Paris Photo 2015 — Rendez-vous les 28 et 29 novembre dans les galeries parisiennes
Past: November 28 → 29, 2015
In collaboration and with the support of Paris Photo, participating galleries will be exceptionally open from 10am-8pm Saturday and Sunday November 28-29th. This will be the occasion for collectors and photography aficionados who did not have the opportunity to visit the fair at the Grand Palais, to discover these exceptional artworks within the galleries.

Multiple venues
Everything In Its Right Place — Niklas Goldbach
Past: March 21 → May 7, 2015
Standardization and inimitability, containment and individual freedom, are only some of the antagonistic issues that create the kind of socio-psychological conflicts around which Niklas Goldbachs work revolves. The interaction between psychological settings and the urban as well as the natural environment shaping our contemporary living conditions.

Installation, photography, video
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Forty-First Show / Maps in Progress / Morgane Denzler
Past: January 10 → March 5, 2015
En Europe, le paysage est défini comme « la partie d’un pays que la nature présente à un observateur », l’Homme y est mis à distance. En Chine, le paysage forme un tout au sein duquel l’Homme est parfaitement intégré. Morgane Denzler met en relation deux conceptions du paysage et pose la question de sa représentation.

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Arco 2015 — Bendana|Pinel Art Contemporain
Past: February 25 → March 1, 2015
The gallery presents Thomas Broomé — Morgane Denzler — Steven Le Priol — Pablo Lobato — Matthias Reinmuth — Giancarlo Scaglia

Mixed media
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Giancarlo Scaglia — Stellar
Past: November 15 → December 20, 2014
Calques, fragments, débris. C’est peut-être dans sa propre structure que nous devrions fouiller la vérité intrinsèque des œuvres de Giancarlo Scaglia qui nous interpellent aujourd’hui. Morceaux disloqués de l’ancienne île-prison d’ El Fronton, scène de l’un des massacres paradigmatiques qui ont secoué notre République de Weimar péruvienne.

Drawing, print, installation
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Giancarlo Scaglia — Artissima 2014
Past: November 7 → 9, 2014
The work of Scaglia reinterprets various events of the armed conflicts which arose in Peru between the 80s and 90. His interest for the recontextualisation of these events in the field of the art led him to question the origin of the avant-garde movement and to wonder what determines whether an action or gesture is considered as art.

Drawing, installation, painting...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Thirty Ninth Show — Pablo Lobato — Coupure, latence
Past: September 11 → October 25, 2014
Before starting any reflection on Pablo Lobato’s work one can notice an urgent appeal to the touch through the images. The very sensual gesture of piercing fruits to only reach for their seeds in “Muda” calls for the sense of touch just like the beam of light that projects the film “1000 x 1” is almost tangible.

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Summer Show 1
Past: July 3 → 26, 2014
« Summer Show 1 » est une exposition de groupe qui réunit quelques artistes de la galerie : Thomas Broomé, Maria Friberg, Jessica Lajard, Matthias Reinmuth et Miguel Rothschild.

Drawing, painting, photography...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Bendana I Pinel Art Contemporain C/O Galleri Charlotte Lund — Echange de galeries entre Paris & Stockholm
Past: May 8 → June 28, 2014
Le Brésil, l’Argentine et le Mexique s’invitent en Suède… C’est dans le cadre d’un échange de galerie que Bendana I Pinel Art Contemporain s’installe à Stockholm dans les locaux de la galerie Charlotte Lund, alors que Charlotte Lund s’installe à Paris.

Mixed media
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Past: January 11 → February 22, 2014
Dans la continuité du soutien qu’elle apporte à la scène émergente brésilienne la galerie Bendana ⎮ Pinel présente « Janeiro », exposition des travaux de Pablo Lobato, Pedro Motta et Camila Sposati, qui mêle photographie et dessin contemporain.

