Édito Quarante neuf
During this spring of confinement, Slash offers an exploration of closed exhibitions and works of artists. We will try our best these coming weeks to publish articles, focuses and interviews.
During this very particular period which keeps us away from exhibitions, Slash supports contemporary art actors and offers you to remotely discover, through words and images, projects, works and approaches which, in times of crisis, remind each of us how creation, sharing and difference can help us reflect upon our world.
Focus — Marie Preston, La Ferme du Buisson
Ida Ekblad, A Deep Medicine — Galerie Max Hetzler
Endre Tot, Very Special Gladnesses — Galerie Salle Principale
Humanimalismes — Topographie de l’art
Clément Rodzielski — Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris
Louise Bourgeois — Hauser & Wirth, exposition en ligne
American Women — La Patinoire Royale-Galerie Valérie Bach, Bruxelles
Min Jung-Yeon — Galerie Maria Lund
Focus — Frédéric Malette, galerie Catherine Putman
Focus — Yasmina Benabderrahmane, Le Bal
Focus — Chine Afrique, Centre Pompidou
Edouard Wolton — Les filles du calvaire gallery
Zhenya Machneva — GP & N Vallois gallery
Julien Tiberi — Semiose gallery
Pierre Alechinsky and Karel Appel — Lelong & Co. Gallery
Neurones, les intelligences simulées — Centre Pompidou
Michael Biberstein — Jeanne Bucher Jaeger gallery
James Welling — Marian Goodman gallery
Thomas Hirschhorn, Eternal Ruins — Chantal Crousel gallery
Pilar Albarracin, No apagues mi fuego, déjame arder — GP & N Vallois gallery
Le Cabaret du néant — Château de Rentilly
Jay Tan, Spaghetti Junction — Centre d’art contemporain Chanot, Clamart
Gilles Aillaud Plages et désert — Loevenbruck gallery