 2016
Monumenta, unique event in the world presents masterworks designed for the occasion. After Anselm Kiefer, Richard Serra, Christian Boltanski, Anish Kapoor, Daniel Buren et Ilya et Emilia Kabakov, Huang Yong Ping invest the Nef of the Grand Palais.

Grand Palais – La nef
Art Paris Art Fair 2016
Past: March 31 → April 3, 2016
A headline event in the Spring art calendar of the French capital, Art Paris brings together some 143 galleries from a score of different countries. Open to all forms of artistic expression, the fair offers a broad vision of art from the post-war period to the present day while the thematic sections focus on discovery.

Art Paris 2016 — Galerie Baudoin Lebon
Past: March 31 → April 3, 2016
Dans le cadre de l’année France — Corée 2016, la galerie valorise le travail de quatre artistes coréens majeurs dont l’originalité respective couvre des expressions et des d’horizons variés.

Art Paris 2016 — Galerie Les Filles du Calvaire
Past: March 31 → April 3, 2016
La galerie consacre ses cimaises aux ensembles picturaux de Katinka Lampe. Inspirée aussi bien par la tradition du portrait en peinture que par les images de mode ou cinématographiques, l’artiste néerlandaise peint des adolescentes toujours de trois quarts et brosse le portrait d’une jeunesse désenchantée.

Art Paris 2016 — Galerie A2Z
Past: March 31 → April 3, 2016
Située à Saint-Germain-des-Prés, la A2Z Art Gallery, créée en 2009 et spécialisée en art contemporain, présente une sélection de jeunes artistes internationaux.

Art Paris 2016 — Galerie Maria Lund
Past: March 31 → April 3, 2016
The gallery presents new works by Lee Jin Woo and Min Jung-Yeon.

Paris Photo — 19e édition
Past: November 12 → 15, 2015
After the crazed excitement of the now renowned Paris Art week, Paris continues to enjoy and benefit from its artistic energy. It is the turn of photography to be given pride of place in the capital. The Paris-Photo fair headlines and takes over from FIAC under the nave of the Grand Palais, maintaining the high quality of previous years.

Paris Photo — La Plateforme
Past: November 12 → 15, 2015
The Platform, experimental forum, will offer through the course of four days a series of interviews, testimonies and discussions.

Paris Photo — Collection privée
Past: November 12 → 15, 2015
This prestigious Italian collection highlights both a commitment to political issues and aesthetic choices as well as the role of the private collector in regards to the public.

Paris Photo — Prix du Livre 2015
Past: November 12 → 15, 2015
The fourth edition of the Awards will recognize three winners in the following categories: “First PhotoBook,” “PhotoBook of the Year,” and “Photography Catalogue of the Year.”

FIAC 2015
Past: October 22 → 25, 2015
An event not to be missed on the international art scene, the FIAC continues to grow and confirms its status as one of the leading international art fairs.

Art Paris Art Fair 2015
Past: March 26 → 29, 2015
Art Paris Art Fair brings together 140 galleries from some 20 countries at the Grand Palais. The fair presents a wide panorama of modern and contemporary art. With a strong international focus, the fair has positioned itself as a pioneer in the exploration of regions of the world whose artistic creation is seldom, if ever, shown in France.

Art Paris Art Fair 2015 — Galerie Maria Lund
Past: March 26 → 29, 2015
It’s the monumental installation The person that you see physically is just the tip of the iceberg that gives its name to South-African artist Lyndi Sales’ solo exhibition.

Art Paris Art Fair 2015 — School Gallery / Olivier Castaing
Past: March 26 → 29, 2015
School Gallery focuses on the spectacular tapestry of Cécile Le Talec, and also honors the artists Marie Orensanz, Naji Kamouche, Jakob+MacFarlane, Nicolas Dhervillers, Patrick Cornillet, Sacha Goldberger, joakim Eneroth, Susanna Hesselberg, Ghyslain Bertholon, and Pascal Bauer…

Art Paris Art Fair 2015 — A2Z Art Gallery
Past: March 26 → 29, 2015
Collaborating with many international galleries and cultural institutions, and developing exchanges between China and France, A2Z Art Gallery has become and continues to affirm itself as one of the most prominent partners to make people discover the international, and notably Chinese, potential still unknown.

Paris Photo 2014
Past: November 13 → 16, 2014
Paris Photo, the first international fair dedicated to the medium of photography, hosts an international selection of 143 galleries and 26 publishers demonstrating the vitality of the global photographic scene from the nineteenth century until now.

Grand Palais – La nef
Paris Photo 2014 — Bendana Pinel Art Contemporain
Past: November 13 → 16, 2014
Bendana Pinel Art Contemporain présente des œuvres photographiques qui nous confrontent à la représentation d’espaces et de lieux, à la singularité de paysages ou d’objets contenus dans un espace géographique donné.

FIAC 2014 — 41ème édition
Past: October 23 → 26, 2014
This year the FIAC celebrates its 41st edition. An unmissable get together of artistic creation, the FIAC continues to develop and confirm its status as a first rate international art fair.

FIAC 2014 — Athr Gallery
Past: October 23 → 26, 2014
Athr Gallery is a leading contemporary art gallery based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Athr Gallery represents a range of contemporary Saudi artists, working in a variety of media, across the country.