Collage, photography
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Maria Friberg — Duration
Past: November 16 → December 21, 2013
Dans son travail, Maria Friberg met en lumière la vie humaine par rapport à un contexte plus large, au sein duquel les forces de la nature et de la culture sont difficiles à cerner. L’artiste présente l’influence des technologies sur notre mode de vie, dans la série Duration.

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Ernesto Ballesteros — Cinco Dibujos
Past: September 7 → October 12, 2013
« 5 Dessins » est le contrôle d’une énergie réciproque, où chacun des traits construit une sorte de composition canonique infinie. Cette action a aussi une mesure: la vitesse moyenne de réalisation des traits est de 1,6 km/h. Ce chiffre multiplié par le temps de travail nécessaire à la réalisation du dessin donne son titre à l’œuvre.

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Overlook — Carte Blanche 5 à un collectionneur
Past: June 20 → July 27, 2013
Carte Blanche 5 au collectionneur Laurent Fiévet. Si certaines des œuvres rassemblées tentent de capter l’attention et invitent lisiblement à des prises de relais, d’autres relèvent de présences plus discrètes. Le regard est ainsi susceptible d’achopper à tout moment sur un élément qu’il n’avait pas remarqué.

Installation, photography, video
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Thomas Broomé — Not to Touch the Earth
Past: May 4 → June 15, 2013
The paintings of Broomé confront us with an image of unknown figure of Andy Warhol. Through these canvases he takes us into a private world of his New York residence. By way of a set of colored lines, he recomposed almost obsessively, the inhabited room of Andy’s Victorian style palace, the contrary of what we would imagine to be the residence of the pop art icon.

Drawing, painting, video
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
La Palude
Past: January 12 → February 23, 2013
Luca Cutrufelli’s work is closely linked to the places where he is invited to show and develops in the constant search for a deeper meaning, a point of view as much historico-social as personal.

Drawing, installation
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Giulia Andreani — [non] si passa la frontiera
Past: January 12 → February 23, 2013
“I met his daughter one night in Paris. Sophie Cammilleri told me the story of her father’s family, a story of immigration as there were millions in the 1930s. Very quickly, a collaboration began with her, an exchange of anecdotes and photographs, documents, letters.” — Giulia Andreani

Drawing, painting
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Tudo perto nesse mundo longe
Past: November 17 → December 22, 2012
The concept of time and distance merge in the global world we live in. Places that are far away on a map, can suddenly feel nearby. Technology transports us instantly anywhere on the planet. The far, thanks to modern ways of travel, can become near if you really want to be there. Means of communication across the globe has become — literally — free.

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Matthias Reinmuth — Two nights and one summer
Past: October 18 → November 10, 2012
Matthias Reinmuth deconstructs in his works the rules of time and of space and plunges us into an emotional state, a nirvana of pastel colors. His abstraction is dreamlike and lyric as are his paintings made of successive layers of oil paint of washed and iridescent colors.

Drawing, painting
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Carlos Contente — O Mundo
Past: September 8 → October 11, 2012
Carlos Contente amorce un dialogue entre l’impact de l’art urbain et l’intimité d’une lecture d’un texte poétique tout en respectant l’authenticité de leurs mondes respectifs. Dans cette exposition, l’artiste poursuit sa recherche débutée en 2002 à l’intersection entre le mot et le dessin.

Urban art, collage, drawing...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Thighthead Prop — Carte blanche 4 à collectionneurs
Past: June 28 → July 28, 2012
For its fourth carte blanche, Bendana — Pinel Art Contemporain asked Sandra Mulliez, collector, to be the curator of the exhibition. Her choice of artists : Bianca Argimon, Theodora Barat and Vahan Soghomonian. Through a selection of videos, sculptures, drawings and installations, the three artists create a meaningful and original dialogue.

Drawing, film, installation...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Miguel Rothschild — Images de la Mélancolie
Past: May 12 → June 23, 2012
In continuation with his metaphorical creation, fruit of an obsessive work, Miguel Rothschild punches one by one the emblematic landscapes in the painting of Paul Signac, he perforates photographs revealing new spaces. He wants to reach the bottom of things and see what there is on the other side … as far as the other side exists.

