Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux — C’est écrit dessus !
In 2 days: March 28 → May 31
Pour Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, « l’acte d’écrire, dans le cas de mes phrases sur papier de couleur, est indissociable du geste manuel qui l’accompagne. (…) Bifurcations invisibles, ricochets, leur déclencheur est la langue. C’est aussi simple que cela. » Sa nouvelle exposition à la galerie Loevenbruck rassemble plus de 50 aphorismes.

Loevenbruck Gallery

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery

Publishing, books, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery

Painting, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
L’Objet surréaliste
Past: September 20 → November 9
With works by Virginie Barré, Daniel Dewar & Grégory Gicquel, Jakob Lena Knebl, Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, Philippe Mayaux, Chloé Royer, Ashley Hans Scheirl and Alina Szapocznikow.
“What today’s art is doing under the auspices of the object harks back to the principles embodied by the Surrealist object.”[1]
The exhi…

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Victorien Sardou — Spiritisme
Past: September 20 → October 26
Loevenbruck gallery inaugurates its new space with a first exhibition dedicated to the work of Victorien Sardou (1831-1908), precursor of spiritualist art, whose pioneering approach to spiritism was acclaimed by André Breton in a seminal text published in the journal Minotaure[1] in 1933.
This new place, with its r…

Drawing, lithography / engraving
Loevenbruck Gallery
Chloé Royer — Heels Over Head
Past: June 6 → July 31
Three years ago, Chloé Royer held her first solo exhibition. It took place in a room with dilapidated walls, a very high ceiling and uneven parquet flooring, where it was said that Karl Marx had once been a tenant. The exhibition, for which I had written a text, was born of an action that bound us together and sealed …

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Camille Tsvétoukhine — Into my eyes, into my purple mind
Past: March 22 → May 25
À la galerie Loevenbruck, l’exposition de Camille Tsvétoukhine recrée l’espace de l’atelier de la peintre et sculptrice et rend compte de la continuité formelle entre son œuvre et son intimité, peuplée de ces objets qui représentent une source majeure d’inspiration.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Michel Parmentier — 15 février 1984 — 12 août 1985
Past: February 2 → March 16
Loevenbruck is pleased to program the fourth exhibition of Michel Parmentier’s work since announcing the representation of the Estate in 2014. Featuring works produced between 1983 and 1985, the exhibition Michel Parmentier: February 15, 1984 — August 12, 1985 presents four works from the series of black paintings.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Past: November 17, 2023 → January 27, 2024
Animals is a collective exhibition that brings together artworks from different cultures and periods, all exploring the theme of the animal figure.
From Roy Adzak’s “Organic Form (Negative Object),” 1966, to Gilles Aillaud’s gouache on paper “Poissons,” 1982, and André Bauchant’s historic painting “Nature Morte,” 1…

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Gilles Aillaud — Acquisitions récentes
Past: November 27, 2023 → January 11, 2024
Exhibition of six paintings by Gilles Aillaud, ranging from “Boite de serpents” in 1967 to “Plage d’Hauteville” in 1990, as well as the graphic work “Paysage,” 1980.
Gilles Aillaud, not only a painter but also a poet, scenographer, and theater decorator, was initially part of a group of activist artists gathered at…

Loevenbruck Gallery
Ashley Hans Scheirl — L’or dans l’oeil
Past: September 15 → October 28, 2023
Experimenting with their own sexuality and identity and thus continually questioning sexual and gender attributions are at the center of Ashley Hans Scheirl’s ’life art’. Living in London for 16 years they became part of a scene of queer and transgender artists and, on their fortieth birthday started to take testoster…

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux — Stop Making Sense
Past: May 26 → July 29, 2023
Three hundred and sixty-five collages in search of metaphors Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux It is always risky for an artist to want to explain or place a work, to account for its origin and its gestation. In the precise case of this series of three hundred and sixty-five collages, on the contrary, nothing could be easier.

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Le noir est une couleur
Past: April 20 → May 20, 2023
Autour de douze artistes majeurs, Roy Adzak, Gilles Aillaud, Jean Degottex, Jean Dupuy, Philippe Mayaux, François Morellet, Gabor Osz, Michel Parmentier, Steven Parrino, Bruno Peinado, Jim Shaw et Alina Szapocznikow, la galerie Loevenbruck explore la force picturale du noir et ses infinies variations.

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Virginie Barré — Nous dans la vie
Past: February 17 → April 15, 2023
The exhibition “Nous dans la vie” offers an opportunity to discover Virginie Barré’s latest works across a wide range of media: drawing, sculpture and object, installation and film.

Mixed media, video
Loevenbruck Gallery
Blaise Drummond — A Liquid Note in Spring
Past: December 15, 2022 → February 11, 2023
We invite you to come and discover the new works of Blaise Drummond, on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “A Liquid Note in Spring”.
Drummond’s paintings don’t preach. They observe. They glimpse out through bars and railings from modernist dwelling structures and present us all as ultimately caged. Perh…

Drawing, painting
Loevenbruck Gallery
Edouard Levé — Exposition
Past: November 12 → December 10, 2022
À l’occasion du quinzième anniversaire de la disparition d’Edouard Levé (1965 — 2007), la galerie Loevenbruck annonce Edouard Levé : Exposition, avec un commissariat de Thomas Clerc qui présente une sélection d’œuvres photographiques extraites des séries Angoisse (2002), Homonymes (2002) ou Amérique (2006) et un ensemble inédit de cent documents extrait des archives Edouard Levé, conservées à l’Imec (Institut de la mémoire de l’édition contemporaine) depuis 2008.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Edouard Levé — Lecture d’un extrait d’Inédits
Past: Friday, November 25, 2022
Dans le cadre de l’exposition consacrée à Édouard Levé et son œuvre, la galerie Loevenbruck invite Thomas Clerc à la lecture d’un extrait d’Inédits, paru aux éditions P.O.L, et qu’il a préfacé vendredi 25 novembre, 19h.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Alfred Courmes — Du côté de chez Courmes
Past: September 16 → November 5, 2022
Du côté de chez Courmes est la première exposition consacrée à l’œuvre d’Alfred Courmes (France, 1898–1993) présentée à la galerie Loevenbruck. Elle couvre plus d’un demi-siècle de la pratique de ce peintre singulier, à travers une dizaine de tableaux datés des années 1920 aux années 1980.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Accrochage — Avec : Michel Parmentier, Steven Parrino
Past: July 7 → 30, 2022
Programming echoing the exhibitions _Simon Hantaï. The Centenary Exhibition_ and _La couleur en fugue_ in which works by Michel Parmentier and Steven Parrino are shown respectively, which are being held at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, until August 29 2022.
Michel Parmentier (France, 1938-2000) was an active …

Painting, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Philippe Mayaux — Dessins aminés
Past: May 13 → July 2, 2022
If Mayaux’s choice of figurative painting at the beginning of the 1980s might have seemed “retrograde” in the eyes of his art school teachers in Nice, his recent interest in “native” forms and his taste for randomness and chance make him suspect of a regression that is even more serious, even more fraught with consequ…

Drawing, painting
Loevenbruck Gallery
Daniel Johnston — Death Can Be a Surprize — Drawing Now
Past: May 19 → 22, 2022
En 2004, la galerie Loevenbruck présentait pour la première fois les dessins de Daniel Johnston, dans l’exposition collective Pas un jour sans une ligne, aux côtés de ceux de Philippe Mayaux, Willem et Miguel Egana.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Steven Parrino — Oeuvre graphique (1989-2004)
Past: February 18 → April 30, 2022
Steven Parrino (New York, 1958–2005) spoke of “Approaching history in the same way that Dr. Frankenstein approaches body parts… Nature Morte….” He is well known for the abstract paintings he started making in the 1980s. His work, produced during a career that was terminated by a mortal motorbike accident in 2005, has…

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Jean Dupuy Ypudu — Un film documentaire écrit et réalisé par Gilles Coudert
Past: February 2 → 14, 2022
Projections du film de Gilles Coudert autour de l’artiste Jean Dupuy au cinéma le Saint-André-des-Arts en présence du réalisateur ou d’invités.

