
Painting, sculpture, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou

Centre Georges Pompidou

Film, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Raphaël Zarka — Cycloïde Piazza
Past: June 22 → September 15
For the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Centre Pompidou is presenting a new sculpture by French artist Raphaël Zarka (born in 1977 in Montpellier), made in collaboration with architect Jean-Benoît Vétillard and designed especially for the Piazza. In the exact same location that previously hosted the large mobile titled …

Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Bernard Réquichot — Je n’ai jamais commencé à peindre
Past: April 3 → September 2
Bernard Réquichot figures among the essential players in the 1950s artistic scene. Marked by “Surrealism’s second wind”, his production around 1955 is in line with the gestural and textural abstraction that occupied a preeminent place at the time. Mixing the material with a knife, weaving inextricable networks and…

Centre Georges Pompidou
Vera Molnar — Parler à l’œil
Past: February 28 → August 26
Vera Molnar (born in Budapest in 1924, resided in Paris from 1947 until her death on 7 December 2023 at the age of 99) was a pioneer of digital art.
Her works, sustained by a knowledge of the psychology of shapes and the laws of vision, designed in a constructivist approach around 1947, became artistic interrogat…

Painting, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Hervé Di Rosa — Le Passe-mondes
Past: February 28 → August 26
The Centre Pompidou presents the works of Hervé Di Rosa which were the subject of a major donation.
Deriving his inspiration from popular culture, particularly comic strips, Hervé Di Rosa made a name for himself in the Free Figuration movement in the early 1980s. He went on to devote himself to a unique project: s…

Painting, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Gilles Aillaud — Animal politique
Past: October 4, 2023 → February 26, 2024
Interrogé sur son choix de ne peindre presque exclusivement que des animaux, Gilles Aillaud répondait : « parce que je les aime ». Contemporaines des premières œuvres Pop, de leur fascination, plus ou moins distante, pour les produits de la consommation et la communication de masse, les peintures de Gilles Aillaud (disparu en 2005) n’ont rien d’exotique.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Chagall à l’œuvre — Dessins, céramiques et sculptures 1945-1970
Past: October 4, 2023 → February 26, 2024
This exhibition brings together a set of works that entered the collection in 2022, thanks to the generosity of Bella and Meret Meyer. It includes 127 drawings, five ceramics and seven sculptures by Marc Chagall (1887-1985) around three themes: preparatory sketches for the costumes and curtain for “The Firebird” balle…

Ceramic, drawing, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Picasso — Dessiner à l’infini
Past: October 18, 2023 → January 15, 2024
À l’occasion de la célébration des cinquante ans de la mort de Pablo Picasso, le Centre Pompidou organise « Picasso. Dessiner à l’infini » en collaboration avec le Musée national Picasso-Paris. L’exposition met en lumière la part la plus foisonnante de sa création en réunissant près de mille œuvres : carnets, dessins …

Drawing, print, lithography / engraving
Centre Georges Pompidou
Prix Marcel Duchamp — 2023
Past: October 4, 2023 → January 8, 2024
Bertille Bak, Bouchra Khalili, Tarik Kiswanson and Massinissa Selmani are the four finalists of the 2023 edition of the Marcel Duchamp Prize. The exhibition of the nominees will take place at the Centre Pompidou in Paris from October 2 and for three months. The finalist will be announced on October 16.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Norman Foster
Past: May 10 → August 7, 2023
A major figure of world architecture who is often seen as a leader of the “high tech” trend, British architect Norman Foster has designed many iconic creations throughout the world.
Occupying nearly two thousand two hundred square metres, the exhibition presents a large range of drawings, workbooks and multiple sc…

Centre Georges Pompidou
Germaine Richier
Past: March 1 → June 12, 2023
In homage to Germaine Richier, the first female sculptor exhibited in the National Museum of Modern Art, in 1956, this retrospective brings together nearly 200 works — sculptures, engravings and drawings.
Drawing on previously unpublished research, the exhibition demonstrates the degree to which Germaine Richier o…

Centre Georges Pompidou
Sayed Haider Raza
Past: February 15 → May 15, 2023
With nearly one hundred pieces, this exhibition is the first monographic presentation of the work of Indian painter Sayed Haider Raza (1922 — 2016) in France, where he lived and worked from 1950 to 2011. It follows the formal and conceptual developments of a body of modern work that exemplifies transcultural dynamics …

Centre Georges Pompidou
Who You Staring At? — Culture visuelle de la scène no wave des années 1970 et 1980
Past: February 1 → May 1, 2023
La présentation Who You Staring At? Culture visuelle de la scène no wave des années 1970 et 1980 explore les apports visuels et sonores d’une scène artistique alternative, qui naît dans les quartiers à bas loyers du Lower Manhattan à New York en 1978.

Performance, sound - music, mixed media...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Christian Marclay
Past: November 16, 2022 → February 27, 2023
For the first time since 2007, Christian Marclay’s work is being widely presented in an exhibition in Paris. This exhibition is designed as a network of affinities and echoes according to the multimedia artist’s way of thinking, combining the preexisting with reinterpretation and metamorphosis.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Alice Neel — Un regard engagé
Past: October 5, 2022 → January 2, 2023
Alice Neel (1900-1984) was a major figure of North American art who, throughout her life, forever painted the marginalized. Little known during her lifetime, this extraordinary painter is today celebrated for the great acuity with which she portrayed the different strata of American society.
An icon of militant fem…

Centre Georges Pompidou
Prix Marcel Duchamp — 2022
Past: October 5 → 30, 2022
Claude Bonnin, Président de l’ADIAF, a dévoilé le 12 janvier 2022 les noms des quatre artistes en lice pour la 22ème édition du Prix Marcel Duchamp. Choisis par un Comité de onze collectionneurs après un long et rigoureux processus, ces artistes sont invités par le Centre Pompidou pour une exposition collective dont le vernissage aura lieu le 4 octobre prochain en Galerie 4.

Installation, painting, mixed media...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Niyaz Azadikhah et Alireza Shojaian — Suture sur le corps de la liberté
Past: Saturday, October 15, 2022
Le Centre Pompidou accueille la performance Suture sur le corps de la liberté, imaginée et proposée par Niyaz Azadikhah et Alireza Shojaian, deux artistes iraniens installés à Paris. L’occasion d’affirmer leur solidarité avec le soulèvement iranien débuté voilà plusieurs semaines suite à la mort de la jeune Kurde Mahsa Amini.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Jochen Lempert
Past: May 11 → September 4, 2022
Empreint d’images de la nature où l’animal côtoie le végétal, le travail du photographe allemand Jochen Lempert (né en 1958) allie la rigueur de l’observation scientifique et la délicatesse de la poésie.

Centre Georges Pompidou
León Ferrari — L’Aimable Cruauté
Past: April 20 → August 29, 2022
Le Centre Pompidou propose la toute première exposition muséale en France consacrée à León Ferrari (1920-2013), auteur d’un œuvre protéiforme, tour à tour mystérieux et littéral. L’inventivité formelle de l’artiste égale sa puissance subversive.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Tatiana Trouvé — Le grand atlas de la désorientation
Past: June 8 → August 22, 2022
Born in Cosenza (Italy) in 1968, Tatiana Trouvé developed an equally vast and ambitious body of work in which drawing and sculpture intertwine in a permanent two-way movement. Her work in three-dimensional space proceeds from an invention of locations to (re)occupy, while her essentially two-dimensional graphical prod…

Centre Georges Pompidou
Charles Ray — Sculpture-fiction
Past: February 16 → June 20, 2022
Pour la première fois en France, le Centre Pompidou et la Bourse de commerce/Pinault collection proposent une monographie consacrée à Charles Ray, figure majeure de la sculpture américaine contemporaine (né à Chicago en 1953, vivant et travaillant à Los Angeles).

New media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Hassan Khan — Blind Ambition
Past: February 23 → April 25, 2022
Since the 1990s, Hassan Khan has developed a conceptual oeuvre that uses a wide variety of media: sculpture, photography, video, sound, text and in-situ installations. His constantly evolving body of work offers a subtly ironic perspective of the power relationships that define the political and social context of the …

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Hommage à Boltanski
Past: October 12, 2021 → April 13, 2022
An itinerary between the Palace of Versailles, the Louvre Museum and the Centre Pompidou, with the Opéra Comique “The more we work, the more we disappear and the more we become our work. I believe that artists wish to become their work (…)” — Christian Boltanski To celebrate his work and commemorate Christian Boltan…

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Paroles d’Ukraine
Past: March 7 → 11, 2022
Affectant la vie de millions de personnes, l’invasion militaire en cours en Ukraine met à mal principes et repères, faisant peser de lourdes incertitudes sur notre horizon commun. Le Centre Pompidou marque sa solidarité avec le peuple ukrainien et de se joindre aux multiples initiatives qui se font jour partout en Europe.

Film, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Georg Baselitz — La rétrospective
Past: October 20, 2021 → March 7, 2022
The exhibition brings together his masterpieces of the last six decades in chronological order, revealing his most striking creative periods, including the well known Fractured compositions and the inverted motifs of 1969.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Pierre Bismuth — Tout le monde est artiste, mais seul l’artiste le sait
Past: October 20, 2021 → February 28, 2022
It brings together emblematic works by the French artist alongside others made specially for the occasion and offers a new perspective on one of the most unusual artistic practices of the contemporary scene.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Saul Steinberg — Entre les lignes
Past: September 29, 2021 → February 28, 2022
From Bertoldo, the satirical review, to his long-standing collaboration with The New Yorker, it is in his press drawings that the American artist Saul Steinberg (1914–1999) forged his immediately recognisable style through which, in the guise of a poetic lightness, he questions customs and habits.
The tour of the e…

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Paul Nelson
Past: September 29, 2021 → February 28, 2022
Focus on the singular career of the French architect, born American, Paul Nelson (1895–1979), whose entire collection is held by the Centre Pompidou.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Martha Wilson — à Halifax, 1972–1974
Past: October 20, 2021 → January 31, 2022
Covering the period of her stay in Halifax, from 1972 until her relocation to New York in 1974, the Centre Pompidou exhibition provides an insight into the development of these radical acts.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Ettore Sottsass — L’Objet magique
Past: October 13, 2021 → January 4, 2022
The exhibition brings together a unique collection of major historical pieces by Italian designer Ettore Sottsass (1917, Austria–2007, Italy), and underscores all the creative components of his work, reflecting his approach to “magical design”. “I have always thought that design begins where rational processes end and magic begins.”