Installation, new media, photography...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Jessica Lajard — Scrambled
Past: March 10 → April 28, 2012
“Scrambled…” as in scrambled eggs, but also as in radio signal, that lives as a parasite, that mixes, no unambiguous reading of either the cocktail glass, nor the bottle in the sea which never arrives to the addressee. This exhibition is also of haste, images that are in motion crowd, in an urgency which comes only from themselves.

Drawing, installation
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
What Now ?
Past: January 14 → February 25, 2012
Bendana I Pinel Art Contemporain confronts the views of two artists of the Brazilian emergent scene on our contemporary society. On one hand, the metaphoric and poetic work of Pedro Motta on the exploitation of nature by the mining companies and on the relation of nature as a singular factor in a landscape contained in an urban space.

Installation, photography
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Cinthia Marcelle — Com-contra-des-desde
Past: November 5 → December 17, 2011
In this exhibition Cinthia Marcelle pursues her search for the gesture. Her work influenced by performance, uses the repetition and the absurd as artistic strategy and plays with geometry to create obvious abstracts, at once political and economic, which reflect subversively the behavior and the social orders.

Painting, sculpture, mixed media...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Ronald Moran — Neutralité Ambiguë
Past: September 17 → October 28, 2011
Ronald Morán creates totally static environments, mise en scene void of human characters. Installations are often domestic or familiar spaces covered with white industrial cotton. Morán’s goal is to neutralize his subject and represent the impact of contemporary society’s lack of sensitivity to violence and the definitions of our domestic roles.

Installation, painting, mixed media
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Alejandra Laviada — Re-constructions
Past: September 17 → 28, 2011
These photos — large color printings — represent sculptural installations created from objects of the everyday life that Alejandra Laviada finds in abandoned buildings in Mexico City that she invests and transforms into studios. She creates from common objects which she finds on spot, short-lived installations-sculptures which she then photographs.

Installation, photography
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Les mouches volent en carrés — Carte blanche 3 à un collectionneur
Past: June 23 → July 24, 2011
For its third “ Carte Blanche ”, Bendana I Pinel Art Contemporain asked Hervé Acker, amateur and collector of contemporary art, to be the curator of the exhibition. He chose as artists Sylvain Bourget and Julien Nédélec, who agreed to realize this group exhibition. Through a selection of videos, sculptures and drawing…

Drawing, installation, sculpture...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Maria Friberg — Painting Series
Past: April 28 → June 11, 2011
Maria Friberg considers her photographs and videos as still or moving paintings. In this series, she has approached painting in a more literal and physical way, in regards to the production as well as the end result. The images could be described as a documentation of a performance, where the individuals participate in a painterly process.

Photography, video
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Brazilian Papers
Past: March 12 → April 23, 2011
The gallery present works on paper of five contemporary Brazilian artists.
This exhibition shows through Thiago Rocha Pitta’s, watercolors cut-outs, Jarbas Lopes’s drawings, Cinthia Marcelle’s collages, and drawings of Carlos Contente and Bernardo Ramalho the variety, the wealth and the dynamism of the Brazilian scene.

Mixed media
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Hantises — Steven Le Priol
Past: January 8 → February 26, 2011
Steven Le Priol’s work is characterized by the use of modest mediums (drawings, modelling, cut-outs). Yet, beyond the immediate “charming” quality of his pieces, a whole universe unravels, marked by the cruelty and violence of the world,
Criminal cases, ordinary violence, chronicles of a society obsessed with power.

Drawing, installation, performance...
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
Irit Batsry — Caution / Danger
Past: September 9 → October 23, 2010
For her first exhibition at Bendana-Pinel Gallery, Irit Batsry chose to spend the month of August “in residence”, appropriating the space of the gallery, in order to create a site-related large scale installation at the bay windows and a video installation transforming the space into a monitoring device.

Installation, photography
Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain Gallery
03 Le Marais
03 Le Marais
Saint-Sébastien – Froissart
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM