
Installation, painting, performance...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Paul Bonnet — Trespass
Past: September 6 → November 17
There, waiting to take its shape, with all the moss and the stones around you. Pale and thin and tip-toeing through the grass with rotten apple and the mushroom all about you. In the rivers of thin cement, too loose to start setting, you turn in half-rotation, and look around you. Pale shapes of snakes lay whistling i…

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Benjamin Magot — Personne morale
Past: May 3 → June 23
A la croisée de l’art contemporain, du théâtre et du cinéma, Benjamin Magot explore des formes d’expression et des symboles afin de créer des narrations qui échappent aux modèles dramatiques habituels, en occupant un terrain entre la documentation d’actions et la mise en scène de situations. Personne Morale marque sa première exposition personnelle dans un centre d’art, les Bains-Douches d’Alençon.

Drawing, installation, new media...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Jihye Jung — Pense et bête (Beasty notes)
Past: March 14 → April 7
Procrastinating Fast
There’s reason to doubt, isn’t it? These objects that surround us, with which we live. With people, it’s word against word. And their gestures. What are they thinking? Are they okay? Or strangers, even to themselves? And the animals?
Jihye Jung lives in a world of questions. Serious question…

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Clémentine Adou — Xmas
Past: January 26 → March 3
“Movement is not material. It means simply that the work extends in time as well as space. … Perhaps it means nothing more complicated than being able to ‘breathe freely’ in new dimensions, finding a language which situates them [the artists] in the world as they have become aware of it.”
Three movements are develop…

Installation, sound - music, mixed media...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Paul Lepetit Not so Blue
Past: November 24 → December 23, 2023
The Skogyrkogarden Cruise: Rambling in the Lands of Sexual Dissidence
“Be proud and happy of what your body exults. Sex is no less noble than sentiment… To make love in the bathrooms and lavatories isn’t about hiding, isn’t about being ashamed. It’s about giving yourself the chance to experience an adventure just a…

Photography, sculpture, mixed media
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Hélène Baril — Gropieds fait le mur
Past: September 15 → November 12, 2023
Hélène Baril s’intéresse à la toile du récit, qu’il soit intime ou collectif. Ses images associent les outils de la narratologie à ceux du dessin et de la peinture qui trouvent leur stabilité dans un mélange de références populaires (comics, albums pour enfants) et de désir de sacré (miniatures persanes, enluminures du Moyen-Age).

Drawing, painting, sculpture
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Mick Peter — Six Scenes
Past: October 6 → 22, 2023
I used to work as an editor for an art magazine. My job involved a great deal of travel. Much of my time on the road was spent following the international circus of art fairs and biennial exhibitions. These big shows were good places for people watching. They were magnets for every kind of art world stereotype; a para…

Drawing, publishing, installation...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Sticky Objects — Marion Vasseur Raluy avec Hélène Carbonnel, cluelesS, Fang Dong, Frieder Haller, Rafael Moreno
Past: April 28 → July 7, 2023
Dans l’exposition collective Sticky Objects qui réunit Marion Vasseur Raluy avec Hélène Carbonnel, cluelesS, Fang Dong, Frieder Haller et Rafael Moreno, les éléments proviennent principalement du vocabulaire esthétique propre aux arts vivants : marionnettes, objets de décor et maquettes habitent l’espace des Bains-Douches d’Alençon.

Design, film, books...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Hendrik Hegray — Tout Smoke
Past: March 17 → April 23, 2023
Collective Hysteria and Quantitative Art: If All Your Buddies Jump Out the Window, What Do You Do?
There’s a YouTube video that I like a lot, with just two shots. The first is an overhead shot of an upright empty red bucket with two pieces of wood, left and right, covered in green mesh, leading to the top. We see a…

Drawing, publishing
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Jordan Derrien — Wonderfulness/Dogma/Sash/Both
Past: January 13 → February 26, 2023
Jordan Derrien
Windows as Spaces of Density
There is a building in the Bwari Pottery Village in Nigeria where its unglazed windows are in the shape of arrows pointing up. Ever since I saw a picture of it last year, I couldn’t stop obsessing over it, trying to decipher why the common rectangular or square shape has…

