The Infinite Woman
Ends in about 2 months: April 27 → November 3
The Fondation Carmignac presents ’The Infinite Woman’ exhibition — curated by Alona Pardo — at Villa Carmignac on the island of Porquerolles, in the South of France, from Saturday, April 27 2024.
‘Strong, lustful, temptresses, femme fatales, caregivers, demonic or mythic, women have been represented in a myriad of …
Mixed media
Villa Carmignac
Louise Bourgeois — I do, I undo, I redo
Past: March 14 → April 30
Woven together with numerous autobiographical elements, Louise Bourgeois’ work bears witness to a close relationship between memory and recollection that wavers, fades and stretches thin.
The sculptor, who used to say, “painting doesn’t exist for me”, has nevertheless always been strongly attached to the engraved or …
Lithography / engraving
Lelong & Co Gallery
La hardiesse — Dans la collection d’art contemporain d’agnès b.
Past: February 2 → August 1, 2020
Over the years, agnès b. has assembled a major contemporary art collection now comprising nearly 5,000 pieces. Through affinities and encounters with extremely diverse people, groups and cultures — an organic network of chain reactions — her collection is one of a kind.
Mixed media
La Fab.
Critical Dictionary — In Homage to Georges Bataille
Past: June 1 → July 28, 2018
Gagosian is pleased to present Critical Dictionary: In homage to G. Bataille, a group exhibition that takes its title from Georges Bataille’s deconstructive text and juxtaposes artworks of different time periods and styles.
Installation, painting, photography...
Gagosian Gallery
Louise Bourgeois — Editions
Past: January 9 → February 24, 2018
The exposition includes over fifty items: single engravings, portfolios and illustrated books from the late 80’s up until 2009. Amongst these selected works, one can admire engravings on fabric as well as drypoints, aquatints, and lithographs on paper that Bourgeois often enhanced with drawings.
Publishing, print, lithography / engraving
Karsten Greve Gallery
Inextricabilia — Enchevêtrements magiques
Past: June 23 → September 17, 2017
Inextricabilia sets out to unsnarl these twists and tangles that give form to the sentient, the incommunicable and the elusive. It invites the public to wander among creations with multiple imbrications that provoke a physical reaction, getting beneath the skin to make an almost visceral connection.
Collage, installation, sculpture...
La Maison Rouge
Magiciens de la terre — Retour sur une exposition légendaire
Past: July 2 → September 15, 2014
Magiciens de la terre was one of the exhibitions that revolutionised the 20th century international art scene. At the very beginning of a globalisation not yet acknowledged as such, through its unprecedented invitation to contemporary artists from every continent, the exhibition can now be seen as a seminal moment in the globalising of contemporary art.
Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Post-Op. Perceptual Gone Painterly 1958-2014
Past: March 8 → April 19, 2014
The title “Post-Op”, seeks to define a little known pictorial movement. Numerous paintings, wall drawings and other works on paper by over twenty artists, who have been invited by curator Matthieu Poirier at the gallery, have been borrowed from collections or produced for the occasion.
Emmanuel Perrotin Gallery
B.A.B.E — The Best Artists Books and Editors
Past: September 20 → October 26, 2013
Pour B.A.B.E, les livres seront intégrés dans un dispositif reprenant la structure d’une molécule d’ADN, les livres formeront eux-mêmes cette structure en forme de double-hélice droite. Dans l’espace d’exposition des écrans présenteront des vidéos où l’on découvre l’intérieur de ces livres.
Drawing, installation, painting...
Louise Bourgeois — Rare and Important Works from a Private Collection
Past: March 23 → June 1, 2013
The exhibition unveils an early period in the artist’s creation. These include old works that have rarely been exhibited and that cover an essential role in Louise Bourgeois’ production. Displaying great formal variety, the works presented bear witness to the fundamental subjects addressed by the artist throughout her long, creative and extremely rich career.
Karsten Greve Gallery
Météorologies mentales, œuvres et livres de la collection Andreas Züst
Past: May 12 → July 15, 2012
Andreas Züst (1947-2000) était collectionneur, bibliophile, mécène, météorologiste, photographe, peintre, créature de la nuit, éditeur, producteur de films… L’exposition du CCS, en plus de regrouper une large sélection d’œuvres réalisées principalement entre 1960 et 2000, a pris parti de montrer cette collection dans sa pluralité.
Collage, drawing, painting...
CCS — Centre culturel suisse
Louise Bourgeois — Estampes et dessins
Past: February 3 → April 2, 2011
Voici 25 ans maintenant, la galerie Lelong faisait découvrir pour la première fois l’œuvre de Louise Bourgeois à Paris ; ce fut une révélation. Cette nouvelle exposition, dans l’espace librairie de la galerie, montre quelques dessins des années 40 et 50 ainsi qu’une sélection d’estampes allant des années 40 aux années 2000.
Drawing, lithography / engraving
Lelong & Co Gallery
Louise Bourgeois : Moi, Eugénie Grandet…
Past: November 3, 2010 → February 6, 2011
The preeminent contemporary artist, Louise Bourgeois wished to present an exhibit in the intimacy of the Musee Balzac. This original work especially created for the museum is not a confrontation with one of Balzac’s most famous novels but rather according to the artist an identification with Eugenie Grandet.
Drawing, mixed media
Maison de Balzac
Louise Bourgeois
Contemporary, modern
Drawing, lithography / engraving, books, sculpture, mixed media
Artist born in 1911. Dead in 2010.
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