Centre Georges Pompidou
Prix Marcel Duchamp 2021
Past: October 6, 2021 → January 3, 2022
Established in 2000 to showcase the creative vibrancy of the French art scene, the Prix Marcel Duchamp rewards the most representative artists of their generation and promotes the current diversity of French production internationally.
This year, the four nominated artists are:
Julian Charrière
Isabelle Cornar…

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Georgia O’Keeffe
Past: September 8 → December 6, 2021
h5. L’avis de la rédaction
h4. _Première rétrospective en France d’une peintre dont la singularité fait donne aujourd’hui une force pleine d’actualité, cette monographie proposée au Centre Pompidou s’inscrit dans la tradition des grands parcours historiques de l’institution. Elle fait figure d’événement d’autant pl…

Centre Georges Pompidou
Abbas Kiarostami — Les chemins de la liberté
Past: May 19 → July 26, 2021
Depuis Où est la maison de mon ami ? puis Le Goût de la cerise pour lequel il reçoit la Palme d’or au Festival de Cannes, Abbas Kiarostami, cinéaste, scénariste, mais aussi photographe, était un artiste total. Le Centre Pompidou revient sur son œuvre à travers une rétrospective et une exposition inédite.

Film, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Hito Steyerl — I Will Survive
Past: February 3 → July 5, 2021
Le Centre Pompidou et le K21 Düsseldorf collaborent à une exposition commune, la première de cette importance consacrée à Hito Steyerl en France et en Allemagne. Une sélection rétrospective de pièces majeures de l’artiste s’articule autour d’une nouvelle production et s’accompagne de deux publications.

Installation, mixed media, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Matisse — Comme un roman
Past: October 21, 2020 → February 22, 2021
L’exposition présente des chefs-d’œuvre issus des collections de différents musées, déployés avec une ampleur sans précédent. La générosité de la famille de l’artiste et de collectionneurs privés permet de montrer des œuvres majeures dont certaines n’ont pas été vues en France depuis la grande rétrospective de 1970 au Grand Palais.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Global(e) Resistance — Pour une histoire engagée de la collection contemporaine de Jonathas de Andrade à Billie Zangewa
Past: July 29, 2020 → January 4, 2021
L’exposition, inscrite dans la saison culturelle « Africa 2020 » présente une majorité d’artistes liés au continent africain, au Moyen-Orient et à l’Asie et se donne pour ambition d’examiner les stratégies contemporaines de résistance. Elle révèle, pour la première fois, une cinquantaine d’acquisitions d’artistes jeunes pour la plupart.

Drawing, installation, sculpture...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Christo et Jeanne Claude — Paris !
Past: July 1 → October 19, 2020
The major exhibition devoted to Christo and Jeanne Claude retraces the story of this project, from 1975 to 1985, and looks back at their Parisian period, between 1958 and 1964, before the wrapping of the Arc de Triomphe in 2021.

Architecture, drawing, installation...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Past: Saturday, September 19, 2020
Pour rendre hommage au poète John Giorno (1936-2019) un an après sa disparition et pour célébrer à travers lui la création poétique sous toutes ses formes, le Centre Pompidou s’associe à d’autres lieux de la scène poétique pour proposer THE JOHN GIORNO POETRY DAY toute la journée du samedi 19 septembre. Un événement international conçu avec les écrivains Anne-James Chaton et Jean-Michel Espitallier.

Painting, performance, poetry...
Multiple venues
Jeremy Shaw — Phase Shifting Index
Past: July 1 → 27, 2020
Since the mid-2000s, the Canadian artist Jeremy Shaw (born in 1977, based in Berlin) has established an original artistic approach that combines sources of inspiration ranging from spiritual beliefs to neuroscience.

Installation, sound - music, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Wols — Une toute petite feuille pour contenir le monde
Past: March 4 → May 13, 2020
L’exposition inédite que consacre le Centre Pompidou à Wols propose au travers d’une centaine de dessins, d’une trentaine de photographies et de quelques peintures, une relecture de son dessin à la lumière de ses autres pratiques : écriture, photographie et peinture.

Drawing, photography
Centre Georges Pompidou
Christian Jaccard — Donation au Musée national d’art moderne
Past: March 4 → May 13, 2020
Né en 1939 à Fontenay-sous-Bois, Christian Jaccard est un artiste franco-suisse dont l’œuvre a été révélée au public au début des années 1970, alors qu’il se confrontait aux travaux du mouvement Supports/ Surfaces et développait son projet en marge de celui-ci, notamment sous l’impulsion des recherches qu’avaient entreprises Simon Hantaï.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Galeries du XXe siècle
Past: May 22, 2019 → May 13, 2020
Dans le cadre de la rotation annuelle des expositions-dossiers thématiques présentées dans le parcours des collections, le Musée national d’art moderne rend hommage à quelques-uns des grands marchands d’art moderne et contemporain, actifs en France de 1905 à la fin des années 1960.

Collage, drawing, lithography / engraving...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Yuan Jai
Past: February 5 → April 27, 2020
Yuan Jai was born in Chongqing (Sichuan) in 1941. Her father, a military man and a man of letters, was close to Chiang Kai-shek and the family moved to Taiwan in 1947. She studied Chinese painting in the Fine Arts Department of the National Taiwan Normal University, then the history of art and restoration in Louvain University and at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, in Brussels (IRPA).

Lithography / engraving, painting, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Mutations / Créations — Neurones / les intelligences simulées
Past: February 26 → April 20, 2020
At a time when artificial intelligence is extending into all corners of modern life, the Centre Pompidou will, for the first time, be placing this phenomenon in the context of the history of neuroscience and neurocomputing with the exhibition Neurons, Simulated Intelligences.

Installation, new media, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Christian Boltanski — Faire son temps
Past: November 13, 2019 → March 16, 2020
Through a pathway of some fifty works by Christian Boltanski, this vast presentation by one of the key figures of contemporary creation reveals the magnitude and ambition of an artist marked by his history and a half-century of questioning on the role and voice of the artist in our societies.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Chine Afrique
Past: March 4 → 13, 2020
Thirty years after The Magicians of the Earth, fifteen years after Africa Remix, five years after Multiple Modernities from 1905 to 1970 and following on from the exhibitions devoted to Wifredo Lam, Latiff Mohidin and, most recently, Ernest Mancoba, the Centre Pompidou continues to explore the history of non-Western arts.

Installation, painting, photography...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Calais, témoigner de la jungle — Bruno Serralongue, l’AFP, les habitants
Past: October 16, 2019 → February 24, 2020
Cette exposition est conçue comme une expérience et une approche comparative d’une imagerie de notre temps, celle de la migration. Elle aborde la situation des exilés dans un camp aux abords de la ville de Calais, surnommé la « jungle », avant son démantèlement en octobre 2016.

Photography, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Points de rencontres
Past: October 23, 2019 → January 27, 2020
L’exposition « Points de rencontres », élaborée par Frédéric Paul, qui a en amont présenté les sept artistes aux entreprises, rassemble les œuvres produites par les artistes en résidence, en dialogue avec des œuvres d’artistes de la collection du Musée (Brassaï, Man Ray, Sonia Delaunay, Joseph Albers, Paul Klee, Marc Chagall, Jackson Pollock…).

Installation, lithography / engraving, photography...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Francis Bacon — En toutes lettres
Past: September 11, 2019 → January 20, 2020
The last major French exhibition of this artist’s work was held in 1996 at the Centre Pompidou. More than twenty years later, Bacon:Books and Painting presents paintings dating from 1971, the year of the retrospective event at the national galleries of the Grand Palais, to his final works in 1992.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Dorothy Iannone — Toujours de l’audace
Past: September 25, 2019 → January 6, 2020
The Focus room at the Museum is hosting an exhibition of American artist Dorothy Iannone, presenting more than twenty of her works from the period between 1963 and 2019. Her works with their mystical, sexual and political dimensions include paintings, drawings, collages, videos and artists’ books.

Installation, painting, mixed media...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Prix Marcel Duchamp 2019 — Éric Baudelaire, Katinka Bock, Marguerite Humeau, Ida Tursic et Wilfried Mille
Past: October 9, 2019 → January 6, 2020
Créé en 2000 pour mettre en lumière le foisonnement créatif de la scène artistique française, le prix Marcel Duchamp a pour ambition de distinguer les artistes les plus audacieux de leur génération. Il met cette année en avant trois artistes et un duo Éric Baudelaire, Katinka Bock, Marguerite Humeau, Ida Tursic et Wilfried Mille.

Installation, painting, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Richard Linklater — Le cinéma, matière-temps
Past: November 25, 2019 → January 6, 2020
Le Centre Pompidou invite le cinéaste indépendant américain Richard Linklater à présenter, pour la première fois, la rétrospective intégrale de ses films et une exposition autour de la matière de son cinéma, le temps.

Film, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Cosmopolis #2 — Repenser l’humain
Past: October 23 → December 23, 2019
Cosmopolis est une plate-forme inédite d’exploration des pratiques artistiques enracinées dans la recherche et le partage des savoirs, nourries du dialogue qu’elles engagent avec les enjeux sociaux, urbains et politiques de notre temps.

Installation, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Richard Linklater — Le cinéma, matière-temps
Past: Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 5 PM
Présent pour accompagner l’événement, Richard Linklater donne une masterclass exceptionnelle. À cette occasion il paraît Cinéaste du moment (Post-éditions et Débordements, en coédition avec le Centre Pomp…
Sébastien Lifshitz — L’Inventaire infini
Past: October 4 → November 11, 2019
Depuis la fin des années 1990, Sébastien Lifshitz trace une œuvre cinématographique aussi délicate que politique. Alors que sort prochainement en salle son nouveau long métrage, Adolescentes, celui-ci revient sur l’ensemble de son travail à travers une rétrospective complète et une exposition.

Film, photography, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
La Préhistoire
Past: May 8 → September 16, 2019
With this new exhibition the Centre Pompidou puts the spotlight on the link uniting prehistory to modern and contemporary art. In the course of a chronological tour, discover how artists and society have experienced the attraction of our origins during the modern period, yielding to a fantasy vision of what existed before history.

Painting, sculpture, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Bernard Frize
Past: May 29 → August 26, 2019
The Centre Pompidou reviews the work of Bernard Frize, an important French painter on the international artistic scene right from his early work in 1977.

Painting, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Dora Maar
Past: June 5 → July 29, 2019
The largest French retrospective ever devoted to Dora Maar (1907-1997) invites you to discover all the facets of her work, through more than five hundred works and documents.

Collage, photography
Centre Georges Pompidou
La Nuit européenne des musées, 2019 — 15e édition
Past: Saturday, May 18, 2019
La 15e édition de la Nuit européenne des musées s’apprête à faire vibrer Paris. Une déambulation nocturne à travers les collections et expositions muséales, où de nombreuses animations se joignent à la fête : concerts, performances, projections, spectacles, visites thématiques… Tous les arts sont conviés, toutes les formes d’expression.

Urban art, dance, drawing...
Multiple venues
Vasarely — Le partage des formes
Past: February 6 → May 6, 2019
Discover the first major French retrospective devoted to Victor Vasarely. Explore the “Vasarely continent” with three hundred works, objects and documents. Stroll through a tour that is both chronological and theme-based, exploring all the facets of the rich and diverse work of the father of optical art and all the aspects of its production.