Drawing, painting
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Noémie Bablet — Tenue de promesse
Past: November 4 → December 21, 2022
– Tenue de promesse: this title makes me think of an anecdote told by the artist Lily Van Der Stokker in her book How I Went to New York: 1983-1992. While she is known for her bright candy-colored wall paintings, she went to the opening of her own exhibition wearing the wrong pants. A plain orange pair, instead of her…

Drawing, painting
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Jean de Sagazan — Le modèle, le mime et le dupe
Past: September 9 → October 23, 2022
One day many years ago in Hérault, while I was playing alone by a stream, I remember being suddenly scared stiff when I noticed in the dry grass an odd-looking creature that I had nearly crushed between my fingers. Its body looked exactly like a blade of grass but it was its eyes that had frozen me right there. In a s…

Drawing, painting
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Laura Gozlan — The Hierarchy of Lows
Past: May 20 → July 17, 2022
“Up is heavens, location of power, down is Foul,” says Mum, Laura Gozlan’s protagonist in the entering scene of Foulplay (2022), a video series that follows Mum’s so called encounters. If the power is located in heavens, what is placed in the foul? Dirt, stench, filth, loss, grief and eventually death? Or could it be …

Installation, sculpture, mixed media...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
other people’s clothing — Une proposition de Fiona Vilmer
Past: March 11 → April 24, 2022
other people’s clothing
“Tonight, my aunt’s half-moods arrive in the room. They mirror the room and its furniture like a TV screen. They look like other people’s clothing.” 1
Tan Lin’s Insomnia and the Aunt is, in his words an ambient novel. The narrator describes time spent with his insomniac aunt who runs a …

Publishing, poetry, sculpture...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Benjamin Swaim — La Chambre des ressemblances
Past: January 14 → February 27, 2022
La peinture de Benjamin Swaim, présentée aux Bains-Douches d’Alençon, sauvegarde le silence et place les intensités en suspens ; les corps qui y échouent l’habitent de leur réserve. L’événement qu’il donne à voir concerne ainsi peu l’action ou sa réalisation, comme figées dans l’absence de récit, mais renvoie invariablement à l’impression de vide qui entoure les figures.

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Charlotte Delval — Let’s Twist Again
Past: November 5 → December 19, 2021
The mice are faxing this message to
you since the goats have eaten all
the paper and the snakes have all the
phone lines busy day and night.
When they saw each other once, they saw each other a thousand times.
Jordan Derrien
Robert and Josette met last year. How lucky for them. They both really did find …

Publishing, sculpture, mixed media
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Charlie Malgat — Sugar Free
Past: September 10 → October 24, 2021
Agony, donut errant·e à l’ère du post-zooprolétariat
Géraldine Gourbe

Mixed media, video
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Divinités, fleurs, plis et replis
Past: June 25 → August 1, 2021
Most likely nothing happens, except for a kind of quietness that has settled into the depths of the everyday. Alice, Arthur, Camille, Jade, Léa, Sosthène and Thomas meet in closed spaces sealed by a certain melancholy.

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
explicit bessie smith
Past: June 19 → July 24, 2021
explicit bessie smith brings together artists and authors around the work and trajectory of Heliczer. Like the gallery of characters coming to life when reading the works of the unclassifiable poet, this singular coterie of artists and authors responds with propositions echoing the plays published in 1971.

Drawing, lithography / engraving, new media...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Chloé Quenum — Overseas
Past: May 19 → June 6, 2021
Overseas springs from Chloé Quenum’s research into the pineapple and this originally South American fruit’s movements between continents and over the centuries. Taking as her starting point the pineapple, which has become a fixture in the stalls of Western markets since the 1980s, the artist invites us on a journey to the heart of the thing that creates exoticism and our connections with an “elsewhere.”

Installation, painting, sculpture
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
DATA-BAT — Online
Past: December 1 → 31, 2020
DATA-BAT online exhibition is the continuation of research carried out during the 1st confinement on the possibilities of deploying art on digital networks.