On Display — Exposition collective
Past: December 10, 2021 → February 5, 2022
A hanging of unique or iconic works by contemporary artists, dedicated to drawing, painting or sculpture, presented at the Loevenbruck gallery, from December 10 to February 5, 2022.

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Ashley Hans Scheirl — Tranny’s Pleasures: Pain_things in a Crazy World
Past: October 22 → December 4, 2021
At Galerie Loevenbruck, Ashley Hans Scheirl turns the space into an artwork in its own right. And that space is inhabited: by the works on show, by the bodies of visitors moving around, by the ghosts of what has happened and what will happen. All this energy, the artist points out, “activates” the exhibition, annihilating the “distancing machine” that is the white cube.

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
FIAC 2021 — 47e édition
Past: October 21 → 24, 2021
La Foire internationale d’art contemporain signe son retour avec une édition 2021 qui occupera les murs du Grand Palais Ephémère, structure d’accueil des événements habituellement tenus dans l’enceinte de la nef du Grand Palais durant ses travaux.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Alina Szapocznikow — Sculptures, photos et photo-sculptures
Past: September 17 → October 16, 2021
Pour cette quatrième exposition personnelle, la galerie Loevenbruck se propose d’explorer la place de la photographie dans la vie et l’œuvre d’Alina Szapocznikow et les liens qu’elle entretient avec ce médium, tant dans son œuvre que dans son indexation, à partir d’une sélection de huit sculptures — dont une uniquement en photo, car elle a été remployée — et de onze documents issus de ses archives.

Photography, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Marcel Storr — Oeuvres choisies
Past: May 19 → July 31, 2021
“Whether learned or not, every work of genius appears to us at first as unique, unclassifiable, and we feel a shock when we see it for the first time. Like the truly inspired, the reformers or inventors of worlds, Storr, the sweeper of the Bois de Boulogne, was a visionary genius, and he knew it”.
Laurent Danchin

Loevenbruck Gallery
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux — Etant damnés
Past: January 22 → March 20, 2021
Elaborated in 2005 and conceived with Xavier Boussiron, the project titled Manifeste de La Passion triste set out to evoke in various modes, and independently of philosophical orthodoxy and immediate events, what this Spinozan term seemed to poetically invite.

Painting, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Philippe Mayaux — Butterfly Divinities
Past: October 23, 2020 → January 16, 2021
There is a form of modesty in Philippe Mayaux’s painting. With great delicacy, and sincere concern for the viewer, he holds in reserve his work’s existential gravitas.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Jean Dupuy — Sans queue ni tête
Past: September 18 → October 17, 2020
If there is one expression that Jean Dupuy particularly likes to use when taking leave of friends it is a knowingly delivered “On ne se perd pas de vue.” Much more than the pat “We’ll stay in touch,” they refer, to a series of works he made under the same title in the mid-1990s and showed, notably, at Galerie Loevenbruck, Paris, in the exhibition Sans queue ni tête.

Installation, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Past: Saturday, September 19, 2020
Pour rendre hommage au poète John Giorno (1936-2019) un an après sa disparition et pour célébrer à travers lui la création poétique sous toutes ses formes, le Centre Pompidou s’associe à d’autres lieux de la scène poétique pour proposer THE JOHN GIORNO POETRY DAY toute la journée du samedi 19 septembre. Un événement international conçu avec les écrivains Anne-James Chaton et Jean-Michel Espitallier.