Painting, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
La Fabrique du vivant — Mutations / Créations 3
Past: February 20 → April 15, 2019
In the digital era, a new interaction is emerging between creation and the fields of life science, neuroscience and synthetic biology. The focus now lies on matter itself. The notion of ‘living’ takes on a new form of artificiality, somewhere between inertia and momentum.

Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Erika Verzutti — Mutations / Créations 3
Past: February 20 → April 15, 2019
An original installation designed by the artist occupies the whole area of the gallery space and combines bronze, ceramic, cement and papier mâché sculptures laid out in islands grouping ‘families’ of works together. ‘Tarsila’, a tribute to Brazilian surrealist artist Tarsila do Amaral consisting of rejected and failed sculptures.

Installation, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Le Cubisme
Past: October 17, 2018 → February 25, 2019
For the first time since 1953 in France, the Centre Pompidou is devoting an exhibition to Cubism in the form of a broad overview of the history of the movement in Paris between 1907 and 1917.

Collage, drawing, painting...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Photographie, arme de classe — La photographie sociale et documentaire en France 1928-1936
Past: November 7, 2018 → February 4, 2019
Organisée à partir des collections de photographies du Centre Pompidou, cette exposition propose un nouvel éclairage sur la photographie sociale et documentaire émergeant en France au début des années 1930.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Katarzyna Kobro et Wladyslaw Strzeminski — Une avant-garde polonaise
Past: October 24, 2018 → January 14, 2019
Following the exhibition “The Russian Avant-Garde at Vitebsk (1918–1922)” held at the Centre Pompidou this spring, “A Polish Avant-Garde:Katarzyna Kobro and Wladyslaw Strzeminski” examines the work, artistic theories and social commitments of these two artists -a modern couple, discreet revolutionaries.

Painting, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Tadao Ando — Le Défi
Past: October 10 → December 31, 2018
The Centre Pompidou is holding a major retrospective of the work of the Japanese architect Tadao Ando, a key figure in contemporary architecture and a previous winner of the prestigious Pritzker prize for architecture.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Prix Marcel Duchamp 2018 — Mohamed Bourouissa, Clément Cogitore, Thu-Van Tran et Marie Voignier
Past: October 10 → December 31, 2018
The four finalists for the Marcel Duchamp Prize 2018 have been invited to exhibit at the Centre Pompidou.

Installation, mixed media, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Sabine Weiss — Les Villes, la rue, l’autre
Past: June 20 → October 15, 2018
The exhibition staged in the Galerie de Photographies features nearly 80 vintage photographs by Sabine Weiss, mostly unpublished, on the theme of the street.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Chagall, Lissitzky, Malévitch — L’avant-garde Russe à Vitebsk (1918-1922)
Past: March 28 → July 16, 2018
The Centre Pompidou is offering audiences a chance to explore a chapter in the history of modernity and the Russian avant-garde: the period of the people’s art school (1918 — 1922) founded by Marc Chagall in his native city of Vitebsk, which now lies in Belorussia.

Collage, drawing, print...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Latiff Mohidin — Pago Pago (1960-1969)
Past: February 28 → May 28, 2018
Le Centre Pompidou et la National Gallery Singapore présentent une exposition autour de l’artiste Latiff Mohidin, l’un des principaux modernistes d’Asie du Sud-Est. L’exposition retrace une période formatrice de la pratique de l’artiste dans les années 1960, tandis qu’il parcourait l’Europe et l’Asie du Sud-Est.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Broomberg & Chanarin — Divine Violence
Past: February 21 → May 21, 2018
Violence and questions relating to it are central to the artistic approach of Adam Broomberg and Oliver Chanarin duo, who are celebrating twenty years of collaboration in 2018. This radical, provocative installation consists of 57 frames, each corresponding to a book in the Bible, and brings together its 721 pages.

Collage, installation, photography
Centre Georges Pompidou
David Goldblatt
Past: February 21 → May 7, 2018
For the first time in France, the Centre Pompidou is staging a large-scale retrospective on South African photographer David Goldblatt.
The exhibition takes visitors through the entire output of the photographer, and features over two hundred photographs, a hundred-odd previously unpublished documents.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Sheila Hicks — Lignes de vie
Past: February 7 → April 30, 2018
The Centre Pompidou is to devote a solo exhibition to Sheila Hicks, an American artist based in Paris since the mid-1960s. Looking back at Hicks’ career from 1957 to the present day, 145 works will be displayed. Sheila Hicks uses cotton, wool, linen and silk to enrich our perceptions of colour, material and space.

Installation, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Jim Dine — Paris Reconnaissance — La donation de l’artiste au Centre Pompidou
Past: February 14 → April 23, 2018
From 14 February to 23 April 2018, the Centre Pompidou is exhibiting the remarkable donation Jim Dine. The donation, exhibited in its entirety, includes the artist’s very earliest works, in which he established his visual vocabulary and highly original themes.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Centre Georges Pompidou
César la rétrospective
Past: December 13, 2017 → March 26, 2018
This retrospective marks the 20th anniversary of the artist’s death. Famous by the age of 25, César enjoyed an artistic career of more than 50 years. He is, however, the last major figure among the Nouveaux Réalistes not to have been accorded a retrospective at the Centre Pompidou.

Sculpture, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Latiff Mohidin — Parole aux artistes
Past: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 at 7 PM
Soirée d’étude consacrée à l’œuvre poétique de Latiff Mohidin et à ses liens avec plusieurs intellectuels et poètes de sa génération en Asie du Sud-Est.
Cinéma 2 — En présence de l’artiste, ave…
Renzo Piano et Richard Rogers
Past: December 13, 2017 → February 12, 2018
The Centre Pompidou is 40 — counting from the moment that an eager public discovered it at its inauguration on 30 January 1977. However, that does not factor in the building’s long gestation period, from the competition to its delivery, which mobilised teams of architects, engineers from design firms and the staff of all the companies involved in building this incomparable edifice.

Centre Georges Pompidou
André Derain — 1904 — 1914. La décennie radicale
Past: October 4, 2017 → January 29, 2018
The Centre Pompidou is presenting “André Derain 1904 — 1914. La décennie radicale ” (The Radical Decade), which takes a fresh look at the work of this major 20th century artist, tracing the various stages of his career before the First World War, when he was involved in the most radical avant-garde movements.

Drawing, lithography / engraving, painting
Centre Georges Pompidou
Prix Marcel Duchamp 2017 — Maja Bajevic, Joana Hadjithomas et Khalil Joreige, Charlotte Moth, Vittorio Santoro
Past: September 27, 2017 → January 8, 2018
To mark the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2017, the Centre Pompidou is to stage a group show of the four finalists: Maja Bajevic, Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige, Charlotte Moth, and Vittorio Santoro. This annual event is organised in collaboration with the Association pour la Diffusion Internationale de l’Art Français (ADIAF).

Installation, new media, photography...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Nalini Malani — La Rébellion des morts, rétrospective 1969-2018
Past: October 18, 2017 → January 8, 2018
In a unique collaboration the Centre Pompidou and Castello di Rivoli are staging Indian artist Nalini Malani’s first retrospective in France and Italy. Presented in Paris in 2017-2018, then in Rivoli in 2018, this retrospective in two parts selectively covers fifty years of creativity.

Drawing, performance, mixed media...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Cosmopolis #1 — Collective Intelligence
Past: October 18 → December 18, 2017
The Centre Pompidou presents the first edition of Cosmopolis, a new platform that highlights research-based artistic practices and a renewed engagement with theories of cosmopolitanism.

Installation, new media, performance...
Centre Georges Pompidou
David Hockney — Rétrospective
Past: June 21 → October 23, 2017
The exhibition celebrates David Hockney’s 80th birthday, retracing his entire career through more than 160 works (paintings, photographs, engravings, video installations, drawings and printed works), including his most iconic paintings (swimming pools, double portraits and monumental landscapes) and some of his most recent creations.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Elina Brotherus — Carte blanche PMU 2017
Past: September 27 → October 22, 2017
For the 8th edition of Carte blanche PMU and the 3rd at the Centre Pompidou, Elina Brotherus, a Finnish artist, has chosen to take a look at the world of the game and offers to take us to an enchanted universe using, for the first time, a second character.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Éric Baudelaire — APRÈS — Un film, une exposition, des rencontres
Past: September 6 → 18, 2017
Au sortir d’une recherche en sciences politiques, Éric Baudelaire a choisi la pratique artistique comme outil de son regard critique sur le monde, à travers le film, la photographie, l’installation performative et le texte. Son œuvre sonde un réel travaillé par les systèmes de représentation qui structurent les sociétés contemporaines.

Film, installation, mixed media...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Steven Pippin — Aberration optique
Past: June 14 → September 11, 2017
L’exposition, conçue pour la Galerie de photographies du Centre Pompidou, fait suite à l’acquisition récente de trois œuvres de Steven Pippin par le Musée national d’art moderne. Elle se veut une revue expresse de l’artiste depuis 1984, ainsi qu’un précipité d’histoire de la photographie.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Past: June 15 → September 11, 2017
The different artistic projects assembled in this exhibition are all concerned in one way or another with archaeology itself. They assume the erosion of certainties, engaging hearing and vision in meditations on different truths. The abolition of time and space effected by the digital anachronistically marshals together on the same plane both the most contemporary of technologies and ancient gesture.

Installation, new media, photography...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Bernard Lassus — Un art de la transformation, le paysage
Past: May 24 → August 28, 2017
The Centre Pompidou is paying an unprecedented tribute to the visual artist and landscape architect Bernard Lassus. A room will be devoted to his work in the museum’s modern collection circuit (from 24 May to 26 August), while the “Jardin monde” (world garden) will be on show until October in 800 m² of the south terrace on level 5.

Installation, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Walker Evans
Past: April 26 → August 14, 2017
Walker Evans (1903-1975) is one of the most important American photographers of the 20th century. The Centre Pompidou is now presenting the first major museum retrospective of his work in France. Through his attention to the details of everyday life and urban banality, he largely helped to define the visibility of 20t…

Painting, photography
Centre Georges Pompidou
Imprimer le monde
Past: March 15 → July 3, 2017
From the designer object to the architectural prototype, and from the production workshop to innovative laboratory objects, this exhibition brings together a generation of artists, designers and architects who have begun using 3D printing as a critical tool for experimenting.

