

Focus 224 / 270

  • Lyndi Sales, Petuitary gland 11, 2018—Acrylic on paper (collage) — 110 × 143 × 3,5 cm Courtesy of the artist & Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
    Lyndi Sales, Expansion: What fills the emptiness between you. The pot of gold that you haven’t found yet, 2018 — Acrylic on card — 101 × 126 × 3,5 cm Courtesy of the artist & Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
    Lyndi Sales, Glitch in the mesh and lace, 2018 — acrylic on card — 97 x 127 x 3,5 cm Courtesy of the artist & Galerie Maria Lund, Paris
    Courtesy of the artist & Galerie Maria Lund, Paris

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