Painting, performance, poetry...
Multiple venues
Gilles Aillaud — Plages et désert
Past: June 2 → August 1, 2020
Gilles Aillaud (1928-2005) was not just a painter of animals locked in their cages in zoos or at liberty in their natural habitat (in Kenya, for example), even if those are the themes that established — and sometimes confined — his reputation within the figuration narrative tendency.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Robert Devriendt — The Missing Script 3. The Scent of Burning Wood
Past: January 24 → March 7, 2020
Robert Devriendt is known for his series of small paintings which, through their pictural perfection and tactical aspect, reveal his Flemish painterly roots, while their cinematic and sequential character alludes to the world of cinema.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Michel Parmentier — Calques — Tracing Papers, 1989-1991
Past: November 29, 2019 → January 18, 2020
After the works on paper, in which the _degree zero of painting_ (of the gesture of painting) proved prolific and, to say the least, was problematized by Parmentier, the artist opts for tracing paper, a translucent and semi-transparent support.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Michel Parmentier — Monographie de référence consacrée à une œuvre singulièrement radical
Past: October 9 → December 9, 2019
This volume offers a selection of 31 major works by the artist and seven new essays on his work, contextualized by nearly 300 documents (most of them never previously published) from the Michel Parmentier archives, libraries, and public and private collections.

Werner Reiterer — Sculptures
Past: September 20 → November 16, 2019
Behind the simple and deceptively casual title, “Sculptures” lies a conceptual arrangement that connects the very different works on view in terms of content. Werner Reiterer’s work oscillates between pointed criticism of the global order with its politics of economization and a sharp-edged irony laced with trenchant humor.

Installation, photography, sculpture...
Loevenbruck Gallery
Jakob Lena Knebl — Come together, right now. Over me.
Past: June 7 → July 31, 2019
The work of Jakob Lena Knebl highlights the way in which personal and collective identities can be transformed, renewed and adapted in accordance with the environments constructed by the artist.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Loevenbruck Gallery
Philippe Mayaux — Tableaux 1989–2019
Past: February 1 → April 13, 2019
Philippe Mayaux is like a free-fall parachutist, capable of the craziest pirouettes. Now, this peerless stuntman indulges himself by landing systematically on his front, in a deliberately grotesque posture, copiously splashing the surroundings of the pool. Painter of placebos for domestic use, sculptor of electric logs, Philippe Mayaux is a magnificent traitor.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Blaise Drummond — A History of Hope
Past: December 1, 2018 → January 26, 2019
For the painter Blaise Drummond everything starts with photographs. In the case of his new set of paintings, that means the photographic archives of Black Mountain College. Drummond is in the habit of seeking out the subjects of his paintings in the history of modernism, icons of which he then transfers into a new setting of harmonious and peaceful natural scenery.

Architecture, drawing, painting...
Loevenbruck Gallery
Michel Journiac
Past: October 19 → November 24, 2018
Journiac’s work is often reduced to that first food-based performance with the cannibalistic blood sausage. Like any major disruptive work, Journiac’s went further and upturned the artistic practices of his time, from conceptual art to sociological art, from object to photograph, and, of course, to action, an action whose raw material is the body.

Collage, photography, sculpture...
Loevenbruck Gallery
Virginie Barré — Les formes claires, la vie à la mer
Past: September 21 → October 13, 2018
Virginie Barré n’a jamais fait mystère de son goût pour le cinéma : depuis ses débuts, l’ensemble de sa production plastique en porte l’empreinte. Mais passer derrière la caméra a marqué un tournant dans son travail, notamment dans son rapport à l’objet.

Installation, sculpture, video
Loevenbruck Gallery
Gábor Ősz — Spomen
Past: May 18 → July 28, 2018
Spomenik monuments were commissioned by former Yugoslavian President Josip Broz Tito from the late 1950s to the ’80s to commemorate sites where World War II battles took place or where concentration camps stood. Looking at these objects, one appreciates how abstract forms can express meaning and feeling in a certain way.

Photography, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Ashley Hans Scheirl
Past: March 23 → May 12, 2018
Angela, Angela Scheirl, Angela Hans, Angel Hans, Zeze Hans, Ah, A A A A, Hans Scheirl, Hans, Hansi, Hansda, Hans von S/hit, Scheirl, Ashley Hans Scheirl was born in Salzburg (Austria), in 1956. She lives in Vienna. The work she did in the 1990s as part of London’s underground dyke scene contributed to the development …

Loevenbruck Gallery
John M Armleder / Morgane Tschiember — En affinité(s) #5
Past: December 1, 2017 → January 20, 2018
The ceramics in the show “JOHN M ARMLEDER/MORGANE TSCHIEMBER” were made at Cercco, the Experimentation and Research Centre for Contemporary Ceramics of the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD) from a selection of molds, dating from the 19th century to the present, belonging to the NUOVE//Residency collection.