Design, new media, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Ross Lovegrove — Convergence
Past: April 12 → July 3, 2017
The Centre Pompidou is devoting a first “forward-looking retrospective” to the work of the industrial designer Ross Lovegrove, who promotes an overall vision of design based on the natural evolutionary process. The exhibition looks back at this quest for new paradigms in creation, at the crossroads of art, design, technology and nature.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Josef Koudelka, la fabrique d’Exils
Past: February 22 → May 22, 2017
The exhibition, presented in the Galerie de Photographies, reveals thirty-five of the series’ most iconic pictures, together with numerous unpublished images printed especially for the occasion. The circuit is rounded off with an extraordinary group of self-portraits taken by Koudelka during his travels, never shown until now.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Saâdane Afif — The Fountain Archives
Past: February 1 → April 30, 2017
Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain is 100 years old! To celebrate this anniversary, the Centre Pompidou is presenting a work by Saâdane Afif: The Fountain Archives. Since 2008, the artist has been collecting publications in which the famous ready-made is reproduced, giving rise to an unusual work that has been constantly growing.

Installation, photography, porcelain
Centre Georges Pompidou
Cy Twombly
Past: November 30, 2016 → April 24, 2017
The Centre Pompidou is presenting a major retrospective of the work of American artist Cy Twombly. A key event of the fall 2016, this exceptionally vast exhibition will only be shown in Paris, and will feature remarkable loans from private and public collections from all over the world.

Drawing, painting, photography...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Kollektsia ! — Art contemporain en URSS et en Russie 1950-2000
Past: September 14, 2016 → March 27, 2017
More than 250 works of Soviet and Russian contemporary art are assembled through the outstanding efforts of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. Without pretending to the exhaustive, this ensemble of works by major artists offers a panorama of some forty years of contemporary art in the USSR and then in Russia, covering the most important movements.

Painting, photography, sculpture...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Jean-Luc Moulène
Past: October 19, 2016 → February 20, 2017
While Moulène is largely known for his photography, his more recent, object-based work plays a central role today. Through these previously unseen works, the exhibition circuit invites viewers to grasp the richness and complexity, both abstract and physical, of the artist’s world.

Centre Georges Pompidou
La collection Thea Westreich Wagner et Ethan Wagner
Past: June 10, 2016 → February 6, 2017
This exhibition devoted to the collection of Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner pays tribute to the philanthropy of this couple of collectors from New York. They have promised over 850 works as a donation: 350 to the Centre Pompidou Foundation and 500 to the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Brassaï — Graffiti
Past: November 9, 2016 → January 30, 2017
The Graffiti series, on which the photographer worked for over twenty-five years, contains over 500 pictures, some still little-known. By unveiling many hitherto unpublished images, the exhibition staged by the Centre Pompidou in the Galerie de Photographies takes a more in-depth look at this celebrated group of works.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Past: September 21, 2016 → January 23, 2017
The exhibition “Magritte: La trahison des images” offers a completely new approach to the work of the Belgian artist René Magritte. Featuring both well-known masterpieces and other less familiar works, all drawn from leading public and private collections, it offers a fresh look at one of the key figures of Modern art.

Drawing, painting
Centre Georges Pompidou
Anna Malagrida — Cristal House
Past: September 28 → October 17, 2016
The new creation by d’Anna Malagrida, for Carte blanche PMU, is made of contrasts. In the centre is the metropolis where millions of human destinies overlap. The artwork, which is going to be mounted in the photographic gallery space at the Centre Pompidou, is made of films, photographs and texts.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Beat Generation
Past: June 22 → October 3, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is to present Beat Generation, a novel retrospective dedicated to the literary and artistic movement born in the late 1940s that would exert an ever-growing influence for the next two decades. The theme will be reflected in all the Centre’s activities, with a rich programme of events: readings, concerts, discussions, film screenings…

Photography, sound - music
Centre Georges Pompidou
Louis Stettner — Ici ailleurs
Past: June 15 → September 12, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is devoting a retrospective to the photographer Louis Stettner with a hundred-odd works, paying tribute to one of the last great American photographers of his generation still working today.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Haegue Yang — Lingering Nous
Past: July 6 → September 5, 2016
The Centre Pompidou host a large-scale commissioned blind installation, “Lingering Nous” by Haegue Yang (Seoul, 1971) at the Forum. Consisting of ca. 166 Venetian blinds in iridescent green and pink, “Lingering Nous” addresses the monumental nature of blind installations, while also unexpectedly featuring blinds installed askew.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Un art pauvre
Past: June 8 → August 29, 2016
The Centre Pompidou examines artistic approaches attached to the notion of ’poverty’ in artistic creation since the 60s: of course fine arts with the notable Arte Povera movement but also in the field of music, design, architecture, theatre, performance and experimental cinema.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Pierre Paulin
Past: May 11 → August 22, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is presenting the first major retrospective devoted to the work of Pierre Paulin. The creations of this designer left their mark on the second half of the 20th century, contributing to a dynamic focused on a new lifestyle.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Melik Ohanian — Under Shadows
Past: June 1 → August 15, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is inviting Melik Ohanian, winner of the 2015 Prix Marcel Duchamp, for an exhibition within its collections. The artist proposes a cosmic scenario halfway between poetry and science.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Paul Klee — L’ironie à l’œuvre
Past: April 6 → August 1, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is proposing a journey through the work of a singular figure in modernity and one of the 20th century’s most iconic artists: Paul Klee. This is the first major retrospective in France since the 1969 exhibition at the Musée National d’Art Moderne.

Centre Georges Pompidou
L’insoutenable légèreté — Les années 1980
Past: February 24 → May 23, 2016
Heterogeneous, elusive, painful, fantastical, still too close, as light-hearted as they were serious, the Eighties were full of contrasts and paradoxes. With films and photographs from its collections, the Centre Pompidou cast a fresh eye on this decade in an exhibition featuring over 20 artists and some 60 works in a completely new circuit.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Gérard Fromanger
Past: February 17 → May 16, 2016
Gérard Fromanger s’est imposé comme l’une des personnalités de la scène artistique à Paris en participant à l’aventure de la nouvelle figuration et à l’invention d’une « Nouvelle Peinture d’Histoire ». Le Centre Pompidou lui consacre une exposition avec un parcours thématique regroupant des œuvres réalisées entre 1964 et 2015.

Drawing, film, painting...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Hors Pistes 2016 — L’art de la Révolte
Past: April 23 → May 8, 2016
La 11e édition du Festival de l’image en mouvement a pour thème L’Art de la Révolte et explore le combat citoyen et ses représentations plurielles sur la scène artistique contemporaine.

Anselm Kiefer
Past: December 16, 2015 → April 18, 2016
This Anselm Kiefer exhibition, the first retrospective in France for over thirty years, allows the visitor to explore the entire career of the German artist across around 10 rooms, from the end of the sixties to the present day.

Installation, painting
Centre Georges Pompidou
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker — Work/Travail/Arbeid
Past: February 26 → March 6, 2016
What if choreography was staged as an exhibition? Melding disciplines, the Centre Pompidou is to collaborate with the Opéra National de Paris to present “Work/Travail/Arbeid”, a choreographical exhibition conceived by renowned Belgian choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Le Centre Pompidou est à vous !
Past: Sunday, March 6, 2016 11 AM → 9 PM
De la Piazza aux salles du musée, en passant par l’Atelier des enfants et le Forum, cette journée sera placée sous le signe du dialogue avec la création : rencontres avec des artistes, visites insolites, découvertes inédites des collections et du bâtiment, en accès libre et pour tous.

Wifredo Lam
Past: September 30, 2015 → February 15, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is devoting an in-depth retrospective to the work and career of the painter Wifredo Lam, from the 1930s to the 1970s. The exhibition aims to reposition the Cuban artist’s work within an international history of modern art, to which he made a key contribution in both Europe and the Americas.

Drawing, painting, photography
Centre Georges Pompidou
Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster — 1887 — 2058
Past: September 23, 2015 → February 1, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is devoting a both forward-looking and retrospective exhibition to the work of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster, presenting some 30 connected works in spaces both inside and outside of the museum. The artist will create a spatiotemporal labyrinth of rooms and environments, a theatre of sounds and perceptions, a multi-faceted story.

Film, installation, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Julien Prévieux — Prix Marcel Duchamp 2014
Past: September 23, 2015 → February 1, 2016
Julien Prévieux’s oeuvre explores our world and daily life from the perspectives of work, economics and politics. In this exhibition devoted to him, the artist has chosen to mix drawings, abstract sculptures and film around the themes of recording movement and mapping the body.

Drawing, film, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Past: November 11, 2015 → February 1, 2016
Décembre 1962, Agnès Varda est à Cuba, à la Havane. L’exposition de la galerie de photographies du Centre Pompidou révèle pour la première fois au public les étonnantes photographies réalisées par Varda lors de ce séjour et qui sont récemment entrés dans les collections du Centre Pompidou.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Karel Appel — Œuvres sur papier
Past: October 21, 2015 → January 11, 2016
The Centre Pompidou is presenting a retrospective of Dutch artist Karel Appel’s works on paper for the first time, with a selection of some eighty-five drawings from between 1947 and 2006, some of which have never been exhibited before.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Claude Rutault — D’où je viens, où je suis, où je vais
Past: October 21, 2015 → January 11, 2016
L’œuvre de Caude Rutault est importante car elle ne propose rien d’autre qu’une nouvelle politique de la peinture que l’exposition entend rendre pleinement sensible. Politique non par son contenu, mais à un niveau plus profond : par la pratique nouvelle qu’elle induit, par la redistribution radicale des rôles qu’elle propose sur la scène de l’art.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Thierry Fontaine — Carte blanche PMU
Past: October 7 → 19, 2015
Pour sa sixième édition, le PMU a de nouveau donné Carte blanche à un photographe pour exprimer sa vision sur l’univers du jeu : Thierry Fontaine se met à la place des joueurs et donne corps aux rêves que fait naître le jeu. Il fait des joueurs des alchimistes rêvant de transformer le plomb en or.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Nuit Blanche — 2015
Past: October 3 → 4, 2015
For the occasion of the 14th edition of Nuit Blanche on Saturday 3 October, Slash has put together its own selection of spectacular and alternative events not to miss out on.

Mixed media
Multiple venues
Mona Hatoum
Past: June 24 → September 28, 2015
Mona Hatoum’s work dialogues, in an original and exemplary manner, with the major disciplines and movements of contemporary art — performance, video, Kinetic art, Minimalism and Conceptual art — and even makes a nod to Surrealism. The multidisciplinarity informs all of her work : no material, no medium, no art field is foreign to her.

Installation, photography, sculpture...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Anna et Bernhard Blume — La photographie transcendentale
Past: July 1 → September 21, 2015
Anna and Bernhard Blume began working in the late Sixties. They have a real penchant for the subversive character of apparitions, levitations, the remote moving of objects and other spiritualist phenomena. This exhibition highlights their work, full of mocking humour, with a selection of 30 or so original photographs of the paranormal phenomena.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Valérie Belin — Les images intranquilles
Past: June 24 → September 14, 2015
For the first time ever, the Centre Pompidou is devoting an exhibition to the work of Valérie Belin. It feature around thirty works, organised around her most recent series, “Super Models”. This new proposal revives the theme of the mannequin central to the artist’s work, in relation to previous works from public and private collections.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Gottfried Honegger
Past: June 24 → September 14, 2015
For the first time, the Centre Pompidou is to devote an exhibition to the Swiss artist Gottfried Honegger. Through a selection of some 50 works (drawings,paintings and sculptures) the exhibition examine the career of this major figure in abstract art, focussing in particularon the genesis and development of his Tableaux-reliefs or “Relief Paintings”.