FiAC 2014 — Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois
Past: October 23 → 26, 2014
For this new edition of FIAC, Slash highlights selected galleries. This 2014 edition of FIAC is the opportunity for the gallery Georges Philippe & Nathalie Vallois to confirm again its dual identity by presenting masterpieces of New Realism along with original creations of contemporary artists.

FIAC 2014 — Galerie Praz Delavallade
Past: October 23 → 26, 2014
Praz-Delavallade Gallery is primarily defined by its commitment to Los Angeles artists. This constant support and involvement dates as far back as to the beginnings of the gallery in the early 1990s.

Monumenta 2014 — Ilya et Emilia Kabakov — L’étrange cité
Past: May 10 → June 22, 2014
For the event’s sixth edition, Russian-born artists Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, celebrated internationally for
their large-scale projects and ambitious installations, will invite viewers to lose themselves in the
maze of an imaginary town: “The Strange City”.

Grand Palais – La nef
Art Paris Art Fair 2014
Past: March 27 → 30, 2014
From 27th to 30th March 2014, Art Paris Art Fair brings together some 140 galleries from 20 countries under the celestial dome of the Grand Palais, presenting a wide-ranging panorama of modern and contemporary art that includes photography, design and art publishing.

Paris Photo — 2013
Past: November 14 → 17, 2013
Artists, galleries, collectors, professionals, enthusiasts and inquisitive minds gather once again this fall to enjoy an ambitious, high-level program that emphasizes the diversity and quality of the artists and works presented.

FIAC 2013 — 40 ème édition
Past: October 24 → 27, 2013
FIAC’s 40th edition confirms its status as a leading international art fair. Attentive to the shifting preoccupations of contemporary creation, mindful of certain transformations in the gallery world and of the increasingly important role played by art fairs, FIAC aims to be reactive within a changing context while pursuing its development in a spirit of continuity.

Art Paris Art Fair 2013
Past: March 28 → April 1, 2013
Art Paris Art Fair brings together 144 galleries from 20 countries under the majestic glass roof of the Grand Palais. The fair presents modern and contemporary art and is confirming its identity as the art event that focusses on the art scenes of the East — Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia. This year it is Russia.

Paris Photo 2012
Past: November 15 → 18, 2012
Créée en 1996, Paris Photo est la première foire au monde dédiée à la création photographique historique et contemporaine. Elle se tient tous les ans à Paris, sous la Nef du Grand Palais à la mi-novembre et fin avril à Los Angeles dans les studios de Paramount Pictures.

Grand Palais – La nef
FIAC 2012 — Grand Palais & Hors les murs
Past: October 18 → 21, 2012
For its 39th year, FIAC continues to build on past editions, developing and evolving while maintaining the strong features inherent to FIAC, including: its rigorous selection process, guaranteeing exemplary standards of quality; its broad scope, which allows for a balanced overview of modern and contemporary art and works by emerging artists.

Monumenta 2012 — Daniel Buren
Past: May 10 → June 12, 2012
Every year, Monumenta invites an internationally-renowned contemporary artist to produce a monumental work for display in the Grand Palais. Daniel Buren, one of France’s greatest artists, will be rising to this challenge during the fifth Monumenta event.

Grand Palais – La nef
Rirkrit Tiravanija — Soup/No Soup
Past: Saturday, April 7, 2012 12 PM → 11:55 PM
As a prelude to the opening of La Triennale 2012, Rirkrit Tiravanija has been invited to transform the main nave of Grand Palais into a formidably festive, large-scale, twelve-hour banquet composed of a s…
Art Paris Art Fair
Past: March 29 → April 1, 2012
The spotlight is on the scenes of Europe at this year’s “Art Paris Art Fair”, which is a good opportunity to (re)visit the major trends of the 20th Century which continue to influence today’s artists. The objective is to provide guests with privileged access to the wealth of artistic and cultural events taking place in the City of Lights this spring.

Art en capital
Past: November 22 → 27, 2011
Art en capital réunit chaque année sous la nef du Grand Palais : peintres, sculpteurs, graveurs, plasticiens, photographes, architectes de tous horizons, talents confirmés comme talents en devenir. Si Art en capital se veut une « pépinière » des talents de demain, il est aussi devenu un rendez-vous incontournable pour tous les Artistes.

FIAC 2011
Past: October 20 → 23, 2011
Deeply rooted in the centre of Paris, in prestigious venues emblematic of the city’s history and cultural life, FIAC is infused with the image of the City of Light, its allure and art de vivre, the full breadth of its cultural timeline and the dynamism of its contemporary art scene.

Les nuits parisiennes
Past: April 1 → 2, 2011
Cette première édition des nuits parisiennes se présente sous la forme d’une exposition dont le discours est à lire chapitre après chapitre, comme une pensée articulée en neuf lieux à recomposer par le déplacement.

Installation, sculpture, mixed media...
Multiple venues
FIAC 2010
Past: October 21 → 24, 2010
The 37th edition of FIAC will be at the Grand Palais, the Cour Carrée du Louvre and the Jardin des Tuileries, outstanding sites that are emblematic of Paris. Because of the high standards it sets and the synergies it has developed with the major Parisian institutions, FIAC occupies a position as one of the not-to-be-missed international events relating to artistic creativity.

Drawing, installation, lithography / engraving...
Multiple venues
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