Painting, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Allan Kaprow / Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux — En affinité(s) #4
Past: October 20 → November 25, 2017
“Quite simply, I knew that Kaprow was doing something in Milan, at Gino di Maggio’s. So I went there, wondering how I was going to approach Kaprow. I decided to say that I wanted to do an interview with him for artpress. I had no agreement with the magazine, but of course artpress accepted the interview once it was done”. — Jacques Donguy

Collage, installation, painting...
Loevenbruck Gallery
Philippe Mayaux / Pierre Molinier — En affinité(s) / Affinities #3
Past: September 22 → October 14, 2017
At first glance, the affinities between Pierre Molinier and Philippe Mayaux do not seem obvious, but rather like an arranged marriage. Indeed, what would a photographer known primarily for his erotic black-and-white images have to do with a painter known especially for his colourful Pop paintings? In theory, not much.

Painting, photography
Loevenbruck Gallery
Un Dimanche à la Galerie #3 — Ouverture exceptionnelle de 100 galeries d’art
Past: Sunday, September 24, 2017
Proposant un large panorama de la création, de l’art ancien jusqu’à l’art contemporain, le grand public est invité à appréhender une centaine d’expositions libre d’accès reflétant les nombreux courants artistiques et esthétiques issus de la scène artistique française et internationale représentés par les galeries parisiennes.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Key Hiraga / Tetsumi Kudo — En affinité(s) / Affinities #2
Past: June 2 → July 29, 2017
Given that they had so much in common, it is surprising that the works of Tetsumi Kudo (1935–1990) and those of Key Hiraga (1936–2000) have never been brought together. Obscene in appearance, their phantasmagorical worlds were hit by the same original trauma, the same monstrously real obscenity.

Painting, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Marcel Duchamp & Jean Dupuy — En affinité(s) #1
Past: April 28 → May 27, 2017
Marcel and Jean. Duchamp and Dupuy. An encounter. One of those predictable encounters between artists of different periods that is not founded on an aesthetic debt. What do they stem from? What are they based on? Or, in other words: what legitimates these encounters of an nth kind? It is tempting to give a curt reply:…

Installation, painting, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Bruno Peinado — The Times They Are A Changing
Past: December 2, 2016 → February 4, 2017
“The Times They Are A Changing” stands for a project, that of opening up frontiers and categories, practices and fields that are thought of as heterogeneous. Displacing our value systems and ways of thinking, or reorganising them within an inclusive logic in which possibilities cohabit. In short, this is a “gentle revolution”.

Painting, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Gilles Aillaud — Tableaux 1966 — 1976 / Vols d’oiseaux 1990 — 2001
Past: October 21 → November 26, 2016
Gilles Aillaud is a painter, and also poet (_Dans le bleu foncé du matin_, edited by Christian Bourgois), art critic (revue _Rebelote_), author of prefaces (Hélion, Titina Maselli), and set designer (fifty-two productions with the stage directors Jean Jourdheuil, Klaus Michael Grüber, and Luc Bondy). He has methodical…

Loevenbruck Gallery
Daniel Dewar & Grégory Gicquel — Stoneware murals
Past: September 16 → October 15, 2016
Étudiant la sculpture avec un enthousiasme perpétuel de néophytes, Dewar & Gicquel la prennent comme un problème à résoudre et la dissèquent impitoyablement pour en exprimer au grand jour les abominables paradoxes.