Drawing, painting, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Paris Design Week 2015
Past: September 5 → 12, 2015
For eight days, Paris Design Week invites French and international professionals and the general public to discover the best showcases of design in Paris, while the leading talents in the discipline gather in the now! le Off exhibition.

Multiple venues
Le Corbusier — Mesures de l’homme
Past: April 29 → August 3, 2015
Not only a visionary architect, urban planner and theorist of modernity, but also a painter and sculptor, Le Corbusier made a profound impression on the 20th century. The exhibition presents every facet of the artist’s work through some 300 paintings, sculptures, drawings, architectural drawings, models, objects, films, photographs and documents.

Drawing, film, painting...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Le Nouveau festival — 6ème édition : Air de jeu
Past: April 15 → July 20, 2015
Three months for playing and thinking: at the heart of the Centre Pompidou, the relationship between art and games is the new theme for this sixth edition. Visual artists, performers, dancers, theorists and film directors play on the same field in order to continue the dialogue.

La beauté du jeu — Le Nouveau festival
Past: April 15 → July 20, 2015
Le jeu permet la remise en cause de certaines valeurs traditionnelles de l’art et l’affirmation de nouvelles règles de création. Si le ludisme met à distance l’esprit de sérieux, le modèle du jeu de hasard s’impose aux avant-gardes (chez Dada et les surréalistes) comme un nouveau moyen de production des œuvres.

Extension du domaine du jeu — Le Nouveau festival
Past: June 18 → July 20, 2015
Whether it be to do with games of language, society, strategy or video games, they all have in common the fact that they are structured by rules. This initiative brings together artists from fine art, performers and designers who perceive game rules as a catalyst or structure able to generate new playful forms in contemporary creation.

Les Jeudi’s — 7e édition
Past: February 10 → June 23, 2015
Un jeudi par mois le Centre Pompidou propose aux visiteurs une soirée événement dans les collections du Musée national d’art moderne. Ces « Jeudi’s » invitent de jeunes artistes en formation à proposer des performances en résonance avec les œuvres du Musée mêlant danse, musique, arts visuels, spectacle vivant, stylisme ou architecture.

Vidéodanse : le corps en jeu — Le Nouveau festival
Past: May 20 → June 14, 2015
With stage design in the hands of Chloé Quenum, this edition of Vidéodanse presents projections, meetings with choreographers and live performances.

Qu’est-ce que la photographie ?
Past: March 4 → June 1, 2015
Qu’est-ce que la photographie ? Depuis son invention, cette question n’a cessé d’être posée. En suivant ce fil rouge et une cinquantaine d’œuvres emblématiques d’une trentaine d’artistes, cette exposition propose une traversée inédite de l’histoire de la photographie, en montrant comment des artistes singuliers ont interrogé ce médium.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Hervé Télémaque
Past: February 25 → May 18, 2015
With 74 works in the form of paintings, drawings, collages, objects and assemblages, the completely new retrospective devoted by the Centre Pompidou to Hervé Télémaque encompasses the entire career of this Haiti-born French artist, and reflects all the diversity and consistency of a challenging body of work with undeniable visual power.

Collage, drawing, painting
Centre Georges Pompidou
Stand up ! — Le Nouveau festival
Past: April 15 → May 17, 2015
« Stand Up ! » présente des « live », avec des artistes issus du spectacle vivant, des arts visuels, du cinéma, de la danse se prêtant à l’exercice, des rencontres et des projections.

Le Nouveau festival — Performances Fluxus
Past: May 6 → 10, 2015
On the occasion of the sixth edition of its Nouveau festival, the Pompidou centre is transforming into a vast play area! A dozen young performers from the École supérieure d’art d’Avignon will fill the South gallery and the piazza in order to revisit, in 31 performances, the legacy of the Fluxus movement.

Jeff Koons — La rétrospective
Past: November 26, 2014 → April 27, 2015
The Centre Pompidou is staging the first exhaustive retrospective devoted to Jeff Koons in Europe, starting on 26 November. This unprecedented exhibition makes it possible to fully appreciate a body of work that has marked the contemporary artistic and cultural landscape for 35 years.

Installation, painting, sculpture...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Tariq Teguia — Films et rencontres
Past: March 6 → 15, 2015
Le Centre Pompidou invite Tariq Teguia, cinéaste phare de l’Algérie contemporaine. Révolution Zendj, son dernier opus, présente un regard unique sur l’Algérie et ses « espaces », le monde arabe et les deux rives de la Méditerranée (récompensé du Grand Prix du Festival de Belfort 2013) sera présenté en ouverture du cycle.

Tariq Teguia — Films et rencontres
Past: Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 5 PM
Meeting hosted by Cyril Neyrat — Free entrance.
Hors Pistes 2015 — 10 eme édition du festival
Past: January 23 → February 15, 2015
Hors Pistes, manifestation dédiée aux formes les plus prospectives des images contemporaines, propose pour cette 10éme édition anniversaire, trois semaines de projections, installations et performances d’artistes sur le thème de la célébration.

Performance, mixed media, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Le Centre Pompidou dédie une nouvelle galerie à la photographie
Past: November 5, 2014 → February 2, 2015
Located in the Forum on level -1 of the building, the idea behind the new “Galerie de photographies” of 200 m2, with free access, is to make more generous use of the rich and varied photographic resources of the Musée National d’Art Moderne by offering visitors fresh interpretations of a collection containing 40,000 prints.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Frank Gehry — Première grande rétrospective en Europe
Past: October 8, 2014 → January 26, 2015
For the first time in Europe, the Centre Pompidou is to present a comprehensive retrospective of the work of Frank Gehry, one of the great figures of contemporary architecture. Known all over the world for his buildings, many of which have attained iconic status, Frank Gehry has revolutionised architecture’s aesthetics.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Latifa Echakhch — Prix Marcel Duchamp 2013
Past: October 8, 2014 → January 26, 2015
With Espace 315, the artist once more places ideas about the stage, decorum and traces at the heart of her approach. The exhibition, consisting of several sculptural components, has a strongly unified feel. Latifa Echakhch transforms the venue into a dense, dreamlike place halfway between earth and sky, frozen in a twilight world.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Robert Delaunay — Rythmes sans fin
Past: October 15, 2014 → January 12, 2015
The exhibition “Robert Delaunay: Rythmes sans fin” reveals the extraordinary wealth of the Centre Pompidou’s collection of works by Robert and Sonia Delaunay. The collections are unequalled anywhere in the world thanks in particular to the substantial gift to the nation made by Sonia and her son Charles in 1964.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Marcel Duchamp — La peinture, même
Past: September 24, 2014 → January 5, 2015
Through 100-odd works brought together for the first time, the Centre Pompidou is devoting a monograph exhibition to Marcel Duchamp’s painted work. With a completely new and knowingly paradoxical approach, the exhibition is designed to show the paintings of the man who in now widely held opinion killed painting.

Installation, painting, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Modernités plurielles — 1905-1970
Past: October 23, 2013 → December 31, 2014
With a new display of its collections, the Centre Pompidou is presenting a fresh overview of modern art from 1905 to 1970. This exhibition contains an exceptional selection of over 1,000 works by 400 artists from 47 countries. It covers all fields of creation including the plastic arts, photography, film, architecture and design.

Collage, design, installation...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Marguerite Duras — Cinéaste
Past: November 28 → December 20, 2014
À l’occasion du centenaire de la naissance de Marguerite Duras, le Centre Pompidou propose de découvrir ou redécouvrir son œuvre de cinéaste à travers une rétrospective intégrale de ses films en lien avec l’exposition « Duras Song ».

Martial Raysse
Past: May 14 → September 22, 2014
The exhibition, containing more than 200 works in the form of paintings, sculptures, films, photographs and drawings, provides audiences with the first-ever overview of fifty years of creation, with iconic works from every period in Raysse’s career from the Sixties to the present day.

Drawing, film, painting...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Magiciens de la terre — Retour sur une exposition légendaire
Past: July 2 → September 15, 2014
Magiciens de la terre was one of the exhibitions that revolutionised the 20th century international art scene. At the very beginning of a globalisation not yet acknowledged as such, through its unprecedented invitation to contemporary artists from every continent, the exhibition can now be seen as a seminal moment in the globalising of contemporary art.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Man Ray, Picabia et la revue Littérature (1922-1924)
Past: July 2 → September 8, 2014
This exhibition “Man Ray, Picabia et la revue ’Littérature’ (1922-1924)”, invites visitors to discover the contribution of two major 20th century artistes to a review whose last issues reflected a crucial period in the history of modern art, between the end of the Dada movement and the advent of Surrealism.

Drawing, photography
Centre Georges Pompidou
Bernard Tschumi
Past: April 30 → July 28, 2014
The exhibition showcases some three hundred and fifty drawings, sketches, collages, and models, many of them never shown previously. The installation designed by the architect also features archival documents and films. On view will be over thirty projects in Europe, the United States, China, and the Middle East, including the new Parc Zoologique de Paris.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Christian Marclay — The Clock
Past: May 17 → July 2, 2014
“The Clock” by Christian Marclay is an audiovisual work lasting 24 hours. Spectacular and hypnotic, its cinematographic mechanism is regulated with a clockmaker’s precision, and turns into a time machine, marking a century of cinema minute by minute.

Henri Cartier-Bresson
Past: February 12 → June 9, 2014
Through more than five hundred photographs, drawings, paintings, films and documents, the Centre Pompidou is devoting a completely new retrospective to the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson: the first in Europe since the artist’s death. The public are invited to journey through over seventy years of work that established the photographer as a key figure in modernity.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Wang Bing / Jaime Rosales — Cinéastes en correspondance
Past: April 14 → May 26, 2014
« Cinéastes en correspondance » présente la correspondance filmée entre le cinéaste chinois Wang Bing et Jaime Rosales, cinéaste espagnol à l’œuvre de fiction engagée. Les trois courts métrages qu’ils s’adressent, racontent leur tentative commune de représenter la modernité dans sa plus sèche nudité.

Donation Guerlain
Past: October 16, 2013 → March 31, 2014
Dans les salles reconfigurées de la galerie d’art graphique et la galerie du musée, exceptionnellement réunies pour l’occasion, cette présentation inédite réunit quelques trois cents dessins choisis parmi l’ensemble de 1200 œuvres que compte la donation Florence et Daniel Guerlain.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Magiciens de la terre — Colloque international
Past: March 27 → 28, 2014
Il y a vingt-cinq ans, l’exposition « Magiciens de la terre » représentait, en même temps que tombait le mur de Berlin, un tournant dans la représentation et l’exposition de l’art dit contemporain. Elle offrait une critique de son ethnocentrisme et favorisait son entrée dans la mondialisation.