Ceramic, collage, drawing...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Mathilde Ganancia — Onjes-sur-Joult
Past: September 12 → October 25, 2020
A drop falling into a bucket leaves a full roundish sound in the ear; on the tongue, a metallic
taste, the color of silver, then copper, verdigris. That woke me up tonight.
I’m dreaming that someone is following me, that someone is spying on me from behind
a wall, their head hidden by a balaclava. The pillow is sop…

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Florent Dubois — Morale du Joujou
Past: September 11 → October 25, 2020
Florent Dubois favours festive and unbridled forms in his work. A great formal generosity unfolds in the form of drawings, prints, objects, videos, ceramics, in displays most often exuberant. Between touristic and festive imagery, his exhibitions create closed universes between the garden and the nightclub.

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Pangonline — Projet Online Confinement
Past: March 19 → May 31, 2020
Les circonstances actuelles ont conduit Les Bains-Douches à imaginer le projet en ligne Pangonline. L’idée est de rebondir face à la situation actuelle en continuant à échanger et travailler avec des artistes. Cela permet de proposer aux publics un contenu inédit, de partager des œuvres réalisées sur le vif et inspirées du confinement .

Collage, drawing, painting...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Zoé de Soumagnat — Lacunes
Past: February 1 → March 15, 2020
Zoé de Soumagnat reveals a poetics of gaps, imbued with forms of sociality, hints of feelings as much as reminiscences of painting. The only thing left to do is to let yourself be embarked on a visual and mental trip, bordered by the urban landscape, knowing that there will surely be gaps.

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Sébastien Rémy avec Marcel Devillers et Marion Vasseur Raluy — A Scenario for a Silent Play
Past: November 30, 2019 → January 19, 2020
I start with the accessories. They are the heroes of this book… Accessories thus play the main role, the characters inhabit them for a moment then disappear, only to (for some) reappear later… Certain words or expressions also play the role of the hero which men use for an instant — zeros, that empty figure that is fi…

Installation, poetry, sculpture...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Anthea Lubat Clinamen / Marcel Devillers État des lieux de l’amour
Past: September 14 → November 3, 2019
« État des lieux de l’amour » nous propose une cartographie du désir et des affects, en s’appuyant sur la représentation des corps, la manifestation des désirs et des sentiments telles qu’elles sont produites par la culture pop et par le marketing.

Architecture, drawing, installation...
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Marcel Devillers — État des lieux de l’amour
Past: September 14 → November 3, 2019
With Etat des lieux de l’amour, Marcel Devillers signals his return to the extension of the Bains- Douches, in presenting a wall assembly where the stereotyped form, the arrangement of signs, and collage intersect.

Collage, installation, painting
Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Anthea Lubat — Clinamen
Past: September 14 → November 3, 2019
Comme des passerelles, entre un monde et un autre, sur le papier, l’encre peut se transformer en crayon de couleur, et la tache de peinture se sublimer, ne laissant plus, derrière elle, qu’une ombre marquée en négatif par la trace du feu. Ces transmutations là sont subtiles, elles opèrent à l’échelle de l’infime, dans une temporalité qui leur est propre.

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Ludovic Sauvage — Daytime TV
Past: May 17 → July 7, 2019
space and time cross the image in the work of Ludovic Sauvage and induce the starting point of exploded forms. Daytime TV would be like a plot, made of alcoves hidden under reality ; of absences and presences whose material would have been disseminated here and there.

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon
Destination une exposition de Palette Terre
Past: March 16 → April 28, 2019
04:48 — Mes kilos de grossesse me tirent vers le fond de mon lit — Il faut que j’aille dans un camp pour grosses.
Bébé, qui est aussi plutôt lourde, me donne un coup dans la tête et se tourne sur elle-même afin de se tortiller hors de portée de la lune, qui est descendante depuis à peine deux jours et transforme notre matelas en cosmos. Quel genre de néopaïenne fait des rêves récurrents de vols EasyJet en chute libre ?

Les Bains-Douches d'Alençon