Ceramic, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Michel Parmentier — 17 juillet 1989 — 20 février 1990
Past: June 3 → July 16, 2016
Not scandalous, but impertinent
Michel Parmentier is well known for using the _pliage_ (folding) method — which he borrowed from Simon Hantaï — in December 1965[1]1 as a way of breaking with the modernist monochrome. To do this, he systematically painted canvases white and then folded them, covering the result in p…

Drawing, painting
Loevenbruck Gallery
Alina Szapocznikow — Paysage(s) humain(s)/Human landscape(s)
Past: April 1 → May 28, 2016
Szapocznikow’s full repertory of forms appears in this series, rearranged and conflated into a fantastical cast: lumps converge with vaginas, lips rest on disjointed legs, eyes peer through the horizon, a female figure drifts onto a phallus.

Drawing, painting, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Almost Animated — Bernd & Hilla Becher, Jean Dupuy, Michel Journiac...
Past: February 5 → March 26, 2016
“It is often said that it was the painters who invented Photography […]. I say: no, it was the chemists. […] The photograph is literally an emanation of the referent. […] the photograph of the missing being […] will touch me like the delayed rays of a star.”
— Roland Barthes, La Chambre claire, 1979.

Performance, photography
Loevenbruck Gallery
Stéphane Sautour — Do you not hear the sea?
Past: December 11, 2015 → January 30, 2016
Tout en me faisant visiter son « théâtre d’objets », Stéphane me dit : « Je veux montrer des états de matière. Avec Alexandre, on a travaillé sur un capteur qui permet de visualiser sous forme d’ondes comment de l’argile crue ressent son environnement."

Drawing, sculpture
Loevenbruck Gallery
Becker & Friends — Carolin Eidner, Friedrich Kunath et Florian Meisenberg
Past: October 23 → December 5, 2015
“A year ago, we decided to organize a show in my Paris gallery with some German artists Johannes et Bernarda Becker collect. It is because of Johannes et Bernarda that I wanted to do this show in Paris. Above all else, I wanted to show how a collector plays a key role in the art world.”
— Hervé Loevenbruck

Painting, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Thomas Teurlai
Past: September 18 → October 17, 2015
Thomas Teurlai completed his studies at Villa Arson in 2011 with official academic honours and the respect of his teachers. Since then, with his characteristic radicalism, he has continually pursued his ideas both in Europe and the United States in a constant back and forth between seamy brown-field sites and the institutional white cube.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Un dimanche à la galerie
Past: Sunday, September 27, 2015 12 PM → 6 PM
Rendez-vous immanquable, l’événement « Un dimanche à la galerie » est une belle occasion de découvrir la diversité des expositions proposées par plus de 100 galeries d’art à Paris, exceptionnellement ouvertes un dimanche pour accueillir le public. Retrouvez notre sélection d’expositions à ne pas manquer.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Philippe Mayaux — Æntre
Past: February 14 → March 29, 2014
Philippe Mayaux is unusual because he never lets his judgement come to rest on the definitive character of things. He takes them from the world without a fixed hierarchy, but follows the principles that govern his way of torturing materials of all kinds and his convoluted science of their religion, a kind of extension of Robert Filliou’s principle of equivalence.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Morgane Tschiember — Polystyrene, Shibari & Co.
Past: December 13, 2013 → February 1, 2014
The exhibition is the result of the artist’s recent sojourn in Italy, where the Nuove group gives artists in residence access to the historical and technical expertise of local companies and the materials and age-old traditions of Nove, a small town in the Veneto which has specialised in ceramics since the 17th century.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Alina Szapocznikow — Œuvres lumineuses — Luminous works
Past: October 22 → December 7, 2013
“Alina Szapocznikow exploits the ambiguity of intimacy, of desire and disgust, of formlessness and the elusiveness of life. The tart tones, gelatinous transparency or opacity of polystyrene, polyurethane or wax materialise a transorganic fluidity” — Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Alain Declercq — Blast
Past: September 13 → October 12, 2013
As it emerges within the escalating furor unfolding out of the release of highly confidential documents by former US intelligence operative Edward Snowden, Declercq’s latest exhibition for Galerie Loevenbruck assembles two of his most recent researches, the new photographic series Blast and the related sculptural works Glass Blast.