Frida et moi — Une exposition-atelier autour de Frida Kahlo
Past: October 19, 2013 → March 17, 2014
La Galerie des enfants propose une exposition-atelier autour de Frida Kahlo, conçue comme un espace de sensibilisation à l’univers de l’artiste pour les enfants de 5 à 10 ans. Dans un parcours libre et poétique, une série de dispositifs ludiques permettent de voyager dans l’œuvre et la vie de la célèbre artiste mexicaine.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Le Nouveau festival — 5 ème édition : l’oubli, le souvenir, la réminiscence
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
This fifth edition follows a new theme: forgetting, memory and reminiscence. Around this theme, the Nouveau festival will for three weeks bring together some of the most prestigious artists and promising players from the contemporary art scene with the aim of expressing all the diversity of today’s art.

Le Nouveau festival — Spectacles vivants
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
Memory, forgetting and reminiscence…, these questions form the theme for the fifth edition of the Centre Pompidou’s Nouveau festival and are at the heart of a program of dance, theatre and performance taking place in the Galerie Sud and Grande Salle, reasserting the links between classical art forms and live performances.

Allégories d’oubli — Le Nouveau festival
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
Around fifty projects reflect on forgetting, reminiscence and the palimpsest. Taking up the labyrinthine space designed by Pierre Huyghe for the previous exhibition in the Galerie Sud, major projects as well as original works will mix with performances, conferences and installations.

Xavier Le Roy — Rétrospective — Le Nouveau festival
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
This exhibit neither submits to the retrospective as genre or convention, nor does it present in an exhibition space works which were originally destined for a theatre space. The work is conceived as a choreography of actions and words performed by artists thoughought the exhibition.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
L’expérience Furkart — Le Nouveau festival
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
At the heart of the Swiss alps, at the Furka col situated at an altitude of 2436m, the Furkablick hotel played host to an extraordinary yet little known artistic project. Between 1983 and 1999, 63 international artists were invited to create works in this gripping environment.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Vidéodanse — Le Nouveau festival
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
Based on a selection of more than forty dance films by choreographers of different generations — among which is a choice of films relating to contemporary creation and notably to performance — this new edition wishes to explore the subjects of transmission, interpretation and relationship to history.

Charles de Meaux — Le Train fantôme & La face B — Le Nouveau festival
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
Charles de Meaux has conceived an original and exclusive project, taking inspiration from the very architecture of the Centre Pompidou. He will install a reconstituted pipe which will form his own vision of a runaway train, as the image of a stationary voyage.

Amnésies : ce que l’oubli fait au cinéma (et vice-versa) — Le Nouveau festival
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
“What gets forgotten in images? How and why is it forgotten? If, as psychology says, the capacity to forget is the sign of a healthy mind, is it therefore reassuring to think that cinema is also capable of forgetting? A response with six films and six associated arguments.” Program by Jacques Aumont.

Eblouis par l’oubli, paroles — Le Nouveau festival
Past: February 19 → March 10, 2014
The fifth edition of the Nouveau Festival continues the investigation into forgetting and reminiscence by inviting artists and researchers to give talks, researchers that Jean-Pierre Criqui imagines are “dazzled by oblivion”.

Ivo Dimchev — Concerto
Past: Sunday, March 9, 2014 5 PM → 5:50 PM
Concerto offre une interprétation très personnelle du concept de concert live. Se muant subtilement en star du rock ou en prima donna, Ivo Dimchev se met dans la peau de personnages extravagants pour accompagner les modulations de son chant. Troublant, ce spectacle nous confronte à l’éclatement du moi dans une esthétique à la David Lynch.

Ivo Dimchev — Fest
Past: March 6 → 7, 2014
Le Bulgare Ivo Dimchev doit son succès international à un charisme androgyne et à un théâtre exigeant, radical et émouvant qui transcende les genres et les tabous. Son audace transgressive n’a d’égal qu’un humour virulent. Dans sa dernière création, Dimchev porte un regard à la fois acerbe et burlesque sur le monde du spectacle.

Le Surréalisme et l’objet
Past: October 30, 2013 → March 3, 2014
Brandishing the banner of Surrealism, Breton and his friends asserted their aim of surpassing and reinventing the real. Dreams and the powers of the subconscious inspired an automatism in drawing and writing; a “high speed” poetry designed to move far beyond reality and throw it into turmoil.

Painting, photography, sculpture...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Miguel Gutierrez & Mind over mirrors — Storing the winter
Past: Sunday, March 2, 2014 at 5 PM
Assis au premier rang, Mind over Mirrors, alias Jaime Fennelly, ajuste les sons de sa machine, tandis que Miguel Gutierrez, pieds nus, en jean et tee-shirt, se lance dans une danse d’une fluidité remarquable, oscillant au gré de la musique entre nappes harmonieuses et moments de rupture brutale.

Miguel Gutierrez — Heavens what have I done
Past: February 27 → 28, 2014
Agitateur de la scène new-yorkaise, Gutierrez s’amuse des héritages de la grande histoire chorégraphique et des lignes formelles séparant l’artiste du spectateur. Le public devient protagoniste, participant presque à son insu à ce qui se joue sur scène.

Xavier Le Roy et Laurent Goldring — Self Unfinished
Past: Sunday, February 23, 2014 5 PM → 5:50 PM
“Self Unfinished” explores situations which might transform the human body. Is it capable of becoming something else: machine, animal, or strange unidentified object? This hilarious exhibition creates confusion in the viewer: where does the human body begin and end? Where is the front, back, top and bottom?

Xavier Le Roy et Eszter Salamon — Giszelle
Past: February 20 → 21, 2014
The fifth edition of the Nouveau Festival continues the investigation into forgetting and reminiscence by inviting artists and researchers to give talks, researchers that Jean-Pierre Criqui imagines are “dazzled by oblivion”.

Pierre Huyghe
Past: September 25, 2013 → January 6, 2014
The Centre Pompidou presents the first retrospective exhibition of the work of Pierre Huyghe. He was, from the Nineties onwards, a key figure in redefining the status of the art work and the exhibition format, sometimes joining them in the form of a diary, a journey to the Antarctic or an annual calendar in the shape of a garden.

Film, installation, photography...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Daniel Dewar et Grégory Gicquel — Prix Marcel Duchamp 2012
Past: September 25, 2013 → January 6, 2014
The artistic duo Daniel Dewar and Grégory Gicquel have produced several large pieces using some of their favourite techniques: tapestry, ceramics, direct carving and painting on silk. Entitled The Hall, the installation is designed to reflect the architectural features of Espace 315.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Roy Lichtenstein
Past: July 3 → November 4, 2013
Through an exceptional selection of over a hundred major works, the Centre Pompidou presents the first complete Roy Lichtenstein retrospective in France. This show invites the public to acquire a new perspective on this emblematic figure of American Pop Art, going “beyond Pop” precisely in order to reconsider Lichtenstein as one of the first post-modern painters.

Painting, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
TA-DA ! — Une proposition interactive de Navid Nuur
Past: April 27 → September 23, 2013
Since Alain Bublex in 2009, the Children’s Gallery regularly invites renowned artists to conceive projects that introduce 6-12 years-old to their worlds or the stages of their creative processes. Navid Nuur presents a series of devices he calls “interimodules”, a neologism that refers to the ephemeral and modular nature of his works.

Installation, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Simon Hantaï
Past: May 22 → September 9, 2013
Five years after the death of the artist, the Centre Pompidou dedicates an original exhibition to Hantaï’s work — the first in over thirty-five years. Through more than 130 paintings, this exhibition, unprecedented in its scale and retrospective character, bears witness to the importance of a body of work that has today gained international recognition.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Geneviève Asse — Peintures
Past: June 26 → September 9, 2013
The Pompidou Centre is devoting an important exhibition to one of the major artists of the French post-war period, Geneviève Asse, a “painter of light and space” and now known as “bleu Asse”, blue being the signature colour of this artist from Brittany.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Mike Kelley
Past: May 2 → August 5, 2013
The Centre Pompidou presents the first French retrospective devoted to the work of Mike Kelley, featuring a sequence of some one hundred works created between 1974 and 2011. The American artist, who died prematurely in January 2012, left a complex, protean and disturbing work, drawing upon both high culture and popular culture.

Photography, mixed media, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
L’Image dans la sculpture
Past: May 2 → August 5, 2013
What is an image for the younger generation of artists and what is its relationship with certain media, such as sculpture and installation? Image into Sculpture focuses on a new approach to images through the works of four young artists born in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Cinéastes en correspondance — Albert Serra / Lisandro Alonso
Past: April 17 → June 29, 2013
Après Jonas Mekas et José Luis Guerin, c’est au tour d’Albert Serra et de Lisandro Alonso de se prêter au jeu de la lettre filmée dans le cadre du cycle « Cinéastes en correspondance ». Brève mais radicalement libre, la correspondance que les deux cinéastes ont entretenue a pris la forme de deux films qui seront présentés aux spectateurs lors des deux rétrospectives.

Ex Situ
Past: April 13 → June 16, 2013
Premier espace dédié aux adolescents dans une grande institution culturelle, Le Studio 13 /16 présente « Ex Situ », une nouvelle programmation consacrée à l’art urbain. Au fil des résidences les artistes invitent les adolescents à partager leurs processus créatifs et les différentes techniques de l’art urbain en prenant pour support l’espace lui-même.

Urban art
Centre Georges Pompidou
Eileen Gray
Past: February 20 → May 20, 2013
The Centre Pompidou devotes a retrospective to the unique work of Irish designer Eileen Gray. Featuring a selection of works, pieces of furniture, photographs, scale models and documents brought together for the first time, this exhibition pays tribute to a designer of genius, whose work traverses the Art Deco period and the Modern Movement.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Past: November 21, 2012 → March 25, 2013
The Centre Pompidou pays tribute to one of the most complex and prolific artists of the 20th century: Salvador Dali. Dali is one of the undisputed masters in the history of modern art and one of its most popular figures at the same time. A highly controversial artist, his theatricality and greed as well as his provocative political stances were often derided.

Painting, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
4ème édition du Nouveau Festival
Past: February 20 → March 11, 2013
Le Centre Pompidou devient un laboratoire prospectif de la création plastique sous toutes ses formes pour rendre compte et penser l’élargissement des territoires de l’art d’aujourd’hui. Cette 4ème édition suit le fil rouge des langues imaginaires et inventées, les voix multiples et écritures de toutes sortes mais aussi le graphisme et la typographie.