Installation, photography, sculpture...
Loevenbruck Gallery
Frédéric Pardo — Œuvres choisies, 1966-1998
Past: July 12 → August 7, 2013
The artist Frédéric Pardo (1944–2005) was both very much of his times and completely at odds with them. A central figure on the psychedelic scene of the 1960s. His pictorial work, with its very distinctive, powerfully erotic symbolism, is that of an acutely sensitive person holding on to the things that touch him most deeply.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Jean Dupuy — Les années collectives (1973-1983)
Past: March 22 → May 11, 2013
L’exposition de la galerie Loevenbruck présente de nombreuses sources d’archives, vidéos, photographies et documents originaux, pour la plupart inédits, qui retracent l’impressionnant parcours des expositions, des performances, des vidéos et des concerts collectifs organisés par Jean Dupuy entre New York et Paris au cours de la période 1973-1983.

Installation, performance, photography...
Loevenbruck Gallery
Robert Devriendt — A Voyeur’s Devotion
Past: December 7, 2012 → January 26, 2013
The dark suit, the black interior—everything seems to have come from the mind of the same designer, or at least from people who compulsively visit the same cities, the same bars… Design codes have all been adhered to flawlessly, even more rigorously than during the arrogant seventies, with its neatly trimmed lawns and men in black suits.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Werner Reiterer — Untitled
Past: October 19 → December 1, 2012
Death, the beyond, and the human condition in general are themes to which Werner Reiterer applies a deliberately irreverent twist. In this operation of demystification and appropriation, the beholder plays a central role. Often caught by surprise, s/he is placed in disorienting situations that border on the absurd, as reflected.

Drawing, installation
Loevenbruck Gallery
Børre Sæthre
Past: September 7 → October 13, 2012
The Norwegian artist Børre Sæthre utilizes large-scale installations to create atmospheres that shift between the technological ambiences of futuristic panoramas and the influence of their synthetic perversities on the primordial desires of our collective subconscious.

Installation, mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux — L’oignon fait la sauce
Past: December 9, 2011 → January 14, 2012
For Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux the “parodic” is much more than simple satire, so carnival in this context is something that goes beyond a set of immediate pranks. Nor is it exactly the common or thematic denominator of a certain number of his pieces, whether near or far.

Mixed media
Loevenbruck Gallery
Past: June 10 → July 23, 2011
La galerie Loevenbruck présente l’exposition collective « Sculptures », avec Virginie Barré, Jean Dupuy, Asger Jorn, Tony Matelli, Bruno Peinado, Werner Reiterer, Alina Szapocznikow et Morgane Tschiember.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Past: April 29 → June 4, 2011
Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann were born in the early 1970s and have been working together for a decade now. Their instantly recognisable signature, L/B, serves as a kind of trademark, “a sign indicating control”, as one might concisely define it.

Graphic design, installation
Loevenbruck Gallery
Alina Szapocznikow
Past: March 11 → April 23, 2011
Rescapée des camps de concentration nazis, cette artiste, débute sa carrière en Pologne, après un court passage à l’École des Beaux-arts de Paris, dans un un style puissant à vocation monumentale et héroïque, dont elle s’affranchira peu à peu pour s’en libérer totalement lors de son installation définitive à Paris entre 1962 et son décès à l’âge de 47 ans.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Gábor Ösz — Blow-up – The Window
Past: November 5 → December 4, 2010
This exhibition shows two of Gábor’s latest works. Blow-Up and The Window. Blow-Up is a combination of manipulated and unmanipulated garden scenes in both color and in a black-and-white negative image. The Window is at once the first part of an ongoing project and the last work in the series about Nazi architecture.

Loevenbruck Gallery
Jean Dupuy — En 4ème vitesse
Past: October 1 → 30, 2010
Depuis plusieurs années, certains historiens de l’art et conservateurs ont incité l’artiste à dévoiler ses toiles des années 60. Après le MAMAC de Nice, la Villa Tamaris, c’est actuellement le Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris qui lui offre ses cimaises. Cette exposition sera la première présentation en galerie des ses œuvres.

Loevenbruck Gallery
06 St Germain
06 St Germain
Opening hours
Tuesday – Saturday, 11 AM – 7 PM
Other times by appointment