Graphic design, performance, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Hors Pistes — Un autre mouvement des images
Past: January 18 → February 3, 2013
An unmissable exhibition abounding in moving images. Hors Pistes recommences in 2013 with the discovery of new forms in contemporary image: projected films and images, exhibited images and performed images. This year the explored theme is the Miniature.

Film, performance, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Bertrand Lavier
Past: September 26, 2012 → January 7, 2013
After the monographic exhibitions dedicated to J-M. Othoniel and F. Morellet in 2011, Bertrand Lavier takes centre stage at the Centre Pompidou with an unprecedented retrospective designed in collaboration with the artist. The exhibition forms part of the Centre Pompidou’s on-going involvement with the leading figures of the French contemporary art scene.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Adel Abdessemed — Je suis innocent
Past: October 3, 2012 → January 7, 2013
When Adel Abdessemed’s work first appeared on the art scene in around 2000, it was perceived as a response to the convulsive vicissitudes of the contemporary world, using the language of art to capture all their characteristic energy and violence.

Installation, sculpture, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Jonas Mekas & José Luis Guerín — Cinéastes en correspondance
Past: November 30, 2012 → January 7, 2013
Le Centre Pompidou inaugure le cycle « Cinéastes en correspondance », en proposant un dialogue entre les œuvres des réalisateurs Jonas Mekas et José Luis Guerin. Ce dialogue prendra la forme d’une installation constituée de neuf lettres vidéo, cœur de leur rencontre, et d’une rétrospective intégrale de leurs films, en leur présence.

Mircea Cantor — Prix Marcel Duchamp 2011
Past: October 3, 2012 → January 7, 2013
At once poetic and metaphysical, Mircea Cantor’s works have made the artist quite a figure in the new geography of contemporary art. A self-styled rootless wanderer, Mircea Cantor has made himself a name on the contemporary art scene through a series of works so subtle yet radical, that their material seems to be the very stuff that dreams are made of.

Installation, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Gerhard Richter — Panorama
Past: June 6 → September 24, 2012
The Panorama retrospective at the Centre Pompidou brings together a selection of 150 major works by Gerhard Richter. The artist has been fully involved in the original design conceived specifically for the exhibition which offers a double insight, both chronological and thematic, into his career from the 1960’s until his most recent works.

Centre Georges Pompidou
La Tendenza — Architectures italiennes 1965-1985
Past: June 20 → September 10, 2012
The exhibition traces the highlights of the movement led by Aldo Rossi. Rejecting the notions of avant-garde and Utopia to initiate a political and critical architecture tuned into reality, La Tendenza offers a new approach to the architectural project founded on a renewal of drawing and the image.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Anri Sala
Past: May 3 → August 6, 2012
Following Philippe Parreno in 2009, Jean-Michel Othoniel in 2011 and preceding Adel Abdessemed and Mircea Cantor invited in the Fall of 2012, this exhibition is part of the series which the Centre Pompidou is devoting to mid-career artists of the French scene.
Designed for the Galerie Sud of the Centre Pompidou and…

Centre Georges Pompidou
Multiversités créatives
Past: May 3 → August 6, 2012
The expression ‘multiversity’ originates in the industrial world. Today, it serves as a keyword for a generation of designers with an average age of 35. Their generation is launching itself into an infinity of calculations and networks to provide an aesthetic and human translation. At the crossroads of different disci…

Architecture, design, mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Remise de prix de la Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard 2011 — Adrien Missika
Past: Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 7 PM
Le Centre Pompidou accueille, depuis 1999, le Prix Fondation d’entreprise Ricard qui récompense un artiste de la jeune scène française. Adrien Missika arpente, filme et photographie au cours de ses voyages les lieux et « monuments oubliés », naturels ou construits. L’artiste invente ainsi des récits poétiques mettant en scène des images de phénomènes naturels.

Matisse — Paires et Séries
Past: March 7 → June 18, 2012
“Paires et Séries”, featuring some sixty paintings, will examine a distinctive aspect of Matisse’s art. His repeated exlorations of the same subject through variations of framing, draughtsmanship, brushwork and color, are for him a way of exploring at itself, and for the spectator, the way to understand the line of development of his work as a whole.

Collage, drawing, painting
Centre Georges Pompidou
Vidéo Vintage
Past: February 8 → April 30, 2012
The exhibition “Video Vintage” presents some thirty videos made in Europe, the United States, Brazil and Japan in the years from 1963 to 1980, each marking an experimental breakthrough for the medium.

Film, video
Centre Georges Pompidou
Danser sa vie — Art et danse de 1900 à nos jours
Past: November 23, 2011 → April 2, 2012
The Centre Pompidou presents an unprecedented exhibition devoted to the relationship between dance and the visual arts, from 1900 to the present. Covering over 2,000 square metres, the exhibition draws on the Centre’s tradition of major multidisciplinary shows, a tradition its president Alain Seban has said he wishes to revive.

Painting, sculpture, mixed media...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Vidéo Vintage — Vidéo et après
Past: Monday, April 2, 2012 at 7 PM
Conversation entre Marcella Lista et l’artiste.
Le Nouveau Festival — 3 eme édition
Past: February 22 → March 12, 2012
During three weeks, seven chief guests will present projects involving their own invitees in different spaces at the Centre Pompidou. Over a hundred artists, performer, writers, musicians et tumblers explore new “ways of world-making”. Disciplines interact and hybridize as our guests bring to life the concept of a laboratory of visual art and creation.

New media, painting, performance...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Vidéo Vintage — Vidéo et après
Past: Monday, March 12, 2012 at 7 PM
Carte blanche à Electronic Arts Intermix.
Vidéo Vintage — Un dimanche, une œuvre
Past: Sunday, March 11, 2012 at 11:30 AM
Séance présentée par Pierre Leguillon.
Hors Pistes — Un autre mouvement des images
Past: January 27 → February 12, 2012
Since 2006, Hors Pistes has pursued its passion for diversity of forms in contemporary moving images. Screenings, performances, video installations, ephemeral web images: the event offers an international selection of these forms. This seventh edition will showcase innovative visual works investigating the world we live.

Hors Pistes — Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature
Past: January 27 → February 12, 2012
La collection du Musée du Centre Pompidou s’expose au Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature autour de la notion d’enfermement sous le commissariat de Philippe-Alain Michaud, historien d’art, théoricien et co…
Hors Pistes — Grande Galerie de l’Evolution
Past: January 27 → February 12, 2012
Avant-première du film “Bovines” d’Emmanuel Gras et visite performance de Fabien Vallos, écrivain, qui pour Hors Pistes invente un parcours à travers la Ménagerie.
Edvard Munch — L’œil moderne
Past: September 21, 2011 → January 9, 2012
Edvard Munch était pleinement « moderne », c’est la thèse que défend l’exposition que lui consacre le Centre Pompidou, à travers près de cent quarante œuvres, dont une soixantaine de peintures, cinquante photographies en tirages d’époque, une trentaine d’œuvres sur papier et des films.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Cyprien Gaillard — Prix Marcel Duchamp 2010
Past: September 21, 2011 → January 9, 2012
Le Centre Pompidou accueille une exposition monographique de Cyprien Gaillard, dixième lauréat du Prix Marcel Duchamp. l’artiste, comme les lauréats précédents, propose une « installation-exposition » conçue spécifiquement pour l’espace 315. Déplacements temporel et historique du musée du Louvre aux Halles de Paris, ce projet promet dépaysement.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Yayoi Kusama
Past: October 10, 2011 → January 9, 2012
The Centre Pompidou is to stage the first French retrospective devoted to Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama: through a chronological display of some 150 works dating from 1949 to 2011, the exhibition pays tribute to an artist who stands apart, in a class of her own, yet one who has had a considerable influence on contemporary art.

Design, installation, sculpture
Centre Georges Pompidou
Vidéodanse — Une histoire de la danse en 250 films
Past: November 23, 2011 → January 2, 2012
Vidéodanse 2011 propose une histoire de la danse moderne et contemporaine en 250 films, présentant les œuvres de 150 chorégraphes à travers de grandes thématiques et des hommages aux grandes figures.

Béla Tarr, l’Alchimiste
Past: December 3, 2011 → January 2, 2012
Béla Tarr a le privilège, un peu triste, d’être le seul cinéaste hongrois contemporain dont les films franchissent régulièrement les frontières, grâce, sans doute, à leur intense splendeur visuelle. Pour la première fois en France, le Centre Pompidou lui consacre une rétrospective intégrale d’une quinzaine de films.

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid
Past: November 18 → 26, 2011
Les Rencontres Internationales is a unique forum, creating an exchange between the three cities and an exceptional space of discovery and reflection between new cinema and contemporary art. The festival offers more than just a simple presentation of the works. It introduces an intercultural forum gathering various guests from all over the world.

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid — Nouveau récit, nouvelle subjectivité
Past: Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 4 PM
Le Festival international du film court d’Oberhausen, ouvre ses archives uniques en Europe. Séance présenté par Anne-Marie Duguet, Professeur émérite de l’Université Paris I.

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid — Séance de cloture, Finisterrae
Past: Saturday, November 26, 2011 at 8 PM
João Salaviza fait physiquement face au choc thermique d’un geyser jaillissant toutes les 7 minutes d’une faille en Islande. Sergio Caballero filme deux fantômes parlant le russe, et un cheval qui partent du festival Sonar de Barcelone.

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid — Notre Pays n’existe pas
Past: Monday, November 21, 2011 at 8 PM
Libia Castro et Ólafur Ólafsson proposent la vidéo d’une performance effectuée à Venise, où une mezzo soprano sur une gondole annonce en plusieurs langues « ton pays n’existe pas ». Akosua Adoma Owusu filme une piscine désaffectée à Accra au Ghana, Christian Barani marche et filme dans une ville construite par et pour les flux.

Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid — Séance d’ouverture
Past: Friday, November 18, 2011 at 8 PM
Tokyo Graphic Passport
Past: September 23 → October 3, 2011
Les Rendez-vous du Forum proposent un état des lieux de la jeune création graphique japonaise, prenant en compte le champ très large de la pratique graphique, du logotype à l’affiche, en passant par le packaging, l’édition, la communication, jusqu’au design web et le multimédia.

Graphic design
Centre Georges Pompidou
Paris-Delhi-Bombay… — L’Inde vue par des artistes indiens et français
Past: May 25 → September 19, 2011
Le Centre Pompidou présente une grande exposition qui invite à découvrir la société indienne contemporaine à travers les regards croisés d’artistes plasticiens indiens et français. Fondé sur une collaboration inédite entre l’Inde et la France, cet événement a pour ambition de tisser des liens durables entre les deux cultures.

Collage, film, painting...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Acquisitions récentes — D’Antonin Artaud à Tatiana Trouvé
Past: June 29 → September 12, 2011
This exhibition of recent acquisitions by the Museum’s Department of Graphic Art offers an opportunity to discover a number of exceptional works on paper newly added to the collection. Extending from Antonin Artaud to Tatiana Trouvé, the chronological display brings together some hundred works from among the 546 acquired since 2006.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Images sans fin — Brancusi, film et photographie
Past: June 29 → September 12, 2011
À travers un ensemble exceptionnel d’une centaine de photographies et de films inédits, l’exposition montre, pour la première fois, sa production photographique et cinématographique en explorant les divers aspects de cette relation.

Film, photography
Centre Georges Pompidou
François Morellet — Réinstallations
Past: March 2 → July 4, 2011
One of a series of retrospectives the Centre Pompidou is dedicating to major figures in contemporary art, “Réinstallations” proposes a new look at the work of François Morellet, for the first time emphasizing the installation that has been an original and pioneering aspect of it.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Paris-Delhi-Bombay… — Traces du passé
Past: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 8:30 PM
Alors que l’Inde est actuellement décrite sous l’angle de l’essor économique et du boom du secteur de la technologie de l’information, ces trois films abordent les relations fragiles au temps industriel e…
Fenêtre Augmentée — Dans le cadre du festival Futur en Seine
Past: June 17 → 26, 2011
Fenêtre augmentée est un « observatoire sensible ». Plusieurs artistes et auteurs sont invités à proposer une interprétation critique ou une œuvre prenant pour objet le même paysage. Leurs contributions sont géolocalisées et consultables par une fenêtre tactile, orientée sur le paysage dont elle retransmet la vidéo en direct.

Architecture, new media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Les Jeudi’s — Amours et controverses
Past: Thursday, June 23, 2011 7:30 PM → 9 PM
Cette soirée réunit les jeunes artistes de la Fédération française des artistes prestidigitateurs, de l’University of the Arts London, de la Salpaus School et de la Central School of Speech & Drama.
Paris-Delhi-Bombay… — De l’éternité
Past: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at 8:30 PM
L’œuvre de Kabir Mohanty Song for an Ancient Land est un travail en cours dont deux parties sont déjà achevées. La première partie, tournée dans la banlieue de Bombay est une méditation sur le dharma.
Agora — Festival
Past: June 8 → 18, 2011
What is the conjunction between mathematic and artistic intuition, between logic and imagination, vision and exactitude? This question, found throughout the history of thought and creativity, fuels the Agora Festival 2011. The “unreasonable efficiency” of mathematics in the arts seems to mirror the aesthetic illumination of mathematical discovery.

Film, installation, sound - music
Centre Georges Pompidou
Paris-Delhi-Bombay… — Des Ascètes et des Dieux
Past: Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 7 PM
Dans un style baroque, les deux cinéastes analysent l’Inde à travers les filtres des mythes et des traditions. Amit Dutta suit un ascète dans sa déambulation matinale, alors qu’il se raconte à lui-même l’…
Paris-Delhi-Bombay… — Rites au Sikkim
Past: Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 8:30 PM
Cinéaste, écrivain et photographe, Arghya Basu s’intéresse aux tribus semi-nomades qui vivent au Sikkim, un État himalayen situé au nord-est de l’Inde, auxquels il consacre ses documentaires subjectifs. D…
Paris-Delhi-Bombay… — Division territoriale
Past: Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 7 PM
Les films d’Amar Kanwar explorent les aspects politiques, sociaux, économiques et écologiques propres au continent asiatique. L’héritage de la décolonisation et du morcellement de son pays, la dispersion …
Jean-Michel Othoniel — My Way
Past: March 2 → May 23, 2011
The Centre Pompidou offers a retrospective of the artist’s plastic work entitled “My Way”. Composed of an ensemble of 24 hitherto unseen works, the exhibition traces his career from the first, confidential, intimate and poetic works and then leads the visitor to discover his monumental works of spectacular dimensions which dazzle and fire the imagination.

Centre Georges Pompidou
Les Jeudi’s — Echo, costumes / structures
Past: Thursday, May 19, 2011 7:30 PM → 9 PM
Les élèves des secteurs mode et scénographie de l’École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris et de la School of the Art Institute of Chicago, proposent une collaboration sous forme de perform…
L’usine des films amateurs — Studio Gondry
Past: February 16 → March 28, 2011
Michel Gondry installe dans la Galerie Sud, son Usine de films amateurs, un studio de cinéma hollywoodien bricolé et prêt à l’emploi. Chaque jour, le public est invité à écrire un scénario puis à le tourner en un temps record, à la manière des films suédés de son célèbre long métrage Soyez sympas, rembobinez !

Mondrian/De Stijl
Past: December 1, 2010 → March 21, 2011
The exhibition links the career of one of the greatest abstract painters of the 20th century to the story of one of the most fertile art movements of European modernism. A key element of any understanding of the springs of modern art, between the end of the first decade of the century and the close of the Twenties the avant-garde movement De Stijl.

Architecture, design, drawing...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Un Nouveau Festival
Past: February 16 → March 7, 2011
Le principe du Nouveau festival est simple : offrir aux artistes d’aujourd’hui la possibilité de s’approprier la pluridisciplinarité unique du Centre Pompidou pour mettre en lumière les formes d’expositions les plus prospectives et la création émergente qui s’invente en brouillant les territoires des différents champs artistiques.

Eric Duyckaerts — Après Wodehouse
Past: February 16 → March 7, 2011
Le Forum accueille Eric Duyckaerts, rhéteur et acrobate de la conférence-performance. Duyckaerts propose un discours pédagogique pour le moins oblique, fort d’une rhétorique savante et parodique ainsi que des « impromptus » perturbateurs, nourris de projections.

Christoph Keller
Past: February 16 → March 7, 2011
L’artiste Christoph Keller s’aventure dans l’éther et les états altérés de la conscience. Les disciplines s’entrecroisent pour explorer différentes sphères entre art et science. Une sélection de 50 œuvres ouvre à un ensemble de rendez-vous quotidiens où artistes et scientifiques se rencontrent.

La semaine de Stijl
Past: February 9 → 14, 2011
L’Institut Néerlandais organise en collaboration avec le Centre Pompidou et la Bibliothèque publique d’information une série d’événements, intitulée La Semaine De Stijl. Des colloques sur Mondrian et sur le graphisme de De Stijl, un concert par le Mondriaan Kwartet & Guus Janssen et, une lecture scénographiée de lettres Theo van Dœsburg.

Correspondance — Lettres de Piet Mondrian & Theo van Doesburg
Past: Monday, February 14, 2011 at 7 PM
C’est à travers leurs lettres adressées à l’architecte J.J.P. Oud que l’on découvre les idées qui ont uni, puis séparé Piet Mondrian et Theo van Doesburg, deux personnalités clés du mouvement De Stijl. Ces lettres autographes, pour la plupart inédites, sont conservées à la Fondation Custodia à Paris.

Mondrian Kwartet & Guus Janssen
Past: Saturday, February 12, 2011 at 8:30 PM
Le quatuor Mondriaan est spécialisé dans le répertoire du XXe et XXIe siecle. Pour ce concert exceptionnel, l’œuvre du peintre sera mise dans une perspective musicale. La période symbolique/théosophique de Mondrian est représentée par Webern, et la période De Stijl par le compositeur et ami du peintre Van Domselaer.

Graphisme sous influence — L’héritage De Stijl à la Gerrit Rietveld Academie d’Amsterdam
Past: Friday, February 11, 2011 at 7 PM
Le mouvement De Stijl reste une clé de lecture essentielle pour la compréhension de notre époque. Ses fondateurs ont durablement marqué la scène artistique, y compris le graphisme. A l’époque, le graphiste et typographe Piet Zwart rejoindra le mouvement De Stijl et écrira une page essentielle de l’histoire de cette discipline.

Mondrian — Colloque
Past: Wednesday, February 9, 2011 11:30 AM → 6:30 PM
Nouvelles lectures de l’œuvre et de la pensée de Piet Mondrian, l’un des pionniers les plus influents de la peinture abstraite. A l’occasion de l’exposition présentée au Centre Pompidou, des historiens de l’art et chercheurs de renommée internationale reviennent sur divers aspects du travail de l’artiste.

Gabriel Orozco
Past: September 15, 2010 → January 3, 2011
This outstanding exhibition is Gabriel Orozco’s first at the Centre Pompidou, and the first opportunity to see his work in Paris since his exhibition “Clinton is Innocent” at the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris in 1998.
Orozco, who lives in Paris for several months a year, has been closely involved in deve…

Drawing, installation, painting...
Centre Georges Pompidou
ArtistBook International 2010 — Neuvième édition du salon du livre d’artiste
Past: December 17 → 19, 2010
The ninth edition of the ArtistBook International, Europe’s premier salon of artist editions, multiples, ephemera, videos, magazines and artist books, in partnership with the Kandinsky Library of the National Museum of Modern Art.

Mixed media
Centre Georges Pompidou
Stefan Sagmeister — Design & bonheur
Past: Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 7 PM
Stefan Sagmeister est l’un des graphistes les plus originaux de sa génération, questionnant constamment la pratique même du design graphique. Il évoquera ce soir là les différents moyens par lesquels un graphiste peut parvenir au bonheur.

Graphisme en revue — L’atelier ter Bekke & Behage et ses commanditaires
Past: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at 7 PM
Scène ouverte à différents acteurs, cette tribune aborde les enjeux contemporains du graphisme tels que l’enseignement, les relations entre commanditaires et créateurs, les éventuels conflits entre esthétique et lisibilité, la diversité des supports à l’ère du multimédia.

Past: May 5 → August 9, 2010
The exhibition Dreamlands considers for the first time the question of how World’s Fairs, international exhibitions have influenced ideas about the city. Duplicating and reduplicating reality, embracing an aesthetic of accumulation and collage, these self-enclosed parallel worlds have frequently afforded inspiration to the artistic…

Architecture, urban art, drawing...
Centre Georges Pompidou
Prospectif cinéma 2009-2010
Past: September 24, 2009 → March 31, 2010
Le service Création contemporaine et prospective du Musée national d’art moderne, en collaboration avec les Cinémas du Centre Pompidou, dévoile un nouveau cinéma prospectif d’artistes plasticiens de la jeune génération française et étrangère et vous donne rendez-vous tous les derniers jeudis du mois.

Jordan Wolfson
Past: Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 8 PM
Jordan Wolfson est né en 1980 à New York. Ses films et installations combinent les caractéristiques de l’art conceptuel à l’exploration d’expériences personnelles et à un sens poétique, conduisant certains critiques à qualifier son œuvre de « romantico-conceptuelle ».

04 Beaubourg
04 Beaubourg
Hôtel de Ville
Opening hours
Every day except Tuesday, 11 AM – 9 PM
Late night on until 11 PM
Admission fee
Full rate €17.00 — Concessions €14.00
Gratuit pour les moins de 18 ans, billet exonéré pour les moins de 26 ans. Et pour tout le monde, les premiers dimanches du mois.